QANewModTopOpe package provides classes for limitation, gluing and removing "floating" shapes.
#include <QANewModTopOpe.hxx>
static Standard_Boolean | IsValid (const TopoDS_Shape &TheS, const Standard_Boolean GeomControls=Standard_True) |
| to remove "floating" objects from compound. "floating" objects are wires, edges, vertices that do not belong solids, shells or faces. to check if TheS is valid or not. in difference with BRepCheck_Analizer, this method allows some kind of non-manifold shapes More...
static Standard_Boolean | IsManifold (const TopoDS_Shape &TheS) |
| to check if TheS is manifol or not. manifold shape is valid SOLID, SHELL, WIRE, EDGE, VERTEX without internal subshapes - faces, wires, edges and vertices that have INTERNAL orientation For SHELL there are additional conditions: orientations of faces must corresponds each other, each edge must be shared not more then two faces. COMPSOLID is non manifold by default. COMPOUND conciders to be manifold if: 1) all shapes in compound are manifold (see above mentioned definitions) 2) all shapes are fully disconnected - there are any shapes in compound that share common subshapes. More...
static Standard_Boolean | IsCompoundManifold (const TopoDS_Compound &TheS) |
| to check if TheS is manifol or not. compound conciders to be manifold if: 1) all shapes in compound are manifold (see comments for method IsManifold) 2) all shapes are fully disconnected - there are any shapes in compound that share common subshapes. More...
static TopAbs_ShapeEnum | TypeOfShape (const TopoDS_Shape &TheS) |
| to define if COMPOUND is homogeneous (consists of shapes of the same type) and return this shape type. If COMPOUND is mixed, method returns TopAbs_COMPOUND. If TheS is single shape (not COMPOUND), method returns its type. If COMPOUND contains nested compounds, it concideres to be homogeneous if all compounds consist of shapes of the same type. More...
static Standard_Boolean | IsConnected (const TopoDS_Shape &TheS) |
| to check if all subshapes in TheS, when TheS is COMPOUND, COMPSOLID, SHELL or WIRE, are linked through common faces, edges or vertices. SOLID, FACE, EDGE, VERTEX concider to be connected by default. More...
QANewModTopOpe package provides classes for limitation, gluing and removing "floating" shapes.
to check if TheS is manifol or not. compound conciders to be manifold if: 1) all shapes in compound are manifold (see comments for method IsManifold) 2) all shapes are fully disconnected - there are any shapes in compound that share common subshapes.
to check if all subshapes in TheS, when TheS is COMPOUND, COMPSOLID, SHELL or WIRE, are linked through common faces, edges or vertices. SOLID, FACE, EDGE, VERTEX concider to be connected by default.
to check if TheS is manifol or not. manifold shape is valid SOLID, SHELL, WIRE, EDGE, VERTEX without internal subshapes - faces, wires, edges and vertices that have INTERNAL orientation For SHELL there are additional conditions: orientations of faces must corresponds each other, each edge must be shared not more then two faces. COMPSOLID is non manifold by default. COMPOUND conciders to be manifold if: 1) all shapes in compound are manifold (see above mentioned definitions) 2) all shapes are fully disconnected - there are any shapes in compound that share common subshapes.
to remove "floating" objects from compound. "floating" objects are wires, edges, vertices that do not belong solids, shells or faces. to check if TheS is valid or not. in difference with BRepCheck_Analizer, this method allows some kind of non-manifold shapes
to define if COMPOUND is homogeneous (consists of shapes of the same type) and return this shape type. If COMPOUND is mixed, method returns TopAbs_COMPOUND. If TheS is single shape (not COMPOUND), method returns its type. If COMPOUND contains nested compounds, it concideres to be homogeneous if all compounds consist of shapes of the same type.
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: