WheWhere can I get the GLSL Shader program?

I found the image for ambient occlusion of announce of new release at 6.7.1.
It is very beautiful and exciting for me.


I tried use the GLSL Shader program for AO with 6.7.1. But it is difficult for me.
Can I get the sample GLSL shader and OCCT code?

My OCCT code;

Handle(Graphic3d_ShaderObject) hvs = Graphic3d_ShaderObject::CreateFromFile(Graphic3d_TOS_VERTEX, vs_path);
Handle(Graphic3d_ShaderObject) hfs = Graphic3d_ShaderObject::CreateFromFile(Graphic3d_TOS_FRAGMENT, fs_path);
// I have no idea for variables of GLSL....
// (I saw Declarations.glsl already)
// NCollection_Vec4 a;
// a.x() = 0.0f;
// a.y() = 0.0f;
// a.z() = 1.0f;
// a.w() = 1.0f;
// sp->PushVariable>("test", a);
// hashape is Handle(AIS_Shape)
myContext()->SetDisplayMode(hashape, 1, Standard_False);
myContext()->Display(hashape, (Standard_Boolean)1);

Vertex shader;

varying vec2 uv;
void main(void)
gl_Position = ftransform();
gl_Position = sign(gl_Position);
uv = (vec2(gl_Position.x, - gl_Position.y) + vec2(1.0)) * 0.5;

Fragment shader;

uniform sampler2D rnm;
uniform sampler2D normalMap;
varying vec2 uv;
const float totStrength = 1.38;
const float strength = 0.07;
const float offset = 18.0;
const float falloff = 0.000002;
const float rad = 0.006;
#define SAMPLES 10 // 10 is good
const float invSamples = -1.38 / 10.0;
void main(void)
rnm = occActiveSampler;
normalMap = occActiveSampler;
// these are the random vectors inside a unit sphere
vec3 pSphere[10] = vec3[](
vec3(-0.010735935, 0.01647018, 0.0062425877),
vec3(-0.06533369, 0.3647007, -0.13746321),
vec3(-0.6539235, -0.016726388, -0.53000957),
vec3( 0.40958285, 0.0052428036, -0.5591124),
vec3(-0.1465366, 0.09899267, 0.15571679),
vec3(-0.44122112, -0.5458797, 0.04912532),
vec3( 0.03755566, -0.10961345, -0.33040273),
vec3( 0.019100213, 0.29652783, 0.066237666),
vec3( 0.8765323, 0.011236004, 0.28265962),
vec3( 0.29264435, -0.40794238, 0.15964167));
// grab a normal for reflecting the sample rays later on
vec3 fres = normalize((texture2D(rnm, uv * offset).xyz * 2.0) - vec3(1.0));
vec4 currentPixelSample = texture2D(normalMap, uv);
float currentPixelDepth = currentPixelSample.a;
// current fragment coords in screen space
vec3 ep = vec3(uv.xy, currentPixelDepth);
// get the normal of current fragment
vec3 norm = currentPixelSample.xyz;
float bl = 0.0;
// adjust for the depth ( not shure if this is good..)
float radD = rad / currentPixelDepth;
//vec3 ray, se, occNorm;
float occluderDepth, depthDifference;
vec4 occluderFragment;
vec3 ray;
for(int i=0; i {
// get a vector (randomized inside of a sphere with radius 1.0) from a texture and reflect it
ray = radD * reflect(pSphere[i], fres);
// get the depth of the occluder fragment
occluderFragment = texture2D(normalMap, ep.xy + sign(dot(ray, norm)) * ray.xy);
// if depthDifference is negative = occluder is behind current fragment
depthDifference = currentPixelDepth - occluderFragment.a;
// calculate the difference between the normals as a weight
// the falloff equation, starts at falloff and is kind of 1/x^2 falling
bl += step(falloff, depthDifference) * (1.0 - dot(occluderFragment.xyz, norm)) * (1.0 - smoothstep(falloff, strength, depthDifference));
// output the result
gl_FragColor.r = 1.0 + bl * invSamples;


Forum supervisor's picture

Dear TK,

Below you can find the key points concerning your question:

1)Ambient Occlusion screenshot has been taken from Ray-Tracing renderer in OCCT, not main rendering path.
2)Ambient Occlusion for Ray-Tracing is not yet integrated in OCCT - the screenshot has been taken from prototype.
3)This feature can be implemented for main rendering path as well,
but it is much more complex then just customized GLSL program for single object.
Our visualization expert doesn't think it can be done without extension of TKOpenGl or without customization of OpenGl_Element.
4)The sample of custom GLSL program is provided within OCCT in files "src/Shaders/PhongShading.vs" (Vertex Shader) and "src/Shaders/PhongShading.fs" (Fragment Shader).

Best regards

tkocc's picture

Dear FSR,

Thanks for your useful information.
I tried the ray tracing rendering at release of OCCT 6.7.
But it is heavy function for my environment on a cheap board.
I will read phong shader files and learn more about GLSL.