Exception Errors in MFC Examples

In the MFC example "Viewer3d" an exception is thrown when calling the line:

myGraphicDevice = new Graphic3d_WNTGraphicDevice();

The code traps the execption and gives the a warning message upon execution. "Fatal Error During Graphic Initialisation"

I get the above message on all of the MFC examples that implement the class Graphic3d_WNTGraphicDevice with a similar call.

I have tried stepping through the code, the memory allocation seems to proceed correctly but the execption is thrown in the constructor for the class.

I can not debug this portion of the code (despite having the debug versions of the dlls, I get a message telling me that there is no debugging information available).

Can anybody suggest a solution? Or has anybody got Visual Studio Workspace and Project files for the libraries, so that I can compile them myself? (This would be a good download for those working on Microsoft platforms, as constuction of these can take a considerable time).

System Information: WindowsNT(Service Pack 4) Visual Studio(Service Pack 3) Cascase 3.0

Thanks in advance Matt Powley

Philippe Centa's picture

> In the MFC example "Viewer3d" an
> exception is thrown when calling the line:

> myGraphicDevice = new
> Graphic3d_WNTGraphicDevice();

> The code traps the execption and gives the a
> warning message upon execution. "Fatal
> Error During Graphic Initialisation"

Probably you missed the well known :

set CSF_GRAPHICSHR=c:\xx\windows_nt\opengl.dll

I think Regis should put a FAQ about it !

> I can not debug this portion of the code
> (despite having the debug versions of the
> dlls, I get a message telling me that there
> is no debugging information available).

This dynamic loading of a library addressed through a variable does not make any sense.

Hope it helps

Regis Le Boite's picture

Hello Phil.

> set CSF_GRAPHICSHR=c:\xx\windows_nt\opengl.dll

> I think Regis should put a FAQ about it !

But THERE IS ALREADY a FAQ about it at:


Hope it helps.


Philippe Centa's picture

Hello Reg,

I know but who would go and find it there ? This is not only a 95/98 problem. The FAQ should be 'how do I'-like because everybody falls in this trap as well as DRAWHOME and DDEFAULT.

Sorry to clutter the forum but I think you should add a FAQ. Regards.

Regis Le Boite's picture


You will find a new FAQ about all the variables at:


Stay Tuned !

Regis Le Boite