Creating BRep Curve from TopoDS Edge fails


I need the x,y,z coordinates of edges of a Compound. I use TopExp_Explorer to iterate thru all edges and than use BRep_Tool::Curve on each edge to extract curve points. Now I have a STEP file which contains two short edges. If I use the BRep_Tool::Curve on these edges the parameters first and last are set to -2.0e+100 and 2.0e+100 and I cannot get these curve coordinates. IsCurve3D() applied on the edge returns true. Do I have any other possibility to get these curve coordinates?

Pawel's picture

Hi Andreas,

can you attach the file?


hirti4's picture

Hi Pawel,
i attached the file. The Problem appears in the inner circle of the Zero

Pawel's picture

there are three lines in the file that seem to be infinite...

hirti4's picture

Yeah, but if I open the file e.g. in Rhinoceros it is displayed correctly.

Pawel's picture

OK, I understand.

In that case it looks as an OCCT problem. Maybe try reporting the problem using Mantis.

Just to try to verify the file I used PS Exchange from Delcam to import the file. As you can see (consult the attached image), the STEP file seems to have some problems (3 curves not OK, 2 curves visually missing) - maybe you should try ShapeFix after the import.
