Open CASCADE Technology  7.1.0
Building 3rd-party libraries on MacOS X


This document presents additional guidelines for building third-party products used by Open CASCADE Technology and samples on Mac OS X platform (10.6.4 and later).

The links for downloading the third-party products are available on the web site of OPEN CASCADE SAS at

There are two types of third-party products, which are necessary to build OCCT:

  • Mandatory products:
    • Tcl/Tk 8.5 - 8.6;
    • FreeType 2.4.10 - 2.5.3.
  • Optional products:
    • TBB 3.x - 4.x;
    • gl2ps 1.3.5 - 1.3.8;
    • FreeImage 3.14.1 - 3.16.0

Building Mandatory Third-party Products

Tcl/Tk 8.5

Tcl/Tk is required for DRAW test harness. Version 8.5 or 8.6 can be used with OCCT.

Installation from sources: Tcl 8.5

Download the necessary archive from and unpack it.

  1. Enter the macosx sub-directory of the directory where the Tcl source files are located (TCL_SRC_DIR).
    cd TCL_SRC_DIR/macosx   
  2. Run the configure command

    configure --enable-gcc  --enable-shared --enable-threads --prefix=TCL_INSTALL_DIR   

    For a 64 bit platform also add –enable-64bit option to the command line.

  3. If the configure command has finished successfully, start the building process
  4. If building is finished successfully, start the installation of Tcl. All binary and service files of the product will be copied to the directory defined by TCL_INSTALL_DIR.
    make install   

Installation from sources: Tk 8.5

Download the necessary archive from and unpack it.

  1. Enter the macosx sub-directory of the directory where the source files of Tk are located (TK_SRC_DIR).
    cd TK_SRC_DIR/macosx   
  2. Run the configure command, where TCL_LIB_DIR is TCL_INSTALL_DIR/lib

    configure --enable-gcc --enable-shared --enable-threads --with-tcl=TCL_LIB_DIR --prefix=TK_INSTALL_DIR   

    For a 64 bit platform also add –enable-64bit option to the command line.

  3. If the configure command has finished successfully, start the building process:
  4. If the building has finished successfully, start the installation of Tk. All binary and service files of the product will be copied to the directory defined by TK_INSTALL_DIR (usually it is TCL_INSTALL_DIR)
    make install   

FreeType 2.4.10

FreeType is required for text display in the 3D viewer.

Download the necessary archive from and unpack it.

  1. Enter the directory where the source files of FreeType are located (FREETYPE_SRC_DIR).
  2. Run the configure command

    configure  --prefix=FREETYPE_INSTALL_DIR   

    For a 64 bit platform also add CFLAGS='-m64 -fPIC' CPPFLAGS='-m64 -fPIC' option to the command line.

  3. If the configure command has finished successfully, start the building process
  4. If building has finished successfully, start the installation of FreeType. All binary and service files of the product will be copied to the directory defined by FREETYPE_INSTALL_DIR.
    make install   

Building Optional Third-party Products

TBB 3.x or 4.x

This third-party product is installed with binaries from the archive that can be downloaded from Go to the Download page, find the release version you need (e.g. tbb30_018oss) and pick the archive for Mac OS X platform. To install, unpack the downloaded archive of TBB 3.0 product (tbb30_018oss_osx.tgz).

gl2ps 1.3.5

Download the necessary archive from and unpack it.

  1. Install or build cmake product from the source file.
  2. Start cmake in GUI mode with the directory, where the source files of fl2ps are located:

    ccmake GL2PS_SRC_DIR   
    • Press [c] to make the initial configuration;
    • Define the necessary options in CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX;
    • Press [c] to make the final configuration;
    • Press [g] to generate Makefile and exit.

    or just run the following command:

  3. Start the building of gl2ps
  4. Start the installation of gl2ps. Binaries will be installed according to the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX option
    make install   

FreeImage 3.14.1 or 3.15.x

Download the necessary archive from and unpack it. The directory with unpacked sources is further referred to as FREEIMAGE_SRC_DIR.

Note that for building FreeImage on Mac OS X 10.7 you should replace Makefile.osx in FREEIMAGE_SRC_DIR by the corrected file, which you can find in attachment to issue #22811 in OCCT Mantis bug tracker (

  1. If you build FreeImage 3.15.x you can skip this step. Modify FREEIMAGE_SRC_DIR/Source/OpenEXR/Imath/ImathMatrix.h:

    In line 60 insert the following:

    #include string.h 

    Modify FREEIMAGE_SRC_DIR/Source/FreeImage/PluginTARGA.cpp:

    In line 320 replace:



  2. Enter the directory where the source files of FreeImage are located (FREEIMAGE_SRC_DIR).
  3. Run the building process
  4. Run the installation process
    1. If you have the permission to write into /usr/local/include and /usr/local/lib directories, run the following command:
      make install   
    2. If you do not have this permission, you need to modify file FREEIMAGE_SRC_DIR/Makefile.osx:

      Change line 49 from:   

      PREFIX ?= /usr/local


      PREFIX  ?= $(PREFIX) 

        Change lines 65-69 from:

        install -d -m 755 -o  root -g wheel $(INCDIR) $(INSTALLDIR) 
        install  -m 644 -o root -g wheel $(HEADER) $(INCDIR) 
        install  -m 644 -o root -g wheel $(SHAREDLIB) $(STATICLIB) $(INSTALLDIR) 
        ranlib  -sf $(INSTALLDIR)/$(STATICLIB) 
        ln  -sf $(SHAREDLIB) $(INSTALLDIR)/$(LIBNAME) 


      install  -d $(INCDIR) $(INSTALLDIR) 
      install  -m 755 $(HEADER) $(INCDIR) 
      install  -m 755 $(STATICLIB) $(INSTALLDIR) 
      install  -m 755 $(SHAREDLIB) $(INSTALLDIR) 

      Then run the installation process by the following command:

  5. Clean temporary files
    make clean