surface Skinning/lofting


Is it possible to construct a surface that passes through a series of cross-sectional curves arranged in space, like skinning/lofting ?


- Prasad

Igor Feoktistov's picture


look at package GeomFill, classes AppSurf, AppSweep, Pipe ...

n-southall's picture

Hi Igor,

Do you have any examples for use of AppSurf? I can't find anything in the documentation...



Igor Feoktistov's picture


there is Draw command "appsurf", source of this command is in GeometryTest_SurfaceCommands.cxx, function appsurf(...).


G. Prasad's picture


Thanks , but there is no documentation/examples in Test Harness User's guide for other commands like "sweep", "tuyau", "partuyau". Also I did not find any class "AppSweep", also "AppSurf" class is part of "AppBlend" package.

Thanks for the timely response.


- Prasad

Igor Feoktistov's picture


unfortunately Draw has a lot of function without documentation as well as CASCADE contains a lot of undocumented classes. In this point I am in the same position as you: I must study cdl and source code to understand what undocumented class does.

Classes GeomFill_AppSurf and GeomFill_AppSweep are generated from one generic class AppBlend_AppSurf for different section generators, so they have not got cxx and cdl files.


n-southall's picture

Hi Igor,

I have implemented AppSurf having looked at the Draw example, but I have a big problem. The curves making up my lofted surface are made using GeomAPI_PointsToBSpline, and the number of points used for each curve is not necessarily the same. When I try using AppSurf through these curves, the resulting surface is extremely unstable, whereas it is fine when I use curves made from a consistent number of points. Do you have any ideas?



G. Prasad's picture


Thanks for the info. I tried various options in Test Harness. 'appsurf' requires minimum of 3 curves, can I generate a b-spline surface from 2 curves i.e one curve to another curve respecting its end conditions.

I do not want to use Surface function of GeomFill which generates a ruled surface. Will GeomPlate classes help in this regard ?

Also 'appsurf' does not generate when the curves selected are closed i.e. it failed when I used three full circles at different depths ? Is it a restriction ?

thanks in advance.
