Open CASCADE Technology  6.9.0
Public Member Functions | Protected Attributes
ShapeAnalysis_Wire Class Reference

This class provides analysis of a wire to be compliant to CAS.CADE requirements. More...

#include <ShapeAnalysis_Wire.hxx>

Inheritance diagram for ShapeAnalysis_Wire:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

 ShapeAnalysis_Wire ()
 Empty constructor. More...
 ShapeAnalysis_Wire (const TopoDS_Wire &wire, const TopoDS_Face &face, const Standard_Real precision)
 Creates object with standard TopoDS_Wire, face and precision. More...
 ShapeAnalysis_Wire (const Handle< ShapeExtend_WireData > &sbwd, const TopoDS_Face &face, const Standard_Real precision)
 Creates the object with WireData object, face and precision. More...
void Init (const TopoDS_Wire &wire, const TopoDS_Face &face, const Standard_Real precision)
 Initializes the object with standard TopoDS_Wire, face and precision. More...
void Init (const Handle< ShapeExtend_WireData > &sbwd, const TopoDS_Face &face, const Standard_Real precision)
 Initializes the object with WireData object, face and precision. More...
void Load (const TopoDS_Wire &wire)
 Loads the object with standard TopoDS_Wire. More...
void Load (const Handle< ShapeExtend_WireData > &sbwd)
 Loads the object with WireData object. More...
void SetFace (const TopoDS_Face &face)
 Loads the face the wire lies on. More...
void SetSurface (const Handle< Geom_Surface > &surface)
 Loads the surface the wire lies on. More...
void SetSurface (const Handle< Geom_Surface > &surface, const TopLoc_Location &location)
 Loads the surface the wire lies on. More...
void SetPrecision (const Standard_Real precision)
void ClearStatuses ()
 Unsets all the status and distance fields wire, face and precision are not cleared. More...
Standard_Boolean IsLoaded () const
 Returns True if wire is loaded and has number of edges >0. More...
Standard_Boolean IsReady () const
 Returns True if IsLoaded and underlying face is not null. More...
Standard_Real Precision () const
 Returns the value of precision. More...
const Handle
< ShapeExtend_WireData > & 
WireData () const
 Returns wire object being analyzed. More...
Standard_Integer NbEdges () const
 Returns the number of edges in the wire, or 0 if it is not loaded. More...
const TopoDS_FaceFace () const
 Returns the working face. More...
const Handle
< ShapeAnalysis_Surface > & 
Surface () const
 Returns the working surface. More...
Standard_Boolean Perform ()
 Performs all the checks in the following order : CheckOrder, CheckSmall, CheckConected, CheckEdgeCurves, CheckDegenerated, CheckSelfIntersection, CheckLacking, CheckClosed Returns: True if at least one method returned True; For deeper analysis use Status...(status) methods. More...
Standard_Boolean CheckOrder (const Standard_Boolean isClosed=Standard_True, const Standard_Boolean mode3d=Standard_True)
 Calls CheckOrder and returns False if wire is already ordered (tail-to-head), True otherwise Flag <isClosed> defines if the wire is closed or not Flag <mode3d> defines which mode is used (3d or 2d) More...
Standard_Boolean CheckConnected (const Standard_Real prec=0.0)
 Calls to CheckConnected for each edge Returns: True if at least one pair of disconnected edges (not sharing the same vertex) was detected. More...
Standard_Boolean CheckSmall (const Standard_Real precsmall=0.0)
 Calls to CheckSmall for each edge Returns: True if at least one small edge was detected. More...
Standard_Boolean CheckEdgeCurves ()
 Checks edges geometry (consitency of 2d and 3d senses, adjasment of curves to the vertices, etc.). The order of the checks : Call ShapeAnalysis_Wire to check: ShapeAnalysis_Edge::CheckCurve3dWithPCurve (1), ShapeAnalysis_Edge::CheckVertcesWithPCurve (2), ShapeAnalysis_Edge::CheckVertcesWithCurve3d (3), CheckSeam (4) Additional: CheckGap3d (5), CheckGap2d (6), ShapeAnalysis_Edge::CheckSameParameter (7) Returns: True if at least one check returned True Remark: The numbers in brackets show with what DONEi or FAILi the status can be queried. More...
Standard_Boolean CheckDegenerated ()
 Calls to CheckDegenerated for each edge Returns: True if at least one incorrect degenerated edge was detected. More...
Standard_Boolean CheckClosed (const Standard_Real prec=0.0)
 Checks if wire is closed, performs CheckConnected, CheckDegenerated and CheckLacking for the first and the last edges Returns: True if at least one check returned True Status: FAIL1 or DONE1: see CheckConnected FAIL2 or DONE2: see CheckDegenerated. More...
Standard_Boolean CheckSelfIntersection ()
 Checks self-intersection of the wire (considering pcurves) Looks for self-intersecting edges and each pair of intersecting edges. Warning: It does not check each edge with any other one (only each two adjacent edges) The order of the checks : CheckSelfIntersectingEdge, CheckIntersectingEdges Returns: True if at least one check returned True Status: FAIL1 or DONE1 - see CheckSelfIntersectingEdge FAIL2 or DONE2 - see CheckIntersectingEdges. More...
Standard_Boolean CheckLacking ()
 Calls to CheckLacking for each edge Returns: True if at least one lacking edge was detected. More...
Standard_Boolean CheckGaps3d ()
Standard_Boolean CheckGaps2d ()
Standard_Boolean CheckCurveGaps ()
Standard_Boolean CheckOrder (ShapeAnalysis_WireOrder &sawo, const Standard_Boolean isClosed=Standard_True, const Standard_Boolean mode3d=Standard_True)
 Analyzes the order of the edges in the wire, uses class WireOrder for that purpose. Flag <isClosed> defines if the wire is closed or not Flag <mode3d> defines which mode is used (3d or 2d) Returns False if wire is already ordered (tail-to-head), True otherwise. Use returned WireOrder object for deeper analysis. Status: OK : the same edges orientation, the same edges sequence DONE1: the same edges orientation, not the same edges sequence DONE2: as DONE1 and gaps more than myPrecision DONE3: not the same edges orientation (some need to be reversed) DONE4: as DONE3 and gaps more than myPrecision FAIL : algorithm failed (could not detect order) More...
