Mahr - MarCad 3D

Mahr Multisensor
Measurement, Data Exchange, Visualization
Mahr Multisensor uses Open CASCADE Technology to develop its Vision 3D software for high-precision multisensor 3D coordinate measurement systems.
- Create an ActiveX component for Vision 3D application providing a 3D framework for high-precision measurement machines that would allow CAD-assisted automatic programming and combine powerful features with an intuitive and user friendly interface.
- Development of a CAD ActiveX component for MarCad 3D application using key Open CASCADE Technology components: visualization, data exchange* and OCAF;
- Using OPEN CASCADE Support via A-la carte programs for several years, reinforcing the in house development with remote assistance and on-site consulting provided by native OPEN CASCADE experts;
- Instant resolution of blocking problems allowed the customer to keep to the planned schedule and make product deliveries in time.
- Reduction of costs thanks to OPEN CASACDE Public License and open source;
- Implementation of a highly customized data structure and visualization thanks to power and flexibility of Open CASCADE Technology libraries;
- Substantially higher productivity due to effective technical support and advice by OPEN CASCADE;
- Cut down development cycle time thanks to OPEN CASCADE support and expertise.
(*) Standard data exchange functionality was extended with Canonical Recognition and DXF Import / Export - advanced components additionally available from OPEN CASCADE.