Open CASCADE Technology  6.9.0
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SelectMgr_SelectableObject Class Referenceabstract

A framework to supply the structure of the object to be selected. At the first pick, this structure is created by calling the appropriate algorithm and retaining this framework for further picking. This abstract framework is inherited in Application Interactive Services (AIS), notably in AIS_InteractiveObject. Consequently, 3D selection should be handled by the relevant daughter classes and their member functions in AIS. This is particularly true in the creation of new interactive objects. More...

#include <SelectMgr_SelectableObject.hxx>

Inheritance diagram for SelectMgr_SelectableObject:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

virtual void ComputeSelection (const Handle< SelectMgr_Selection > &aSelection, const Standard_Integer aMode)=0
 Recovers and calculates any sensitive primitive, aSelection, available in Shape mode, specified by aMode. As a rule, these are sensitive faces. This method is defined as virtual. This enables you to implement it in the creation of a new class of AIS Interactive Object. You need to do this and in so doing, redefine this method, if you create a class which enriches the list of signatures and types. More...
void RecomputePrimitives ()
 Re-computes the sensitive primitives for all modes. IMPORTANT: Do not use this method to update selection primitives except implementing custom selection manager! This method does not take into account necessary BVH updates, but may invalidate the pointers it refers to. TO UPDATE SELECTION properly from outside classes, use method UpdateSelection. More...
void RecomputePrimitives (const Standard_Integer theMode)
 Re-computes the sensitive primitives which correspond to the <theMode>th selection mode. IMPORTANT: Do not use this method to update selection primitives except implementing custom selection manager! selection manager! This method does not take into account necessary BVH updates, but may invalidate the pointers it refers to. TO UPDATE SELECTION properly from outside classes, use method UpdateSelection. More...
void AddSelection (const Handle< SelectMgr_Selection > &aSelection, const Standard_Integer aMode)
 Adds the selection aSelection with the selection mode index aMode to this framework. More...
void ClearSelections (const Standard_Boolean update=Standard_False)
 Empties all the selections in the SelectableObject <update> parameter defines whether all object's selections should be flagged for further update or not. This improved method can be used to recompute an object's selection (without redisplaying the object completely) when some selection mode is activated not for the first time. More...
const Handle
< SelectMgr_Selection > & 
Selection (const Standard_Integer aMode) const
 Returns the selection Selection having the selection mode aMode. More...
Standard_Boolean HasSelection (const Standard_Integer aMode) const
 Returns true if a selection corresponding to the selection mode aMode is present in this framework. More...
void Init ()
 Begins the iteration scanning for sensitive primitives. More...
Standard_Boolean More () const
 Continues the iteration scanning for sensitive primitives. More...
void Next ()
 Continues the iteration scanning for sensitive primitives. More...
const Handle
< SelectMgr_Selection > & 
CurrentSelection () const
 Returns the current selection in this framework. More...
void ResetTransformation ()
 resets local transformation to identity. More...
virtual void UpdateTransformation ()
 Recomputes the location of the selection aSelection. More...
virtual void UpdateTransformations (const Handle< SelectMgr_Selection > &aSelection)
 Updates locations in all sensitive entities from <aSelection> and in corresponding entity owners. More...
virtual void HilightSelected (const Handle< PrsMgr_PresentationManager3d > &PM, const SelectMgr_SequenceOfOwner &Seq)
 Method which draws selected owners ( for fast presentation draw ) More...
virtual void ClearSelected ()
 Method which clear all selected owners belonging to this selectable object ( for fast presentation draw ) More...
virtual void HilightOwnerWithColor (const Handle< PrsMgr_PresentationManager3d > &thePM, const Quantity_NameOfColor theColor, const Handle< SelectMgr_EntityOwner > &theOwner)
