Open CASCADE Technology  6.9.0
Public Member Functions | Protected Attributes
ProjLib_Projector Class Reference

Root class for projection algorithms, stores the result. More...

#include <ProjLib_Projector.hxx>

Inheritance diagram for ProjLib_Projector:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

 ProjLib_Projector ()
 Sets the type to OtherCurve. More...
virtual ~ProjLib_Projector ()
Standard_Boolean IsDone () const
void Done ()
 Set isDone = Standard_True;. More...
GeomAbs_CurveType GetType () const
void SetBSpline (const Handle< Geom2d_BSplineCurve > &C)
void SetBezier (const Handle< Geom2d_BezierCurve > &C)
void SetType (const GeomAbs_CurveType Type)
Standard_Boolean IsPeriodic () const
void SetPeriodic ()
const gp_Lin2dLine () const
const gp_Circ2dCircle () const
const gp_Elips2dEllipse () const
const gp_Hypr2dHyperbola () const
const gp_Parab2dParabola () const
Handle< Geom2d_BezierCurveBezier () const
Handle< Geom2d_BSplineCurveBSpline () const
virtual void Project (const gp_Lin &L)
virtual void Project (const gp_Circ &C)
virtual void Project (const gp_Elips &E)
virtual void Project (const gp_Parab &P)
virtual void Project (const gp_Hypr &H)
void UFrame (const Standard_Real CFirst, const Standard_Real CLast, const Standard_Real UFirst, const Standard_Real Period)
 Translates the 2d curve to set the part of the curve [CFirst, CLast] in the range [ UFirst, UFirst + Period [. More...
void VFrame (const Standard_Real CFirst, const Standard_Real CLast, const Standard_Real VFirst, const Standard_Real Period)
 Translates the 2d curve to set the part of the curve [CFirst, CLast] in the range [ VFirst, VFirst + Period [. More...

Protected Attributes

GeomAbs_CurveType myType
gp_Lin2d myLin
gp_Circ2d myCirc
gp_Elips2d myElips
gp_Hypr2d myHypr
gp_Parab2d myParab
Handle< Geom2d_BSplineCurvemyBSpline
Handle< Geom2d_BezierCurvemyBezier
Standard_Boolean myIsPeriodic
Standard_Boolean isDone

Detailed Description

Root class for projection algorithms, stores the result.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ProjLib_Projector::ProjLib_Projector ( )

Sets the type to OtherCurve.

virtual ProjLib_Projector::~ProjLib_Projector ( )

Member Function Documentation

Handle< Geom2d_BezierCurve > ProjLib_Projector::Bezier ( ) const
Handle< Geom2d_BSplineCurve > ProjLib_Projector::BSpline ( ) const
const gp_Circ2d& ProjLib_Projector::Circle ( ) const
void ProjLib_Projector::Done ( )

Set isDone = Standard_True;.

const gp_Elips2d& ProjLib_Projector::Ellipse ( ) const
GeomAbs_CurveType ProjLib_Projector::GetType ( ) const
const gp_Hypr2d& ProjLib_Projector::Hyperbola ( ) const
Standard_Boolean ProjLib_Projector::IsDone ( ) const
Standard_Boolean ProjLib_Projector::IsPeriodic ( ) const
const gp_Lin2d& ProjLib_Projector::Line ( ) const
const gp_Parab2d& ProjLib_Projector::Parabola ( ) const
virtual void ProjLib_Projector::Project ( const gp_Lin L)
virtual void ProjLib_Projector::Project ( const gp_Circ C)
virtual void ProjLib_Projector::Project ( const gp_Elips E)
virtual void ProjLib_Projector::Project ( const gp_Parab P)
virtual void ProjLib_Projector::Project ( const gp_Hypr H)
void ProjLib_Projector::SetBezier ( const Handle< Geom2d_BezierCurve > &  C)
void ProjLib_Projector::SetBSpline ( const Handle< Geom2d_BSplineCurve > &  C)
void ProjLib_Projector::SetPeriodic ( )
void ProjLib_Projector::SetType ( const GeomAbs_CurveType  Type)
void ProjLib_Projector::UFrame ( const Standard_Real  CFirst,
const Standard_Real  CLast,
const Standard_Real  UFirst,
const Standard_Real  Period 

Translates the 2d curve to set the part of the curve [CFirst, CLast] in the range [ UFirst, UFirst + Period [.

void ProjLib_Projector::VFrame ( const Standard_Real  CFirst,
const Standard_Real  CLast,
const Standard_Real  VFirst,
const Standard_Real  Period 

Translates the 2d curve to set the part of the curve [CFirst, CLast] in the range [ VFirst, VFirst + Period [.

Field Documentation

Standard_Boolean ProjLib_Projector::isDone
Handle< Geom2d_BezierCurve > ProjLib_Projector::myBezier
Handle< Geom2d_BSplineCurve > ProjLib_Projector::myBSpline
gp_Circ2d ProjLib_Projector::myCirc
gp_Elips2d ProjLib_Projector::myElips
gp_Hypr2d ProjLib_Projector::myHypr
Standard_Boolean ProjLib_Projector::myIsPeriodic
gp_Lin2d ProjLib_Projector::myLin
gp_Parab2d ProjLib_Projector::myParab
GeomAbs_CurveType ProjLib_Projector::myType

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