Open CASCADE Technology  6.9.0
Data Structures
TPrsStd_Driver.hxx File Reference
#include <Standard.hxx>
#include <Standard_DefineHandle.hxx>
#include <Handle_TPrsStd_Driver.hxx>
#include <MMgt_TShared.hxx>
#include <Standard_Boolean.hxx>
#include <Handle_AIS_InteractiveObject.hxx>

Data Structures

class  TPrsStd_Driver

Driver for AIS

An abstract class, which - in classes inheriting from it - allows you to update an AIS_InteractiveObject or create one if one does not already exist. For both creation and update, the interactive object is filled with information contained in attributes. These attributes are those found on the label given as an argument in the method Update. true is returned if the interactive object was modified by the update. This class provide an algorithm to Build with its default values (if Null) or Update (if !Null) an AIS_InteractiveObject . Resources are found in attributes associated to a given label. More...