 Method which hilight an owner belonging to this selectable object ( for fast presentation draw ) More...
virtual Standard_Boolean IsAutoHilight () const
 If returns True, the old mechanism for highlighting selected objects is used (HilightSelected Method may be empty). If returns False, the HilightSelected method will be fully responsible for highlighting selected entity owners belonging to this selectable object. More...
virtual void SetAutoHilight (const Standard_Boolean newAutoHilight)
 Set AutoHilight property to true or false Sets up Transform Persistence Mode for this object. More...
Handle< Prs3d_PresentationGetHilightPresentation (const Handle< PrsMgr_PresentationManager3d > &TheMgr)
Handle< Prs3d_PresentationGetSelectPresentation (const Handle< PrsMgr_PresentationManager3d > &TheMgr)
virtual void SetZLayer (const Graphic3d_ZLayerId theLayerId)
 Set Z layer ID and update all presentations of the selectable object. The layers mechanism allows drawing objects in higher layers in overlay of objects in lower layers. More...
void UpdateSelection (const Standard_Integer theMode=-1)
 Sets update status FULL to selections of the object. Must be used as the only method of UpdateSelection from outer classes to prevent BVH structures from being outdated. More...
virtual void BoundingBox (Bnd_Box &theBndBox)=0
 Returns bounding box of selectable object by storing its minimum and maximum 3d coordinates to output parameters. More...
virtual void SetAttributes (const Handle< Prs3d_Drawer > &theDrawer)
 Initializes the drawing tool theDrawer. More...
const Handle< Prs3d_Drawer > & Attributes () const
 Returns the attributes settings. More...
virtual void UnsetAttributes ()
 Clears settings provided by the drawing tool theDrawer. More...
virtual void SetHilightAttributes (const Handle< Prs3d_Drawer > &theDrawer)
 Initializes the hilight drawing tool theDrawer. More...
const Handle< Prs3d_Drawer > & HilightAttributes () const
 Returns the hilight attributes settings. More...
virtual void UnsetHilightAttributes ()
 Clears settings provided by the hilight drawing tool theDrawer. More...
void SetAssemblyOwner (const Handle< SelectMgr_EntityOwner > &theOwner, const Standard_Integer theMode=-1)
 Sets common entity owner for assembly sensitive object entities. More...
const Handle
< SelectMgr_EntityOwner > & 
GetAssemblyOwner () const
 Returns common entity owner if the object is an assembly. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from PrsMgr_PresentableObject
PrsMgr_PresentationsPresentations ()
PrsMgr_TypeOfPresentation3d TypeOfPresentation3d () const
 Returns information on whether the object accepts display in HLR mode or not. More...
virtual void SetTransformPersistence (const Graphic3d_TransModeFlags &aFlag, const gp_Pnt &APoint)
 Sets up Transform Persistence Mode for this object. This function used to lock in object position, rotation and / or zooming relative to camera position. Object will be drawn in the origin setted by APoint parameter (except Graphic3d_TMF_TriedronPers flag. More...
void SetTransformPersistence (const Graphic3d_TransModeFlags &aFlag)
 Calls previous method with point (0,0,0) More...
Graphic3d_TransModeFlags GetTransformPersistenceMode () const
 Gets Transform Persistence Mode for this object. More...
gp_Pnt GetTransformPersistencePoint () const
 Gets point of transform persistence for this object. More...
void SetTypeOfPresentation (const PrsMgr_TypeOfPresentation3d aType)
void SetToUpdate (const Standard_Integer aMode)
 flags the Prs of mode <AMode> to be Updated. the Update will be done when needed. More...
void SetToUpdate ()
 flags all the Presentations to be Updated. More...
void ToBeUpdated (TColStd_ListOfInteger &ListOfMode) const
 gives the list of modes which are flagged "to be updated". More...
virtual void SetLocalTransformation (const gp_Trsf &theTransformation)
 Sets local transformation to theTransformation. More...
Standard_Boolean HasTransformation () const
 Returns true if object has a transformation that is different from the identity. More...
const gp_TrsfLocalTransformation () const
const gp_TrsfTransformation () const
const gp_TrsfInversedTransformation () const