Standard_Boolean CheckConnected (const Standard_Integer num, const Standard_Real prec=0.0)
 Checks connected edges (num-th and preceeding). Tests with starting preci from <SBWD> or with <prec> if it is greater. Considers Vertices. Returns: False if edges are connected by the common vertex, else True Status : OK : Vertices (end of num-1 th edge and start on num-th one) are already the same DONE1 : Absolutely confused (gp::Resolution) DONE2 : Confused at starting <preci> from <SBWD> DONE3 : Confused at <prec> but not <preci> FAIL1 : Not confused FAIL2 : Not confused but confused with <preci> if reverse num-th edge. More...
Standard_Boolean CheckSmall (const Standard_Integer num, const Standard_Real precsmall=0.0)
 Checks if an edge has a length not greater than myPreci or precsmall (if it is smaller) Returns: False if its length is greater than precision Status: OK : edge is not small or degenerated DONE1: edge is small, vertices are the same DONE2: edge is small, vertices are not the same FAIL : no 3d curve and pcurve. More...
Standard_Boolean CheckSeam (const Standard_Integer num, Handle< Geom2d_Curve > &C1, Handle< Geom2d_Curve > &C2, Standard_Real &cf, Standard_Real &cl)
 Checks if a seam pcurves are correct oriented Returns: False (status OK) if given edge is not a seam or if it is OK C1 - current pcurve for FORWARD edge, C2 - current pcurve for REVERSED edge (if returns True they should be swapped for the seam), cf, cl - first and last parameters on curves Status: OK : Pcurves are correct or edge is not seam DONE : Seam pcurves should be swapped. More...
Standard_Boolean CheckSeam (const Standard_Integer num)
 Checks if a seam pcurves are correct oriented See previous functions for details. More...
Standard_Boolean CheckDegenerated (const Standard_Integer num, gp_Pnt2d &dgnr1, gp_Pnt2d &dgnr2)
 Checks for degenerated edge between two adjacent ones. Fills parameters dgnr1 and dgnr2 with points in paramterical space that correspond to the singularity (either gap that needs to be filled by degenerated edge or that already filled) Returns: False if no singularity or edge is already degenerated, otherwise True Status: OK : No surface singularity, or edge is already degenerated DONE1: Degenerated edge should be inserted (gap in 2D) DONE2: Edge <num> should be made degenerated (recompute pcurve and set the flag) FAIL1: One of edges neighbouring to degenerated one has no pcurve FAIL2: Edge marked as degenerated and has no pcurve but singularity is not detected. More...
Standard_Boolean CheckDegenerated (const Standard_Integer num)
 Checks for degenerated edge between two adjacent ones. Remark : Calls previous function Status : See the function above for details. More...
Standard_Boolean CheckGap3d (const Standard_Integer num=0)
 Checks gap between edges in 3D (3d curves). Checks the distance between ends of 3d curves of the num-th and preceeding edge. The distance can be queried by MinDistance3d. More...
Standard_Boolean CheckGap2d (const Standard_Integer num=0)
 Checks gap between edges in 2D (pcurves). Checks the distance between ends of pcurves of the num-th and preceeding edge. The distance can be queried by MinDistance2d. More...
Standard_Boolean CheckCurveGap (const Standard_Integer num=0)
 Checks gap between points on 3D curve and points on surface generated by pcurve of the num-th edge. The distance can be queried by MinDistance3d. More...
Standard_Boolean CheckSelfIntersectingEdge (const Standard_Integer num, IntRes2d_SequenceOfIntersectionPoint &points2d, TColgp_SequenceOfPnt &points3d)
 Checks if num-th edge is self-intersecting. Self-intersection is reported only if intersection point lies outside of both end vertices of the edge. Returns: True if edge is self-intersecting. If returns True it also fills the sequences of intersection points and corresponding 3d points (only that are not enclosed by a vertices) Status: FAIL1 : No pcurve FAIL2 : No vertices DONE1 : Self-intersection found. More...
Standard_Boolean CheckSelfIntersectingEdge (const Standard_Integer num)
Standard_Boolean CheckIntersectingEdges (const Standard_Integer num, IntRes2d_SequenceOfIntersectionPoint &points2d, TColgp_SequenceOfPnt &points3d, TColStd_SequenceOfReal &errors)
 Checks two adjacent edges for intersecting. Intersection is reported only if intersection point is not enclosed by the common end vertex of the edges. Returns: True if intersection is found. If returns True it also fills the sequences of intersection points, corresponding 3d points, and errors for them (half-distances between intersection points in 3d calculated from one and from another edge) Status: FAIL1 : No pcurve FAIL2 : No vertices DONE1 : Self-intersection found. More...
Standard_Boolean CheckIntersectingEdges (const Standard_Integer num)
 Checks two adjacent edges for intersecting. Remark : Calls the previous method Status : See the function above for details. More...
Standard_Boolean CheckIntersectingEdges (const Standard_Integer num1, const Standard_Integer num2, IntRes2d_SequenceOfIntersectionPoint &points2d, TColgp_SequenceOfPnt &points3d, TColStd_SequenceOfReal &errors)
 Checks i-th and j-th edges for intersecting. Remark : See the previous method for details. More...
Standard_Boolean CheckIntersectingEdges (const Standard_Integer num1, const Standard_Integer num2)
 Checks i-th and j-th edges for intersecting. Remark : Calls previous method. Status : See the function above for details. More...
Standard_Boolean CheckLacking (const Standard_Integer num, const Standard_Real Tolerance, gp_Pnt2d &p2d1, gp_Pnt2d &p2d2)
 Checks if there is a gap in 2d between edges, not comprised by the tolerance of their common vertex. If <Tolerance> is greater than 0. and less than tolerance of the vertex, then this value is used for check. Returns: True if not closed gap was detected p2d1 and p2d2 are the endpoint of <num-1>th edge and start of the <num>th edge in 2d. Status: OK: No edge is lacking (3d and 2d connection) FAIL1: edges have no vertices (at least one of them) FAIL2: edges are neither connected by common vertex, nor have coincided vertices FAIL1: edges have no pcurves DONE1: the gap is detected which cannot be closed by the tolerance of the common vertex (or with value of <Tolerance>) DONE2: is set (together with DONE1) if gap is detected and the vector (p2d2 - p2d1) goes in direction opposite to the pcurves of the edges (if angle is more than 0.9*PI). More...
