This class contains representation of rectangular selecting frustum, created in case of point and box selection, and algorithms for overlap detection between selecting frustum and sensitive entities. The principle of frustum calculation:
| SelectMgr_RectangularFrustum () |
virtual void | Build (const gp_Pnt2d &thePoint) Standard_OVERRIDE |
| Builds volume according to the point and given pixel tolerance. More...
virtual void | Build (const gp_Pnt2d &theMinPnt, const gp_Pnt2d &theMaxPnt) Standard_OVERRIDE |
| Builds volume according to the selected rectangle. More...
virtual NCollection_Handle
< SelectMgr_BaseFrustum > | Transform (const gp_Trsf &theTrsf) Standard_OVERRIDE |
| Returns a copy of the frustum transformed according to the matrix given. More...
virtual NCollection_Handle
< SelectMgr_BaseFrustum > | Scale (const Standard_Real theScaleFactor) Standard_OVERRIDE |
| IMPORTANT: Makes sense only for frustum built on a single point! Returns a copy of the frustum resized according to the scale factor given. More...
virtual Standard_Boolean | Overlaps (const BVH_Box< Standard_Real, 3 > &theBox, Standard_Real &theDepth) Standard_OVERRIDE |
| SAT intersection test between defined volume and given axis-aligned box. More...
virtual Standard_Boolean | Overlaps (const SelectMgr_Vec3 &theBoxMin, const SelectMgr_Vec3 &theBoxMax, Standard_Boolean *theInside=NULL) Standard_OVERRIDE |
| Returns true if selecting volume is overlapped by axis-aligned bounding box with minimum corner at point theMinPt and maximum at point theMaxPt. More...
virtual Standard_Boolean | Overlaps (const gp_Pnt &thePnt, Standard_Real &theDepth) Standard_OVERRIDE |
| Intersection test between defined volume and given point. More...
virtual Standard_Boolean | Overlaps (const Handle< TColgp_HArray1OfPnt > &theArrayOfPnts, Select3D_TypeOfSensitivity theSensType, Standard_Real &theDepth) Standard_OVERRIDE |
| SAT intersection test between defined volume and given ordered set of points, representing line segments. The test may be considered of interior part or boundary line defined by segments depending on given sensitivity type. More...
virtual Standard_Boolean | Overlaps (const gp_Pnt &thePnt1, const gp_Pnt &thePnt2, Standard_Real &theDepth) Standard_OVERRIDE |
| Checks if line segment overlaps selecting frustum. More...
virtual Standard_Boolean | Overlaps (const gp_Pnt &thePnt1, const gp_Pnt &thePnt2, const gp_Pnt &thePnt3, Select3D_TypeOfSensitivity theSensType, Standard_Real &theDepth) Standard_OVERRIDE |
| SAT intersection test between defined volume and given triangle. The test may be considered of interior part or boundary line defined by triangle vertices depending on given sensitivity type. More...
virtual Standard_Real | DistToGeometryCenter (const gp_Pnt &theCOG) Standard_OVERRIDE |
| Measures distance between 3d projection of user-picked screen point and given point theCOG. More...
virtual SelectMgr_Vec3 | DetectedPoint (const Standard_Real theDepth) const Standard_OVERRIDE |
| Calculates the point on a view ray that was detected during the run of selection algo by given depth. More...
virtual Standard_Boolean | IsClipped (const Graphic3d_SequenceOfHClipPlane &thePlanes, const Standard_Real theDepth) Standard_OVERRIDE |
| Checks if the point of sensitive in which selection was detected belongs to the region defined by clipping planes. More...
| SelectMgr_Frustum () |
| SelectMgr_BaseFrustum () |
| Creates new selecting volume with pixel toletance set to 2, orthographic camera and empty frustum builder. More...
virtual | ~SelectMgr_BaseFrustum () |
void | SetCamera (const Handle< Graphic3d_Camera > &theCamera) |
| Passes camera projection and orientation matrices to builder. More...
void | SetCamera (const Graphic3d_Mat4d &theProjection, const Graphic3d_Mat4d &theOrientation, const Standard_Integer theIsOrthographic) |
| Passes camera projection and orientation matrices to builder. More...
void | SetPixelTolerance (const Standard_Real theTol) |
void | SetWindowSize (const Standard_Integer theWidth, const Standard_Integer theHeight) |
void | SetViewport (const Standard_Real theX, const Standard_Real theY, const Standard_Real theWidth, const Standard_Real theHeight) |
| Passes viewport parameters to builder. More...
void | SetBuilder (const Handle< SelectMgr_FrustumBuilder > &theBuilder) |
| Nullifies the builder created in the constructor and copies the pointer given. More...
virtual void | Build (const gp_Pnt2d &, const gp_Pnt2d &, const gp_Pnt2d &) |
| Builds volume according to the triangle given. More...
virtual void | Build (const TColgp_Array1OfPnt2d &) |
| Builds selecting volumes set according to polyline points. More...
void | segmentSegmentDistance (const gp_Pnt &theSegPnt1, const gp_Pnt &theSegPnt2, Standard_Real &theDepth) |
void | segmentPlaneIntersection (const SelectMgr_Vec3 &thePlane, const gp_Pnt &thePntOnPlane, Standard_Real &theDepth) |
Standard_Boolean | hasOverlap (const SelectMgr_Vec3 &theBoxMin, const SelectMgr_Vec3 &theBoxMax, Standard_Boolean *theInside=NULL) |
| Returns true if selecting volume is overlapped by axis-aligned bounding box with minimum corner at point theMinPt and maximum at point theMaxPt. More...
Standard_Boolean | hasOverlap (const gp_Pnt &thePnt) |
| SAT intersection test between defined volume and given point. More...
Standard_Boolean | hasOverlap (const gp_Pnt &thePnt1, const gp_Pnt &thePnt2) |
| SAT intersection test between defined volume and given segment. More...
Standard_Boolean | hasOverlap (const Handle< TColgp_HArray1OfPnt > &theArrayOfPnts, SelectMgr_Vec3 &theNormal) |
| SAT intersection test between frustum given and planar convex polygon represented as ordered point set. More...
Standard_Boolean | hasOverlap (const gp_Pnt &thePnt1, const gp_Pnt &thePnt2, const gp_Pnt &thePnt3, SelectMgr_Vec3 &theNormal) |
| SAT intersection test between defined volume and given triangle. More...
This class contains representation of rectangular selecting frustum, created in case of point and box selection, and algorithms for overlap detection between selecting frustum and sensitive entities. The principle of frustum calculation:
- for point selection: on a near view frustum plane rectangular neighborhood of user-picked point is created according to the pixel tolerance given and then this rectangle is projected onto far view frustum plane. This rectangles define the parallel bases of selecting frustum;
- for box selection: box points are projected onto near and far view frustum planes. These 2 projected rectangles define parallel bases of selecting frustum. Overlap detection tests are implemented according to the terms of separating axis theorem (SAT).