CEA, ANDRA & EDF - Alliances

Modeling, Meshing, Solver Integration, Coupling, Visualization

A working environment for the simulation and analysis of phenomena to be taken into account for waste storage and disposal studies.



  •  The goal of the ALLIANCES project, developed in collaboration between CEA (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique) ANDRA (Agence Nationale pour la Gestion des Déchets Radioactifs) and EDF (Electricité de France), is to provide a working environment for the simulation and analysis of phenomena to be taken into account for waste storage and disposal studies.
  •  ALLIANCES is a software platform allowing:
    •  Simulation of the characteristics phenomena of all disposal and storage situations. These characteristics are used to select numerical components (such as CAST3M and Porflow for flow and transport or Chess and Phreeqc for chemistry) and methods implemented in the platform.
    •  Choice and coupling of different numerical components,
    •  Simulation of multi-physical and multi-scale phenomena,
    •  Uncertainties analysis related to data and models,
    •  Studies management and traceability.


  •  ALLIANCES is based on the Salome platform for the overall graphical user interface (GUI), geometric modelling (CAD), mesh generation, and post-treatment visualization.
  •  Nuclear Energy Division of the French Atomic Energy Commission (CEA/DEN) requested OPEN CASCADE to realize:
    •  optimization and industrialization of some SALOME modules
    •  integration of "ALLIANCES" modelling and simulation platform within SALOME.
    •  GUI development of Hydraulic and Chemical-Transport modules


  •  ALLIANCES provides overall graphical user interface (GUI), geometric modeling (CAD), mesh generation, and post-treatment visualization.
  •  The ALLIANCES software platform allows:
    •  Simulation of the characteristics phenomena of all disposal and storage situations. These characteristics are used to select numerical components (such as CAST3M and Porflow for flow and transport or Chess and Phreeqc for chemistry) and methods implemented in the platform.
    •  Choice and coupling of different numerical components
    •  Simulation of multi-physical and multi-scale phenomena
    •  Uncertainties analysis related to data and models
    •  Studies management and traceability

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