Open CASCADE Technology 7.4.0 is available for download!

Open Cascade is pleased to announce a new public release of Open CASCADE Technology (version 7.4.0).
Open CASCADE Technology version 7.4.0 is a minor release which includes more than 500 improvements and corrections over the previous minor release 7.3.0.
New in this version:
- Improved robustness, performance and accuracy of BRepMesh algorithm
- Options to control linear and angular deflection for interior part of the faces in BRepMesh
- Improved robustness and stability of Boolean Operations and Extrema
- Enabled Boolean Operations on open solids
- Option to suppress history generation to speed up Boolean Operations
- Option to simplify the result of Boolean Operation
- Possibility to calculate surface and volume properties of shapes with triangulation-only geometry
- A new interface for fetching finite part of infinite box in BRepBndLib
- New “constant throat” modes of chamfer creation
- Removal of API for old Boolean Operations
- Improved support of embedded Linux platforms
- Selection performance improvement
- Support of clipping planes combinations (clip by box, ¾, etc.)
- New class AIS_ViewController converting user input (mouse, touchscreen) to camera manipulations
- Improved font management
- Improved tools for visualization performance analysis
- Option to display the outline of shaded objects
- Option to exclude seam edges from Wireframe display
- Option to display shrunk mesh presentation
- Possibility to show shapes with dynamic textures (video)
- Support of encoded bitmap image reading from memory buffer
- Removal of the deprecated Local Context functionality from AIS
- Removed dependency from gl2ps (relying on deprecated OpenGL functionality)
Data Exchange
- New tools to import mesh data from glTF 2.0 and OBJ formats
- Support of some non-ASCII encodings in STEP import
- Support of XDE data (assembly structure, colors, names) in export to VRML
Draw Test Harness
- Improved 3D Viewer camera manipulations
- Fixed issues with starting Draw Harness from batch scripts
- Improved support of running Draw Harness in environment without CASROOT
- Improved performance of built-in parallelization routines (OSD_Parallel)
- Tools for convenient and efficient traverse of BVH structures
- Optimization of TPrsStd_AISPresentation attribute
- Sample of 3D Viewer integration in glfw application
Detailed information about this release is available in Release Notes (PDF).
To download Open CASCADE Technology, please, visit our Download Center.
Please, contact us for any additional information.