Open CASCADE Technology 7.2.0 is available for download!

Open CASCADE Technology 7.2.0 is available for download!
August 31, 2017
OPEN CASCADE is pleased to announce a new public release of Open CASCADE Technology (version 7.2.0).
Open CASCADE Technology and Products version 7.2.0 is a minor release, which includes more than 500 new features, improvements and bug fixes over minor release 7.1.0.
New in this version:
- Support of Visual Studio 2017
- CMake option to accelerate build by use of precompiled headers
Application Framework
- Dedicated attribute for storage of triangulations
- Possibility to save OCAF document in XML format compatible with OCCT 6.7+
- Restored possibility to write shapes in legacy persistence format (CSFDB, ShapeSchema)
- Support of files greater than 2 GiB in binary persistence
- Optimization of surface intersection and other algorithms
- Specialized offset algorithm for smooth shells
- Proper setting of regularity on edges connecting smooth surfaces (e.g. seam edges)
- New algorithm BOPAlgo_Splitter allowing to split shapes by intersection with others
- New option “Glue” in the family of Boolean algorithms
- New Error/Warning reporting system in Boolean Operations component
- Order-independent transparency within rasterization rendering
- Extended features of color scale presentation
- Possibility to customize display of hatching and selection highlight
- Multiple improvements in Path Tracing engine
- Option for efficient display on high-density screens with low-end graphic cards
Data exchange
- Optimized update of assemblies in XDE
- Support of PMI data without semantics in STEP import and export
- Support of transparency as part of color specification in XDE
- Refactored and optimized STL read / write module
Test system
- Possibility to add custom counters
- Interface to connect DRAW interpreter to user applications
Samples and tools
- New sample for usage of 3D Viewer on iOS
- Tools for visual inspection of data structures
Detailed information about this release is available in Release Notes (PDF).
To download Open CASCADE Technology, please, visit our Download Center.
To learn more about our Products, please, visit our Components page.
Please, contact us for any additional information.