Standard_Boolean CheckLacking (const Standard_Integer num, const Standard_Real Tolerance=0.0)
 Checks if there is a gap in 2D between edges and not comprised by vertex tolerance The value of SBWD.thepreci is used. Returns: False if no edge should be inserted Status: OK : No edge is lacking (3d and 2d connection) DONE1 : The vertex tolerance should be increased only (2d gap is small) DONE2 : Edge can be inserted (3d and 2d gaps are large enough) More...
Standard_Boolean CheckOuterBound (const Standard_Boolean APIMake=Standard_True)
 Checks if wire defines an outer bound on the face Uses ShapeAnalysis::IsOuterBound for analysis If <APIMake> is True uses BRepAPI_MakeWire to build the wire, if False (to be used only when edges share common vertices) uses BRep_Builder to build the wire. More...
Standard_Boolean CheckNotchedEdges (const Standard_Integer num, Standard_Integer &shortNum, Standard_Real &param, const Standard_Real Tolerance=0.0)
 Detects a notch. More...
Standard_Boolean CheckSmallArea (const Standard_Real prec2d=0)
 Checks if wire has parametric area less than prec2d. More...
Standard_Boolean CheckShapeConnect (const TopoDS_Shape &shape, const Standard_Real prec=0.0)
 Checks with what orientation <shape> (wire or edge) can be connected to the wire. Tests distances with starting <preci> from <SBWD> (close confusion), but if given <prec> is greater, tests with <prec> (coarse confusion). The smallest found distance can be returned by MinDistance3d. More...
Standard_Boolean CheckShapeConnect (Standard_Real &tailhead, Standard_Real &tailtail, Standard_Real &headtail, Standard_Real &headhead, const TopoDS_Shape &shape, const Standard_Real prec=0.0)
 The same as previous CheckShapeConnect but is more advanced. It returns the distances between each end of <sbwd> and each end of <shape>. For example, <tailhead> stores distance between tail of <sbwd> and head of <shape> Remark: First method CheckShapeConnect calls this one. More...
Standard_Boolean CheckLoop (TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape &aMapLoopVertices, TopTools_DataMapOfShapeListOfShape &aMapVertexEdges, TopTools_MapOfShape &aMapSmallEdges, TopTools_MapOfShape &aMapSeemEdges)
 Checks existance of loop on wire and return vertices wich are loop vertices (vertices belonging to a few pairs of edges) More...
Standard_Boolean StatusOrder (const ShapeExtend_Status Status) const
Standard_Boolean StatusConnected (const ShapeExtend_Status Status) const
Standard_Boolean StatusEdgeCurves (const ShapeExtend_Status Status) const
Standard_Boolean StatusDegenerated (const ShapeExtend_Status Status) const
Standard_Boolean StatusClosed (const ShapeExtend_Status Status) const
Standard_Boolean StatusSmall (const ShapeExtend_Status Status) const
Standard_Boolean StatusSelfIntersection (const ShapeExtend_Status Status) const
Standard_Boolean StatusLacking (const ShapeExtend_Status Status) const
Standard_Boolean StatusGaps3d (const ShapeExtend_Status Status) const
Standard_Boolean StatusGaps2d (const ShapeExtend_Status Status) const
Standard_Boolean StatusCurveGaps (const ShapeExtend_Status Status) const
Standard_Boolean StatusLoop (const ShapeExtend_Status Status) const
Standard_Boolean LastCheckStatus (const ShapeExtend_Status Status) const
 Querying the status of the LAST perfomed 'Advanced' checking procedure. More...
Standard_Real MinDistance3d () const
 Returns the last lowest distance in 3D computed by CheckOrientation, CheckConnected, CheckContinuity3d, CheckVertex, CheckNewVertex. More...
Standard_Real MinDistance2d () const
 Returns the last lowest distance in 2D-UV computed by CheckContinuity2d. More...
Standard_Real MaxDistance3d () const
 Returns the last maximal distance in 3D computed by CheckOrientation, CheckConnected, CheckContinuity3d, CheckVertex, CheckNewVertex, CheckSameParameter. More...
Standard_Real MaxDistance2d () const
 Returns the last maximal distance in 2D-UV computed by CheckContinuity2d. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from MMgt_TShared
virtual void Delete () const
 Memory deallocator for transient classes. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Standard_Transient
 Standard_Transient ()
 Empty constructor. More...
 Standard_Transient (const Standard_Transient &)
 Copy constructor – does nothing. More...
Standard_Transientoperator= (const Standard_Transient &)
 Assignment operator, needed to avoid copying reference counter. More...
virtual ~Standard_Transient ()
 Destructor must be virtual. More...
virtual const
Handle_Standard_Type & 
DynamicType () const
 Returns a type information object about this object. More...
Standard_Boolean IsInstance (const Handle_Standard_Type &theType) const
 Returns a true value if this is an instance of Type. More...
Standard_Boolean IsInstance (const Standard_CString theTypeName) const
 Returns a true value if this is an instance of TypeName. More...
Standard_Boolean IsKind (const Handle_Standard_Type &theType) const
 Returns true if this is an instance of Type or an instance of any class that inherits from Type. Note that multiple inheritance is not supported by OCCT RTTI mechanism. More...
Standard_Boolean IsKind (const Standard_CString theTypeName) const
 Returns true if this is an instance of TypeName or an instance of any class that inherits from TypeName. Note that multiple inheritance is not supported by OCCT RTTI mechanism. More...
virtual Handle_Standard_Transient This () const
 Returns a Handle which references this object. Must never be called to objects created in stack. More...
Standard_Integer GetRefCount () const
 Get the reference counter of this object. More...

