Mitutoyo U.K - Cadpak Win

Mitutoyo U.K
Data Exchange, Shape Healing, Optimisation

Update a specialized software for the off-line programming of mechanical part inspection.



  •  Update a specialized software for the off-line programming of mechanical part inspection with improved measuring quality.


  •  Development of the new version of Cadpak Win using Open CASCADE Technology components for advanced data exchange and filtering of imported geometric entities for technical assistance and training.


  •  Import and correction of part model data in IGES, VDA, DXF and CATIA formats
  •  Better geometrical accuracy
  •  Optimal positioning of the probe head
  •  Automatic adaptation to the default parameters of the program
  •  Increased automation and acceleration of the inspection process
  •  Easy-to-use interface based on that of Geopak Win software for in-line programming

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