Missing libraries with JTAssistant

I installed JTassistant from the 32-bit tgz archive here:


Running the enclosed JTAssistant.sh script results in the following error:

error while loading shared libraries: libTKBRep.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Kirill Gavrilov's picture

Sorry for inconvenience - JT Assistant build for Linux has accidental links to unused libraries
(due to different behavior of Windows and Linux linkers, this issue does not affect Windows builds).

To workaround issue you can just create dummy files for missing libraries - e.g. by making symlinks pointing to libTKernel.so.0:

ln -s libTKernel.so.0 libTKBRep.so.0
ln -s libTKernel.so.0 libTKG2d.so.0
ln -s libTKernel.so.0 libTKG3d.so.0
ln -s libTKernel.so.0 libTKGeomBase.so.0

If you are using newer Linux distributive, you might also need removing libz.so.1 file from JT Assistant distribution
(so that it will be used from system without conflicts with libpng library also installed in system).

Note that JT Assistant builds which currently available on download section are relatively outdated.
If you are looking for support of JT files within up-to-date state of TKJT library, it is better contacting Open CASCADE support services.

b m's picture

The Linux master got it working for 64bit thanks Cyril

see video and pdf attached