virtual void UpdateTransformation (const Handle< Prs3d_Presentation > &P)
Graphic3d_ZLayerId ZLayer () const
 Get ID of Z layer. More...
virtual void AddClipPlane (const Handle< Graphic3d_ClipPlane > &thePlane)
 Adds clip plane for graphical clipping for all display mode presentations. The composition of clip planes truncates the rendering space to convex volume. Please be aware that number of supported clip plane is limited. The planes which exceed the limit are ignored. Besides of this, some planes can be already set in view where the object is shown: the number of these planes should be substracted from limit to predict the maximum possible number of object clipping planes. More...
virtual void RemoveClipPlane (const Handle< Graphic3d_ClipPlane > &thePlane)
 Removes previously added clip plane. More...
virtual void SetClipPlanes (const Graphic3d_SequenceOfHClipPlane &thePlanes)
 Set clip planes for graphical clipping for all display mode presentations. The composition of clip planes truncates the rendering space to convex volume. Please be aware that number of supported clip plane is limited. The planes which exceed the limit are ignored. Besides of this, some planes can be already set in view where the object is shown: the number of these planes should be substracted from limit to predict the maximum possible number of object clipping planes. More...
GetClipPlanes () const
 Get clip planes. More...
virtual void SetMutable (const Standard_Boolean theIsMutable)
 Sets if the object has mutable nature (content or location will be changed regularly). This method should be called before object displaying to take effect. More...
const Standard_Boolean IsMutable () const
 Returns true if object has mutable nature (content or location are be changed regularly). Mutable object will be managed in different way than static onces (another optimizations). More...
virtual void AddChild (const Handle< PrsMgr_PresentableObject > &theObject)
 Makes theObject child of current object in scene hierarchy. More...
virtual void RemoveChild (const Handle< PrsMgr_PresentableObject > &theObject)
 Removes theObject from children of current object in scene hierarchy. More...
Children () const
 Returns children of the current object. More...
const Standard_Boolean HasOwnPresentations () const
 Returns true if object should have own presentations. More...
Parent () const
 Returns parent of current object in scene hierarchy. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from MMgt_TShared
virtual void Delete () const
 Memory deallocator for transient classes. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Standard_Transient
 Standard_Transient ()
 Empty constructor. More...
 Standard_Transient (const Standard_Transient &)
 Copy constructor – does nothing. More...
Standard_Transientoperator= (const Standard_Transient &)
 Assignment operator, needed to avoid copying reference counter. More...
virtual ~Standard_Transient ()
 Destructor must be virtual. More...
virtual const
Handle_Standard_Type & 
DynamicType () const
 Returns a type information object about this object. More...
Standard_Boolean IsInstance (const Handle_Standard_Type &theType) const
 Returns a true value if this is an instance of Type. More...
Standard_Boolean IsInstance (const Standard_CString theTypeName) const
 Returns a true value if this is an instance of TypeName. More...
Standard_Boolean IsKind (const Handle_Standard_Type &theType) const
 Returns true if this is an instance of Type or an instance of any class that inherits from Type. Note that multiple inheritance is not supported by OCCT RTTI mechanism. More...
Standard_Boolean IsKind (const Standard_CString theTypeName) const
 Returns true if this is an instance of TypeName or an instance of any class that inherits from TypeName. Note that multiple inheritance is not supported by OCCT RTTI mechanism. More...
virtual Handle_Standard_Transient This () const
 Returns a Handle which references this object. Must never be called to objects created in stack. More...
Standard_Integer GetRefCount () const
 Get the reference counter of this object. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static void InitDefaultHilightAttributes (const Handle< Prs3d_Drawer > &theDrawer)
 Initializes theDrawer by default hilight settings. More...

