
Fiber-Reinforced Composites, Modeling, Material & Robot Optimization, Visualization
Cevotec offers smart production technology for complex carbon composites based on Fiber Patch Placement technology.
- Development of ARTIST STUDIO, a CAD-CAM software for automated production of complex carbon composites, including a laminate generation module and an offline robot programming module.
- Incorporation of Open CASCADE Technology, especially in the laminate generation module PATCH ARTIST
- Integration of the Open CASCADE CAM-library component to build geodesic curves on the surface of an imported CAD shape
- Various geometrical operations (surface connectivity, curve extension and curve cutting, curve intersections) to generate a patch-based laminate
- Development of a multi-threaded solution to speed up the patch overlap optimization (module PATCH ARTIST) and the robot movement optimization (module MOTION ARTIST)
- Reduction of development and investment costs thanks to the open source of Open CASCADE Technology
- Speeding up the initial phase of Cevotec’s development work thanks to Open CASCADE training
- Acceleration of virtual product and process development