CAD Assistant v.1.4 released!

Open Cascade has released the newest version of CAD Assistant - an offline 3D viewer and converter for CAD files and meshes. The software is available on Windows, macOS, Android and iOS.

CAD Assistant v.1.4 contains a number of new features and improvements that have been implemented for making the application more powerful and richer in functionality.

Version 1.4 brings new PBR (physically-based rendering) metallic-roughness rendering mode, including color, emissive, metal-roughness, normal and occlusion texture maps. It allows seeing glTF 2.0 models as they are expected to be seen on the screen. User can switch SkyBox preset within CAD Assistant settings to see a model in various environments.

The newly introduced Material Editor replaces previously available color picking functionality and allows defining properties of Common and PBR Metallic-Roughness material workflows. The bill of materials shows the complete list of visualization materials defined in the document, so that one may adjust properties of existing materials at any time. Now user can assign material to selected objects and see material properties applied interactively in 3D Viewer.

CAD Assistant import capabilities are enriched by Parasolid file format (XT files) import provided thanks to the use of one of Open CASCADE Technology Added-Value Components. The application also presents the possibility of displaying metadata information from JT files in assembly properties window.

CAD Assistant 1.4 demonstrates improved performance of OBJ and STL readers and better compatibility with SpaceMouse input controllers (on Windows platform).

Download and install CAD Assistant on your mobile device from Google Play (Android) or App Store (iOS). For desktop computers please download the corresponding installers for Windows and macOS.

Find more information about CAD Assistant application on its product page.

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