Protected Attributes

Handle< ShapeExtend_WireDatamyWire
TopoDS_Face myFace
Handle< ShapeAnalysis_SurfacemySurf
Standard_Real myPrecision
Standard_Real myMin3d
Standard_Real myMin2d
Standard_Real myMax3d
Standard_Real myMax2d
Standard_Integer myStatusOrder
Standard_Integer myStatusConnected
Standard_Integer myStatusEdgeCurves
Standard_Integer myStatusDegenerated
Standard_Integer myStatusClosed
Standard_Integer myStatusSmall
Standard_Integer myStatusSelfIntersection
Standard_Integer myStatusLacking
Standard_Integer myStatusGaps3d
Standard_Integer myStatusGaps2d
Standard_Integer myStatusCurveGaps
Standard_Integer myStatusLoop
Standard_Integer myStatus

Detailed Description

This class provides analysis of a wire to be compliant to CAS.CADE requirements.

The functionalities provided are the following:

  1. consistency of 2d and 3d edge curve senses
  2. connection of adjacent edges regarding to: a. their vertices b. their pcurves c. their 3d curves
  3. adjacency of the edge vertices to its pcurve and 3d curve
  4. if a wire is closed or not (considering its 3d and 2d contour)
  5. if a wire is outer on its face (considering pcurves)

This class can be used in conjunction with class ShapeFix_Wire, which will fix the problems detected by this class.

The methods of the given class match to ones of the class ShapeFix_Wire, e.g., CheckSmall and FixSmall. This class also includes some auxilary methods (e.g., CheckOuterBound, etc.), which have no pair in ShapeFix_Wire.

Like methods of ShapeFix_Wire the ones of this class are grouped into two levels:

For analyzing result of Public API checking methods use corresponding Status... method. The 'advanced' functions share the single status field which contains the result of the last performed 'advanced' method. It is quried by the method LastCheckStatus().

In order to prepare an analyzer, it is necessary to load a wire, set face and precision.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ShapeAnalysis_Wire::ShapeAnalysis_Wire ( )

Empty constructor.

ShapeAnalysis_Wire::ShapeAnalysis_Wire ( const TopoDS_Wire wire,
const TopoDS_Face face,
const Standard_Real  precision 

Creates object with standard TopoDS_Wire, face and precision.

ShapeAnalysis_Wire::ShapeAnalysis_Wire ( const Handle< ShapeExtend_WireData > &  sbwd,
const TopoDS_Face face,
const Standard_Real  precision 

Creates the object with WireData object, face and precision.

Member Function Documentation

Standard_Boolean ShapeAnalysis_Wire::CheckClosed ( const Standard_Real  prec = 0.0)

Checks if wire is closed, performs CheckConnected, CheckDegenerated and CheckLacking for the first and the last edges Returns: True if at least one check returned True Status: FAIL1 or DONE1: see CheckConnected FAIL2 or DONE2: see CheckDegenerated.

