Cetim - OME

Stamping Process, Database, On-line Software Solutions
OME, a knowledge-based system that offers a shared database and on-line software solutions for the stamping industry.
- Develop OME, a knowledge-based system that offers a shared database and on-line software solutions for the stamping industry.
- Develop data management tools and specific programs and integrate external knowledge-management modules, within the OME software workshop.
- EADS Matra Datavision and OPEN CASCADE teams developed the platform using the Java language for optimum web portability, and XML sheets. It also integrates a 3D CAD visualizer based on Open CASCADE Technology modeling components.
- Access to trade-specific expertise on the stamping process and tools through on-line connection via the Internet or intranet
- Establish the most cost-effective estimates for tool design and stamping production
- Easy system evolution and efficient access to distributed data thanks to the chosen technologies and a multi-tiered architecture with a thin-client interface