KRS - SeaTrust-Holdan
KRS (Korean Register of Shipping)
Modeling, Meshing, Visualization
Integrating Open CASCADE simulation technology opens a new level of reliability in the field of ship design and classification.
- Create an application which could be used easily and conveniently to verify the compliance of ship design to KR’s "Rules for Classification of Steel Ships" and "Guidelines Relating to Rules for Classification of Steel Ships".
- Development of SeaTrust-Holdan, specialized software to run various calculations and checks on ships represented with finite element models. The software has been developed with the help of Open CASCADE Technology and its Mesh Framework (OMF)*.
- Subscription to support services to reduce development cycle and to ensure a most efficient implementation.
- SeaTrust-Holdan consists of an automatic modeler, finite element solver, and post-processor. It can be interfaced with MSC/NASTRAN software.
- Substantial costs saving thanks to the open source approach of Open CASCADE Technology.
- Fast integration of KR’s know-how thanks to reliable support services provided by OPEN CASCADE Company.
- Customization of the original OMF to KR’s particular needs due to its source code availability.
- Reduction of user efforts and working time and standardization for hold analysis thanks to a powerful and user-friendly application interface.
- Automatic and manual mesh generation.
- Creation of standard boundary conditions and loads based on KR guidelines.
(*) This application was significantly extended and enhanced with Open CASCADE Mesh Framework (OMF) - an advanced software component available from OPEN CASCADE.