Standard_Boolean ShapeAnalysis_Wire::CheckConnected ( const Standard_Real  prec = 0.0)

Calls to CheckConnected for each edge Returns: True if at least one pair of disconnected edges (not sharing the same vertex) was detected.

Standard_Boolean ShapeAnalysis_Wire::CheckConnected ( const Standard_Integer  num,
const Standard_Real  prec = 0.0 

Checks connected edges (num-th and preceeding). Tests with starting preci from <SBWD> or with <prec> if it is greater. Considers Vertices. Returns: False if edges are connected by the common vertex, else True Status : OK : Vertices (end of num-1 th edge and start on num-th one) are already the same DONE1 : Absolutely confused (gp::Resolution) DONE2 : Confused at starting <preci> from <SBWD> DONE3 : Confused at <prec> but not <preci> FAIL1 : Not confused FAIL2 : Not confused but confused with <preci> if reverse num-th edge.

Standard_Boolean ShapeAnalysis_Wire::CheckCurveGap ( const Standard_Integer  num = 0)

Checks gap between points on 3D curve and points on surface generated by pcurve of the num-th edge. The distance can be queried by MinDistance3d.

Returns: True if status is DONE Status: OK : Gap is less than myPrecision DONE : Gap is greater than myPrecision FAIL : No 3d curve(s) on the edge(s)

Standard_Boolean ShapeAnalysis_Wire::CheckCurveGaps ( )
Standard_Boolean ShapeAnalysis_Wire::CheckDegenerated ( )

Calls to CheckDegenerated for each edge Returns: True if at least one incorrect degenerated edge was detected.

Standard_Boolean ShapeAnalysis_Wire::CheckDegenerated ( const Standard_Integer  num,
gp_Pnt2d dgnr1,
gp_Pnt2d dgnr2 

Checks for degenerated edge between two adjacent ones. Fills parameters dgnr1 and dgnr2 with points in paramterical space that correspond to the singularity (either gap that needs to be filled by degenerated edge or that already filled) Returns: False if no singularity or edge is already degenerated, otherwise True Status: OK : No surface singularity, or edge is already degenerated DONE1: Degenerated edge should be inserted (gap in 2D) DONE2: Edge <num> should be made degenerated (recompute pcurve and set the flag) FAIL1: One of edges neighbouring to degenerated one has no pcurve FAIL2: Edge marked as degenerated and has no pcurve but singularity is not detected.

Standard_Boolean ShapeAnalysis_Wire::CheckDegenerated ( const Standard_Integer  num)

Checks for degenerated edge between two adjacent ones. Remark : Calls previous function Status : See the function above for details.

Standard_Boolean ShapeAnalysis_Wire::CheckEdgeCurves ( )

Checks edges geometry (consitency of 2d and 3d senses, adjasment of curves to the vertices, etc.). The order of the checks : Call ShapeAnalysis_Wire to check: ShapeAnalysis_Edge::CheckCurve3dWithPCurve (1), ShapeAnalysis_Edge::CheckVertcesWithPCurve (2), ShapeAnalysis_Edge::CheckVertcesWithCurve3d (3), CheckSeam (4) Additional: CheckGap3d (5), CheckGap2d (6), ShapeAnalysis_Edge::CheckSameParameter (7) Returns: True if at least one check returned True Remark: The numbers in brackets show with what DONEi or FAILi the status can be queried.

Standard_Boolean ShapeAnalysis_Wire::CheckGap2d ( const Standard_Integer  num = 0)

Checks gap between edges in 2D (pcurves). Checks the distance between ends of pcurves of the num-th and preceeding edge. The distance can be queried by MinDistance2d.

Returns: True if status is DONE Status: OK : Gap is less than parametric precision out of myPrecision DONE : Gap is greater than parametric precision out of myPrecision FAIL : No pcurve(s) on the edge(s)

Standard_Boolean ShapeAnalysis_Wire::CheckGap3d ( const Standard_Integer  num = 0)

Checks gap between edges in 3D (3d curves). Checks the distance between ends of 3d curves of the num-th and preceeding edge. The distance can be queried by MinDistance3d.

Returns: True if status is DONE Status: OK : Gap is less than myPrecision DONE : Gap is greater than myPrecision FAIL : No 3d curve(s) on the edge(s)

Standard_Boolean ShapeAnalysis_Wire::CheckGaps2d ( )
Standard_Boolean ShapeAnalysis_Wire::CheckGaps3d ( )
Standard_Boolean ShapeAnalysis_Wire::CheckIntersectingEdges ( const Standard_Integer  num,
IntRes2d_SequenceOfIntersectionPoint points2d,
TColgp_SequenceOfPnt points3d,
TColStd_SequenceOfReal errors 

Checks two adjacent edges for intersecting. Intersection is reported only if intersection point is not enclosed by the common end vertex of the edges. Returns: True if intersection is found. If returns True it also fills the sequences of intersection points, corresponding 3d points, and errors for them (half-distances between intersection points in 3d calculated from one and from another edge) Status: FAIL1 : No pcurve FAIL2 : No vertices DONE1 : Self-intersection found.

Standard_Boolean ShapeAnalysis_Wire::CheckIntersectingEdges ( const Standard_Integer  num)

Checks two adjacent edges for intersecting. Remark : Calls the previous method Status : See the function above for details.