Protected Member Functions

 SelectMgr_SelectableObject (const PrsMgr_TypeOfPresentation3d aTypeOfPresentation3d=PrsMgr_TOP_AllView)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from PrsMgr_PresentableObject
 PrsMgr_PresentableObject (const PrsMgr_TypeOfPresentation3d aTypeOfPresentation3d=PrsMgr_TOP_AllView)
virtual ~PrsMgr_PresentableObject ()
virtual void Compute (const Handle< PrsMgr_PresentationManager3d > &aPresentationManager, const Handle< Prs3d_Presentation > &aPresentation, const Standard_Integer aMode=0)
 Calculates the 3D view aPresentation and its updates. The latter are managed by aPresentationManager. aPresentableObject has the display mode aMode; this has the default value of 0, that is, the wireframe display mode. More...
virtual void Compute (const Handle< Prs3d_Projector > &aProjector, const Handle< Prs3d_Presentation > &aPresentation)
 Calculates the 3D view aPresentation and its updates. The latter are managed by aPresentationManager. Each of the views in the viewer and every modification such as rotation, for example, entails recalculation. It must be redefined to implement hidden line removal for the object. The user never calls this method himself. This is done via the InteractiveContext object and is dependent on the point of view from which the object is displayed. More...
virtual void Compute (const Handle< Prs3d_Projector > &aProjector, const Handle< Geom_Transformation > &aTrsf, const Handle< Prs3d_Presentation > &aPresentation)
 Calculates the 3D view aPresentation and its updates. The latter are managed by aPresentationManager. A point of view is provided by the projector aProjector, and the geometric transformation which has transformed associated presentable objects is specified by aTrsf. This function is to be used in case where a hidden line removal display cannot be calculated automatically. This occurs when associated presentable objects have been transformed geometrically, but not translated. Warning The transformation aTrsf must be applied to the object before computation. More...
void Update (const Standard_Boolean AllModes=Standard_False)
 recomputes all presentations of the object. More...
void Update (const Standard_Integer aMode, const Standard_Boolean ClearOther)
 Recomputes the presentation in the given mode. If ClearOther is true, other presentation will be cleared. More...
virtual void Fill (const Handle< PrsMgr_PresentationManager > &aPresentationManager, const Handle< PrsMgr_Presentation > &aPresentation, const Standard_Integer aMode=0)
 High-level interface for controlling polygon offsets. More...
virtual void SetCombinedParentTransform (const gp_Trsf &theTransformation)
 Sets myCombinedParentTransform to theTransformation. Thus object receives transformation from parent node and able to derive its own. More...
virtual void UpdateClipping ()
 General virtual method for internal update of presentation state when some modifications on list of clip planes occurs. Base implementation propagate clip planes to every presentation. More...

Protected Attributes

SelectMgr_SequenceOfSelection myselections
Handle< Prs3d_DrawermyDrawer
Handle< Prs3d_DrawermyHilightDrawer
Handle< SelectMgr_EntityOwnermyAssemblyOwner
- Protected Attributes inherited from PrsMgr_PresentableObject
PrsMgr_Presentations myPresentations
PrsMgr_TypeOfPresentation3d myTypeOfPresentation3d
Graphic3d_SequenceOfHClipPlane myClipPlanes
Standard_Boolean myIsMutable
Graphic3d_ZLayerId myZLayer
Standard_Boolean myHasOwnPresentations

Detailed Description

A framework to supply the structure of the object to be selected. At the first pick, this structure is created by calling the appropriate algorithm and retaining this framework for further picking. This abstract framework is inherited in Application Interactive Services (AIS), notably in AIS_InteractiveObject. Consequently, 3D selection should be handled by the relevant daughter classes and their member functions in AIS. This is particularly true in the creation of new interactive objects.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

SelectMgr_SelectableObject::SelectMgr_SelectableObject ( const PrsMgr_TypeOfPresentation3d  aTypeOfPresentation3d = PrsMgr_TOP_AllView)

Member Function Documentation

void SelectMgr_SelectableObject::AddSelection ( const Handle< SelectMgr_Selection > &  aSelection,
const Standard_Integer  aMode 

Adds the selection aSelection with the selection mode index aMode to this framework.

const Handle< Prs3d_Drawer >& SelectMgr_SelectableObject::Attributes ( ) const

Returns the attributes settings.

virtual void SelectMgr_SelectableObject::BoundingBox ( Bnd_Box theBndBox)
pure virtual

Returns bounding box of selectable object by storing its minimum and maximum 3d coordinates to output parameters.

