Inconsistent error output from DRAWEXE

My test script:

$ cat test

vertex  A 0 0 0
vertex  B 0 0 25
vertex  C 0 0 0
vertex  D 0 0 5

edge e1 A B
edge e2 C D

wire w1 e1 e2

revol s1 w1 -5 5 0 0 0 1 360

vdisplay s1 


When I run it from interactive session with "source test" it works fine. When I fur it from command line with -f option weird thing happen:

$ DRAWEXE -f test
corrupted size vs. prev_size in fastbins
Przerwane (zrzut pamięci)
$ DRAWEXE -f test
corrupted size vs. prev_size in fastbins
Przerwane (zrzut pamięci)
$ DRAWEXE -f test
corrupted size vs. prev_size in fastbins
Przerwane (zrzut pamięci)
$ DRAWEXE -f test
*** Abort *** an exception was raised, but no catch was found.
	... The exception is:SIGSEGV 'segmentation violation' detected. Address 269
malloc(): unsorted double linked list corrupted
Przerwane (zrzut pamięci)
$ DRAWEXE -f test
*** Abort *** an exception was raised, but no catch was found.
	... The exception is:SIGSEGV 'segmentation violation' detected. Address 1d9
$ DRAWEXE -f test
*** Abort *** an exception was raised, but no catch was found.
	... The exception is:SIGSEGV 'segmentation violation' detected. Address 89
$ DRAWEXE -f test
corrupted size vs. prev_size in fastbins
Przerwane (zrzut pamięci)

Przerwane (zrzut pamięci) means -> Aborted (memory dump). I run the same test script 7 times in row and I got 4 different outputs?? My system info:

$ which DRAWEXE
$ rpm -qf /usr/bin/DRAWEXE 
$ uname -a
Linux localhost.localdomain 5.6.7-300.fc32.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu Apr 23 14:13:50 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
$ free -h
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:          7,7Gi       3,3Gi       1,9Gi       368Mi       2,4Gi       3,6Gi
Swap:         7,7Gi       1,5Gi       6,2Gi

It's fedora 32, updated. I'm OK with running gdb/local compilation/detailed debugging if it's any help. Please let me know if you need more info. Possibliy this problem is linked with FreeCAD self-test error [1]


Kirill Gavrilov's picture

Have you tried commenting vdisplay in the script to see if it makes any change?