Standard_Boolean ShapeAnalysis_Wire::CheckIntersectingEdges ( const Standard_Integer  num1,
const Standard_Integer  num2,
IntRes2d_SequenceOfIntersectionPoint points2d,
TColgp_SequenceOfPnt points3d,
TColStd_SequenceOfReal errors 

Checks i-th and j-th edges for intersecting. Remark : See the previous method for details.

Standard_Boolean ShapeAnalysis_Wire::CheckIntersectingEdges ( const Standard_Integer  num1,
const Standard_Integer  num2 

Checks i-th and j-th edges for intersecting. Remark : Calls previous method. Status : See the function above for details.

Standard_Boolean ShapeAnalysis_Wire::CheckLacking ( )

Calls to CheckLacking for each edge Returns: True if at least one lacking edge was detected.

Standard_Boolean ShapeAnalysis_Wire::CheckLacking ( const Standard_Integer  num,
const Standard_Real  Tolerance,
gp_Pnt2d p2d1,
gp_Pnt2d p2d2 

Checks if there is a gap in 2d between edges, not comprised by the tolerance of their common vertex. If <Tolerance> is greater than 0. and less than tolerance of the vertex, then this value is used for check. Returns: True if not closed gap was detected p2d1 and p2d2 are the endpoint of <num-1>th edge and start of the <num>th edge in 2d. Status: OK: No edge is lacking (3d and 2d connection) FAIL1: edges have no vertices (at least one of them) FAIL2: edges are neither connected by common vertex, nor have coincided vertices FAIL1: edges have no pcurves DONE1: the gap is detected which cannot be closed by the tolerance of the common vertex (or with value of <Tolerance>) DONE2: is set (together with DONE1) if gap is detected and the vector (p2d2 - p2d1) goes in direction opposite to the pcurves of the edges (if angle is more than 0.9*PI).

Standard_Boolean ShapeAnalysis_Wire::CheckLacking ( const Standard_Integer  num,
const Standard_Real  Tolerance = 0.0 

Checks if there is a gap in 2D between edges and not comprised by vertex tolerance The value of SBWD.thepreci is used. Returns: False if no edge should be inserted Status: OK : No edge is lacking (3d and 2d connection) DONE1 : The vertex tolerance should be increased only (2d gap is small) DONE2 : Edge can be inserted (3d and 2d gaps are large enough)

Standard_Boolean ShapeAnalysis_Wire::CheckLoop ( TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape aMapLoopVertices,
TopTools_DataMapOfShapeListOfShape aMapVertexEdges,
TopTools_MapOfShape aMapSmallEdges,
TopTools_MapOfShape aMapSeemEdges 

Checks existance of loop on wire and return vertices wich are loop vertices (vertices belonging to a few pairs of edges)

Standard_Boolean ShapeAnalysis_Wire::CheckNotchedEdges ( const Standard_Integer  num,
Standard_Integer shortNum,
Standard_Real param,
const Standard_Real  Tolerance = 0.0 

Detects a notch.

Standard_Boolean ShapeAnalysis_Wire::CheckOrder ( const Standard_Boolean  isClosed = Standard_True,
const Standard_Boolean  mode3d = Standard_True 

Calls CheckOrder and returns False if wire is already ordered (tail-to-head), True otherwise Flag <isClosed> defines if the wire is closed or not Flag <mode3d> defines which mode is used (3d or 2d)

Standard_Boolean ShapeAnalysis_Wire::CheckOrder ( ShapeAnalysis_WireOrder sawo,
const Standard_Boolean  isClosed = Standard_True,
const Standard_Boolean  mode3d = Standard_True 

Analyzes the order of the edges in the wire, uses class WireOrder for that purpose. Flag <isClosed> defines if the wire is closed or not Flag <mode3d> defines which mode is used (3d or 2d) Returns False if wire is already ordered (tail-to-head), True otherwise. Use returned WireOrder object for deeper analysis. Status: OK : the same edges orientation, the same edges sequence DONE1: the same edges orientation, not the same edges sequence DONE2: as DONE1 and gaps more than myPrecision DONE3: not the same edges orientation (some need to be reversed) DONE4: as DONE3 and gaps more than myPrecision FAIL : algorithm failed (could not detect order)

Standard_Boolean ShapeAnalysis_Wire::CheckOuterBound ( const Standard_Boolean  APIMake = Standard_True)

Checks if wire defines an outer bound on the face Uses ShapeAnalysis::IsOuterBound for analysis If <APIMake> is True uses BRepAPI_MakeWire to build the wire, if False (to be used only when edges share common vertices) uses BRep_Builder to build the wire.

Standard_Boolean ShapeAnalysis_Wire::CheckSeam ( const Standard_Integer  num,
Handle< Geom2d_Curve > &  C1,
Handle< Geom2d_Curve > &  C2,
Standard_Real cf,
Standard_Real cl 

Checks if a seam pcurves are correct oriented Returns: False (status OK) if given edge is not a seam or if it is OK C1 - current pcurve for FORWARD edge, C2 - current pcurve for REVERSED edge (if returns True they should be swapped for the seam), cf, cl - first and last parameters on curves Status: OK : Pcurves are correct or edge is not seam DONE : Seam pcurves should be swapped.

