How to display in V2d ?


I am able to display Obj. in 3d Viewer .

Like this ..................................................Display of Box ................................... Handle (AIS_InteractiveContext) aContext = new AIS_InteractiveContext(MyViewer);

where MyViewer is V3d_Viewer.

Handle(AIS_Shape) aBox1 = new AIS_Shape(B1); aContext->Display(aBox1); .........................................................................................................................

Similarly if I want to display a 2D Point in V2d_Viewer , how should I call display ?

Any help is welcom

Thanking you.

Francois Lauzon's picture

> Similarly if I want to display a 2D Point in
> V2d_Viewer , how should I call display ?

What we did here is that we develop a class call ASI2d_InteractiveContext, which is the equivalent to AIS_InteractiveContext but for 2d display. We develop also a class name AIS2d_InteractiveObject which work with the context, like in 3d. You could have a good idea of that by looking at the SampleGeometry sample that come with Open Cascade. Look at the ISession2D, there is ISession2D_Curve, ISession2D_InteractiveContext,...

Good Luck, Francois.