Tue, 07/18/2000 - 12:02
I work with Linux. I have an compound and i extract the faces. I know the type of faces : BSpline .I want to know the NbUPoles, the NbVPoles,... I do: TopExp_Explorer ex; ex.Init(resultat,TopAbs_FACE);
while (ex.More()){ TopoDS_Face f=TopoDS::Face(ex.Current());
Handle (Geom_Surface) S= BRep_Tool::Surface(f);
//declaration d'une variable b qui est de type surface BSpline
const Handle (Standard_Type )& b=STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_BSplineSurface);
//on verifie que la face extraite est une surface BSpline
if (S->IsKind(b)) {
Handle (Geom_BSplineSurface) b1=S; cout NbUPoles() NbVPoles()
but the type of b1 and S it is not the same . What can i do?
Tue, 07/18/2000 - 14:53
Hello Beatrice, you can do this:
Handle(Geom_BSplineSurface) b1=Handle(Geom_BSplineSurface)::DownCast(S);