Help with Tk / Draw on Linux

The mbar in Draw does not work on my system : the widgets are never redrawn if I resize the window and the menus don't work.

In Draw, if I try :
> toplevel .w
> button .w.b -text "QUIT" -command "exit"
> pack .w.b

The widget '.w.b' is packed, but noting happends when I click on it.

There is no pb. with Tk on my Linux system .

Does anyone have the same pb ??? Regards


Daniel SIDOBRE's picture

> The mbar in Draw does not work on my system
> : the widgets are never redrawn if I resize
> the window and the menus don't work.

This message haven't got a response yet !

I have this problem too on linux and sun systems: scripts works fine but interactive widgets don't works.

Have you any ideas ?
