Open Cascade released the newest version of CAD Builder - a parametric CAD modeler. The solution allows creating 3D models, modifying them and reusing in other applications. It is designed both for professionals and users with no or little CAD experience.
CAD Builder 1.1.0. is transferred to the latest version of Open CASCADE Technology - 7.4.0. New features and improvements were implemented for making the solution more performant and stable in terms of algorithms:
Newly-introduced features:
- Chamfer feature
- Export of model parts to a file and import parts
- Copy feature for results duplication
- 3D model defeaturing
- Importing operations results from other parts
Existing features improvements:
- Implemented "Through all" mode for ExtrusionFuse, ExtrusionCut, RevolutionFuse, RevolutionCut
- Building vertices, edges, wires, faces, shells for the whole sketch selected
- Keeping compounds structure in result of operation
Improvements for Sketch:
- Moving Angle dimension to any quarter
- Support of B-spline curves
GUI improvements:
- Ability to change the mouse cursor in sketch
- Sketch panel improvements in case of over-constraint
- Tooltips on sketch start were added
- Keyboard shortcut to add parameter in parameters manager panel
- Inspection panel to show parameters of a feature in read-only mode
- New mode for sketch entities drawing (by left-pressed and moved mouse)
- Ability to show/hide isolines in the viewer
Other minor improvements:
- Fuse and Union features merge
- Adding a button for continuing Point creation without closing the property panel
- Ability to set zero value for Distance constraint
Find more information about CAD Builder on its product page.
Download the installation Wizard for CAD Builder 1.1.0. standalone Windows application.