Boundary representation literature

Hi everybody, I would like to understand more of how OpenCASCADE works. What are your recommendations for books or articles on boundary representation and CAD generally? Thanks, Dirk

Sharjith Naramparambath's picture

You can get lot of information from CAD/CAM related books about B-Rep and CSG, curves and surfaces. Some of the famous books are
1) CAD CAM theory and practice - Ibrahim Zeid
2) CAD CAM - Zimmer, Groover

Search by the authors mentioned.
You may find many others too.

N. Sharjith


Hi everyone,

it will be helpful

Guido van Hilst not specified's picture

Hi Dirk,

If you want learn more about OpenCacade, you can have a look at some examples here: MakeBottle

Hint: ​If you double click on an opencascade class-name in the code panel, occ help is shown.

Click on the right upper-box to see more examples.

Best regards, Guido