Open CASCADE Technology  6.9.0
Data Structures
AIS_Axis.hxx File Reference
#include <Standard.hxx>
#include <Standard_DefineHandle.hxx>
#include <Handle_AIS_Axis.hxx>
#include <Handle_Geom_Line.hxx>
#include <Handle_Geom_Axis2Placement.hxx>
#include <gp_Pnt.hxx>
#include <AIS_TypeOfAxis.hxx>
#include <Standard_Boolean.hxx>
#include <gp_Dir.hxx>
#include <Standard_Real.hxx>
#include <Standard_CString.hxx>
#include <Handle_Prs3d_LineAspect.hxx>
#include <AIS_InteractiveObject.hxx>
#include <Handle_Geom_Axis1Placement.hxx>
#include <Standard_Integer.hxx>
#include <PrsMgr_PresentationManager3d.hxx>
#include <Handle_Prs3d_Presentation.hxx>
#include <Handle_Prs3d_Projector.hxx>
#include <Handle_Geom_Transformation.hxx>
#include <SelectMgr_Selection.hxx>
#include <AIS_KindOfInteractive.hxx>
#include <Quantity_NameOfColor.hxx>
#include <AIS_Axis.lxx>

Data Structures

class  AIS_Axis
 Locates the x, y and z axes in an Interactive Object. These are used to orient it correctly in presentations from different viewpoints, or to construct a revolved shape, for example, from one of the axes. Conversely, an axis can be created to build a revolved shape and then situated relative to one of the axes of the view. More...