Standard_Boolean ShapeAnalysis_Wire::CheckSeam ( const Standard_Integer  num)

Checks if a seam pcurves are correct oriented See previous functions for details.

Standard_Boolean ShapeAnalysis_Wire::CheckSelfIntersectingEdge ( const Standard_Integer  num,
IntRes2d_SequenceOfIntersectionPoint points2d,
TColgp_SequenceOfPnt points3d 

Checks if num-th edge is self-intersecting. Self-intersection is reported only if intersection point lies outside of both end vertices of the edge. Returns: True if edge is self-intersecting. If returns True it also fills the sequences of intersection points and corresponding 3d points (only that are not enclosed by a vertices) Status: FAIL1 : No pcurve FAIL2 : No vertices DONE1 : Self-intersection found.

Standard_Boolean ShapeAnalysis_Wire::CheckSelfIntersectingEdge ( const Standard_Integer  num)
Standard_Boolean ShapeAnalysis_Wire::CheckSelfIntersection ( )

Checks self-intersection of the wire (considering pcurves) Looks for self-intersecting edges and each pair of intersecting edges. Warning: It does not check each edge with any other one (only each two adjacent edges) The order of the checks : CheckSelfIntersectingEdge, CheckIntersectingEdges Returns: True if at least one check returned True Status: FAIL1 or DONE1 - see CheckSelfIntersectingEdge FAIL2 or DONE2 - see CheckIntersectingEdges.

Standard_Boolean ShapeAnalysis_Wire::CheckShapeConnect ( const TopoDS_Shape shape,
const Standard_Real  prec = 0.0 

Checks with what orientation <shape> (wire or edge) can be connected to the wire. Tests distances with starting <preci> from <SBWD> (close confusion), but if given <prec> is greater, tests with <prec> (coarse confusion). The smallest found distance can be returned by MinDistance3d.

Returns: False if status is FAIL (see below) Status: DONE1 : If <shape> follows <SBWD>, direct sense (normal) DONE2 : If <shape> follows <SBWD>, but if reversed DONE3 : If <shape> preceeds <SBWD>, direct sense DONE4 : If <shape> preceeds <SBWD>, but if reversed FAIL1 : If <shape> is neither an edge nor a wire FAIL2 : If <shape> cannot be connected to <SBWD>

DONE5 : To the tail of <SBWD> the <shape> is closer with direct sense DONE6 : To the head of <SBWD> the <shape> is closer with direct sense

Remark: Statuses DONE1 - DONE4, FAIL1 - FAIL2 are basic and describe the nearest connection of the <shape> to <SBWD>. Statuses DONE5 and DONE6 are advanced and are to be used when analyzing with what sense (direct or reversed) the <shape> should be connected to <SBWD>: For tail of <SBWD> if DONE4 is True <shape> should be direct, otherwise reversed. For head of <SBWD> if DONE5 is True <shape> should be direct, otherwise reversed.

Standard_Boolean ShapeAnalysis_Wire::CheckShapeConnect ( Standard_Real tailhead,
Standard_Real tailtail,
Standard_Real headtail,
Standard_Real headhead,
const TopoDS_Shape shape,
const Standard_Real  prec = 0.0 

The same as previous CheckShapeConnect but is more advanced. It returns the distances between each end of <sbwd> and each end of <shape>. For example, <tailhead> stores distance between tail of <sbwd> and head of <shape> Remark: First method CheckShapeConnect calls this one.

Standard_Boolean ShapeAnalysis_Wire::CheckSmall ( const Standard_Real  precsmall = 0.0)

Calls to CheckSmall for each edge Returns: True if at least one small edge was detected.

Standard_Boolean ShapeAnalysis_Wire::CheckSmall ( const Standard_Integer  num,
const Standard_Real  precsmall = 0.0 

Checks if an edge has a length not greater than myPreci or precsmall (if it is smaller) Returns: False if its length is greater than precision Status: OK : edge is not small or degenerated DONE1: edge is small, vertices are the same DONE2: edge is small, vertices are not the same FAIL : no 3d curve and pcurve.

Standard_Boolean ShapeAnalysis_Wire::CheckSmallArea ( const Standard_Real  prec2d = 0)

Checks if wire has parametric area less than prec2d.

void ShapeAnalysis_Wire::ClearStatuses ( )

Unsets all the status and distance fields wire, face and precision are not cleared.

const TopoDS_Face& ShapeAnalysis_Wire::Face ( ) const

Returns the working face.

void ShapeAnalysis_Wire::Init ( const TopoDS_Wire wire,
const TopoDS_Face face,
const Standard_Real  precision 

Initializes the object with standard TopoDS_Wire, face and precision.

void ShapeAnalysis_Wire::Init ( const Handle< ShapeExtend_WireData > &  sbwd,
const TopoDS_Face face,
const Standard_Real  precision 

Initializes the object with WireData object, face and precision.

Standard_Boolean ShapeAnalysis_Wire::IsLoaded ( ) const

Returns True if wire is loaded and has number of edges >0.

Standard_Boolean ShapeAnalysis_Wire::IsReady ( ) const

Returns True if IsLoaded and underlying face is not null.

