Open CASCADE Technology  6.8.0
Using WOK

WOK is a legacy build environment for Open CASCADE Technology. It is required for generation of header files for classes defined with CDL ("Cascade Definition Language"). Also tools for generation of project files for other build systems, and OCCT documentation, are integrated to WOK.

WOK thus is needed in the following situations:

  • Building from OCCT sources from Git repository (do not contain generated files)
  • Building after some changes made in CDL files

Before installing and using WOK, make sure that you have installed a compiler (it is assumed that it is Visual Studio on Windows or gcc on Linux and MacOS) and third-party components required for building OCCT.

Installing WOK

Download the latest version of binary distribution WOK from


Run the installer. You will be prompted to read and accept the OCCT Public License to proceed:


Click Next and proceed with the installation. At the end of the installation you will be prompted to specify the version and the location of Visual Studio to be used, and the location of third-party libraries:


You can change these settings at any time later. For this click on the item Customize environment (GUI tool) in the WOK group in the Windows Start menu.

The shortcuts from this group provide two ways to run WOK:

  • In command prompt window using option WOK TCL shell.
  • In Emacs editor using option WOK Emacs. Using Emacs is convenient if you need to work within WOK environment.

By default WOK installer creates a WOK factory with name LOC within workshop dev. I.e. the WOK path is :LOC:dev.


  • Unpack the .tgz archive containing WOK distributive into the installation directory <WOK_INSTALL_DIR>.
  • Perform the following commands assuming that you have unpacked WOK distributive archive into <WOK_INSTALL_DIR>:
    1 cd <WOK_INSTALL_DIR>/site

Define all necessary paths to third-party products in the dialog window:

  • Run the following commands to create WOK LOC factory:
    1 cd <WOK_INSTALL_DIR>/site
  • Your installation procedure is over. To run WOK use one the following commands:
    1 cd <WOK_INSTALL_DIR>/site
    1 cd <WOK_INSTALL_DIR>/site

Mac OS X

  • Double click on file wokSetup.dmg in the Finder. This opens a new window. Drag and drop wokSetup folder from this window at the location in the Finder where you want to install WOK, i.e. <WOK_INSTALL_DIR>.
  • Browse to the folder <WOK_INSTALL_DIR>/site and double click on WokConfig. This opens a window with additional search path settings. Define all necessary paths to third-party products in the dialog window:
  • Run the following commands to create WOK LOC factory:
    1 cd <WOK_INSTALL_DIR>/site
  • Your installation procedure is over. To run WOK in Emacs navigate in the Finder to the folder <WOK_INSTALL_DIR>/site and double click on WokEmacs.

Initialization of Workbench

To start working with OCCT, clone the OCCT Git repository from the server (see for details) or unpack the source archive.

Then create a WOK workbench (command wcreate) setting its Home to the directory, where the repository is created ($CASROOT variable). The workbench should have the same name as that directory.

For example, assuming that OCCT repository has been cloned into D:/occt folder:

1 LOC:dev> wcreate occt -DHome=D:/occt

Note that $CASROOT is equal to D:/occt now.

Then you can work with this workbench using normal WOK functionality (wprocess, umake, etc.; see WOK User's Guide for details) or use it only for generation of derived sources and project files, and build OCCT with Visual Studio on Windows or make command on Linux, as described below.

Generation of building projects

Use command wgenproj in WOK to generate derived headers, source and building projects files:

1 LOC:dev> wokcd occt
2 LOC:dev:occt> wgenproj [ -target=<TARGET> ] [ -no_wprocess ]


  • vc8 - Visual Studio 2005;
  • vc9 - Visual Studio 2008;
  • vc10 - Visual Studio 2010;
  • vc11 - Visual Studio 2012;
  • cbp - CodeBlocks;
  • cmake - CMake;
  • amk - AutoMake;
  • xcd - Xcode;
  • -no_wprocess option skips generation of derived headers and source files.

Note that this command takes several minutes to complete at the first call.

Re-execute this step to generate derived headers, source and building projects files if some CDL files in OCCT have been modified (either by you directly, or due to updates in the repository). Note that in some cases WOK may fail to update correctly; in such case remove sub-directories drv and .adm and repeat the command.

To regenerate derived headers and source files without regeneration of projects use command:

1 LOC:dev> wokcd occt
2 LOC:dev:occt> wprocess -DGroups=Src,Xcpp

The generated building project has been placed into $CASROOT/adm folder:

  • for vc8 - $CASROOT/adm/msvc/vc8;
  • for vc9 - $CASROOT/adm/msvc/vc9;
  • for vc10 - $CASROOT/adm/msvc/vc10;
  • for vc11 - $CASROOT/adm/msvc/vc11;
  • for cbp - $CASROOT/adm/<OS>/cbp;
  • for cmake - $CASROOT/adm/cmake;
  • for amk - $CASROOT/adm/lin/amk;
  • xcd - $CASROOT/adm/<OS>/xcd

Generation of documentation

Use command wgendoc in WOK to generate reference documentation:

1 :LOC:dev> wokcd occt
2 :LOC:dev:occt> wgendoc

The following options can be used:

  • -wb=<workbench name> the name of OCCT workbench (the current one by default);
  • -m=<list of modules> the list of modules that will be contained in the documentation;
  • -outdir=<path> the output directory for the documentation;
  • -chm the option to generate CHM file;
  • -hhc=<path> the path to HTML Help Compiler hhc.exe or equivalent;
  • -qthelp=<path> the option to generate Qt Help file, where <path> is the required path to qthelpgenerator executable;
  • -doxygen=<path> the path to Doxygen executable;
  • -dot=<path> the path to GraphViz dot executable.