Implemented in AIS_InteractiveObject.

virtual void SelectMgr_SelectableObject::ClearSelected ( )

Method which clear all selected owners belonging to this selectable object ( for fast presentation draw )

Reimplemented in MeshVS_Mesh.

void SelectMgr_SelectableObject::ClearSelections ( const Standard_Boolean  update = Standard_False)

Empties all the selections in the SelectableObject <update> parameter defines whether all object's selections should be flagged for further update or not. This improved method can be used to recompute an object's selection (without redisplaying the object completely) when some selection mode is activated not for the first time.

virtual void SelectMgr_SelectableObject::ComputeSelection ( const Handle< SelectMgr_Selection > &  aSelection,
const Standard_Integer  aMode 
pure virtual

Recovers and calculates any sensitive primitive, aSelection, available in Shape mode, specified by aMode. As a rule, these are sensitive faces. This method is defined as virtual. This enables you to implement it in the creation of a new class of AIS Interactive Object. You need to do this and in so doing, redefine this method, if you create a class which enriches the list of signatures and types.

Implemented in AIS_Dimension, AIS_Shape, AIS_Plane, AIS_PointCloud, MeshVS_Mesh, QABugs_MyText, and QABugs_PresentableObject.

const Handle< SelectMgr_Selection >& SelectMgr_SelectableObject::CurrentSelection ( ) const

Returns the current selection in this framework.

const Handle< SelectMgr_EntityOwner >& SelectMgr_SelectableObject::GetAssemblyOwner ( ) const

Returns common entity owner if the object is an assembly.

Handle< Prs3d_Presentation > SelectMgr_SelectableObject::GetHilightPresentation ( const Handle< PrsMgr_PresentationManager3d > &  TheMgr)
Handle< Prs3d_Presentation > SelectMgr_SelectableObject::GetSelectPresentation ( const Handle< PrsMgr_PresentationManager3d > &  TheMgr)
Standard_Boolean SelectMgr_SelectableObject::HasSelection ( const Standard_Integer  aMode) const

Returns true if a selection corresponding to the selection mode aMode is present in this framework.

const Handle< Prs3d_Drawer >& SelectMgr_SelectableObject::HilightAttributes ( ) const

Returns the hilight attributes settings.

virtual void SelectMgr_SelectableObject::HilightOwnerWithColor ( const Handle< PrsMgr_PresentationManager3d > &  thePM,
const Quantity_NameOfColor  theColor,
const Handle< SelectMgr_EntityOwner > &  theOwner 

Method which hilight an owner belonging to this selectable object ( for fast presentation draw )

Reimplemented in MeshVS_Mesh.

virtual void SelectMgr_SelectableObject::HilightSelected ( const Handle< PrsMgr_PresentationManager3d > &  PM,
const SelectMgr_SequenceOfOwner Seq 

Method which draws selected owners ( for fast presentation draw )

Reimplemented in MeshVS_Mesh.

void SelectMgr_SelectableObject::Init ( )

Begins the iteration scanning for sensitive primitives.

static void SelectMgr_SelectableObject::InitDefaultHilightAttributes ( const Handle< Prs3d_Drawer > &  theDrawer)

Initializes theDrawer by default hilight settings.

virtual Standard_Boolean SelectMgr_SelectableObject::IsAutoHilight ( ) const

If returns True, the old mechanism for highlighting selected objects is used (HilightSelected Method may be empty). If returns False, the HilightSelected method will be fully responsible for highlighting selected entity owners belonging to this selectable object.

