Open CASCADE Technology  6.9.0
Aspect_PrintAlgo.hxx File Reference
#include <Standard_PrimitiveTypes.hxx>


enum  Aspect_PrintAlgo { Aspect_PA_STRETCH, Aspect_PA_TILE }
 Defines print algorithm Aspect_PrintAlgo: 1) PA_STRETCH - Stretch offscreen printing frame if its dimensions are smaller than the printer's printing area dimensions; This algorithm is more reliable as it works on any hardware and is recommended to be used with average printing resolutions, as it more RAM memory dependent than PA_TILE; Stretching is performend using bicubic interpolation algorithm from FreeImage library if OCCT is built with FreeImage support, otherwise Windows API StretchBlt() function in STRETCH_HALFTONE mode is used; 2) PA_TILE - If the offscreen printing frame dimensions are smaller than the printer's printing area dimensions - use multiple printing frames to cover the whole printing area. More...

Enumeration Type Documentation

Defines print algorithm Aspect_PrintAlgo: 1) PA_STRETCH - Stretch offscreen printing frame if its dimensions are smaller than the printer's printing area dimensions; This algorithm is more reliable as it works on any hardware and is recommended to be used with average printing resolutions, as it more RAM memory dependent than PA_TILE; Stretching is performend using bicubic interpolation algorithm from FreeImage library if OCCT is built with FreeImage support, otherwise Windows API StretchBlt() function in STRETCH_HALFTONE mode is used; 2) PA_TILE - If the offscreen printing frame dimensions are smaller than the printer's printing area dimensions - use multiple printing frames to cover the whole printing area.
