Yazaki - CAE Wire Harness

Modeling, Visualization

CAE wire harness application speeds the production of 2D cabling schemes.



  •  Develop an application which takes into account complex innovations made necessary by the dramatical increase in wires per vehicles, and facilitate their incorporation into harness design.


  •  Based on OCAF, the application allows generating cables and verifying their length and the information necessary for wire harness production. The model drawing is reproduced interactively on screen. Once the harness design is verified, a full-size drawing is printed and sent to the factory for production.


  •  As the application brings together different development environments, the open source philosophy of Open CASCADE Technology allows to choose the most appropriate and cost-effective development tools
  •  By automating the wire harness design and production cycle, the application provides rapid access to information while improving quality and reducing costs
  •  High portability, no license fee: The CAE Wire Harness application is installed on 550 seats at Yazaki’s factories around the world.

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