Standard_Boolean SelectMgr_SelectableObject::More ( ) const

Continues the iteration scanning for sensitive primitives.

void SelectMgr_SelectableObject::Next ( )

Continues the iteration scanning for sensitive primitives.

void SelectMgr_SelectableObject::RecomputePrimitives ( )

Re-computes the sensitive primitives for all modes. IMPORTANT: Do not use this method to update selection primitives except implementing custom selection manager! This method does not take into account necessary BVH updates, but may invalidate the pointers it refers to. TO UPDATE SELECTION properly from outside classes, use method UpdateSelection.

void SelectMgr_SelectableObject::RecomputePrimitives ( const Standard_Integer  theMode)

Re-computes the sensitive primitives which correspond to the <theMode>th selection mode. IMPORTANT: Do not use this method to update selection primitives except implementing custom selection manager! selection manager! This method does not take into account necessary BVH updates, but may invalidate the pointers it refers to. TO UPDATE SELECTION properly from outside classes, use method UpdateSelection.

void SelectMgr_SelectableObject::ResetTransformation ( )

resets local transformation to identity.

Reimplemented from PrsMgr_PresentableObject.

const Handle< SelectMgr_Selection >& SelectMgr_SelectableObject::Selection ( const Standard_Integer  aMode) const

Returns the selection Selection having the selection mode aMode.

void SelectMgr_SelectableObject::SetAssemblyOwner ( const Handle< SelectMgr_EntityOwner > &  theOwner,
const Standard_Integer  theMode = -1 

Sets common entity owner for assembly sensitive object entities.

virtual void SelectMgr_SelectableObject::SetAttributes ( const Handle< Prs3d_Drawer > &  theDrawer)

Initializes the drawing tool theDrawer.

virtual void SelectMgr_SelectableObject::SetAutoHilight ( const Standard_Boolean  newAutoHilight)

Set AutoHilight property to true or false Sets up Transform Persistence Mode for this object.

virtual void SelectMgr_SelectableObject::SetHilightAttributes ( const Handle< Prs3d_Drawer > &  theDrawer)

Initializes the hilight drawing tool theDrawer.

virtual void SelectMgr_SelectableObject::SetZLayer ( const Graphic3d_ZLayerId  theLayerId)

Set Z layer ID and update all presentations of the selectable object. The layers mechanism allows drawing objects in higher layers in overlay of objects in lower layers.

Reimplemented from PrsMgr_PresentableObject.

virtual void SelectMgr_SelectableObject::UnsetAttributes ( )

Clears settings provided by the drawing tool theDrawer.

Reimplemented in AIS_InteractiveObject.

virtual void SelectMgr_SelectableObject::UnsetHilightAttributes ( )

Clears settings provided by the hilight drawing tool theDrawer.

void SelectMgr_SelectableObject::UpdateSelection ( const Standard_Integer  theMode = -1)

Sets update status FULL to selections of the object. Must be used as the only method of UpdateSelection from outer classes to prevent BVH structures from being outdated.

virtual void SelectMgr_SelectableObject::UpdateTransformation ( )

Recomputes the location of the selection aSelection.

Reimplemented from PrsMgr_PresentableObject.

virtual void SelectMgr_SelectableObject::UpdateTransformations ( const Handle< SelectMgr_Selection > &  aSelection)

Updates locations in all sensitive entities from <aSelection> and in corresponding entity owners.

Field Documentation

Handle< SelectMgr_EntityOwner > SelectMgr_SelectableObject::myAssemblyOwner
Handle< Prs3d_Drawer > SelectMgr_SelectableObject::myDrawer
Handle< Prs3d_Drawer > SelectMgr_SelectableObject::myHilightDrawer
SelectMgr_SequenceOfSelection SelectMgr_SelectableObject::myselections

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