Standard_Boolean ShapeAnalysis_Wire::LastCheckStatus ( const ShapeExtend_Status  Status) const

Querying the status of the LAST perfomed 'Advanced' checking procedure.

void ShapeAnalysis_Wire::Load ( const TopoDS_Wire wire)

Loads the object with standard TopoDS_Wire.

void ShapeAnalysis_Wire::Load ( const Handle< ShapeExtend_WireData > &  sbwd)

Loads the object with WireData object.

Standard_Real ShapeAnalysis_Wire::MaxDistance2d ( ) const

Returns the last maximal distance in 2D-UV computed by CheckContinuity2d.

Standard_Real ShapeAnalysis_Wire::MaxDistance3d ( ) const

Returns the last maximal distance in 3D computed by CheckOrientation, CheckConnected, CheckContinuity3d, CheckVertex, CheckNewVertex, CheckSameParameter.

Standard_Real ShapeAnalysis_Wire::MinDistance2d ( ) const

Returns the last lowest distance in 2D-UV computed by CheckContinuity2d.

Standard_Real ShapeAnalysis_Wire::MinDistance3d ( ) const

Returns the last lowest distance in 3D computed by CheckOrientation, CheckConnected, CheckContinuity3d, CheckVertex, CheckNewVertex.

Standard_Integer ShapeAnalysis_Wire::NbEdges ( ) const

Returns the number of edges in the wire, or 0 if it is not loaded.

Standard_Boolean ShapeAnalysis_Wire::Perform ( )

Performs all the checks in the following order : CheckOrder, CheckSmall, CheckConected, CheckEdgeCurves, CheckDegenerated, CheckSelfIntersection, CheckLacking, CheckClosed Returns: True if at least one method returned True; For deeper analysis use Status...(status) methods.

Standard_Real ShapeAnalysis_Wire::Precision ( ) const

Returns the value of precision.

void ShapeAnalysis_Wire::SetFace ( const TopoDS_Face face)

Loads the face the wire lies on.

void ShapeAnalysis_Wire::SetPrecision ( const Standard_Real  precision)
void ShapeAnalysis_Wire::SetSurface ( const Handle< Geom_Surface > &  surface)

Loads the surface the wire lies on.

void ShapeAnalysis_Wire::SetSurface ( const Handle< Geom_Surface > &  surface,
const TopLoc_Location location 

Loads the surface the wire lies on.

Standard_Boolean ShapeAnalysis_Wire::StatusClosed ( const ShapeExtend_Status  Status) const
Standard_Boolean ShapeAnalysis_Wire::StatusConnected ( const ShapeExtend_Status  Status) const
Standard_Boolean ShapeAnalysis_Wire::StatusCurveGaps ( const ShapeExtend_Status  Status) const
Standard_Boolean ShapeAnalysis_Wire::StatusDegenerated ( const ShapeExtend_Status  Status) const
Standard_Boolean ShapeAnalysis_Wire::StatusEdgeCurves ( const ShapeExtend_Status  Status) const
Standard_Boolean ShapeAnalysis_Wire::StatusGaps2d ( const ShapeExtend_Status  Status) const
Standard_Boolean ShapeAnalysis_Wire::StatusGaps3d ( const ShapeExtend_Status  Status) const
Standard_Boolean ShapeAnalysis_Wire::StatusLacking ( const ShapeExtend_Status  Status) const
Standard_Boolean ShapeAnalysis_Wire::StatusLoop ( const ShapeExtend_Status  Status) const
Standard_Boolean ShapeAnalysis_Wire::StatusOrder ( const ShapeExtend_Status  Status) const
Standard_Boolean ShapeAnalysis_Wire::StatusSelfIntersection ( const ShapeExtend_Status  Status) const
Standard_Boolean ShapeAnalysis_Wire::StatusSmall ( const ShapeExtend_Status  Status) const
const Handle< ShapeAnalysis_Surface >& ShapeAnalysis_Wire::Surface ( ) const

Returns the working surface.

const Handle< ShapeExtend_WireData >& ShapeAnalysis_Wire::WireData ( ) const

Returns wire object being analyzed.

Field Documentation

TopoDS_Face ShapeAnalysis_Wire::myFace
Standard_Real ShapeAnalysis_Wire::myMax2d
Standard_Real ShapeAnalysis_Wire::myMax3d
Standard_Real ShapeAnalysis_Wire::myMin2d
Standard_Real ShapeAnalysis_Wire::myMin3d
Standard_Real ShapeAnalysis_Wire::myPrecision
Standard_Integer ShapeAnalysis_Wire::myStatus
Standard_Integer ShapeAnalysis_Wire::myStatusClosed
Standard_Integer ShapeAnalysis_Wire::myStatusConnected
Standard_Integer ShapeAnalysis_Wire::myStatusCurveGaps
Standard_Integer ShapeAnalysis_Wire::myStatusDegenerated
Standard_Integer ShapeAnalysis_Wire::myStatusEdgeCurves
Standard_Integer ShapeAnalysis_Wire::myStatusGaps2d
Standard_Integer ShapeAnalysis_Wire::myStatusGaps3d
Standard_Integer ShapeAnalysis_Wire::myStatusLacking
Standard_Integer ShapeAnalysis_Wire::myStatusLoop
Standard_Integer ShapeAnalysis_Wire::myStatusOrder
Standard_Integer ShapeAnalysis_Wire::myStatusSelfIntersection
Standard_Integer ShapeAnalysis_Wire::myStatusSmall
Handle< ShapeAnalysis_Surface > ShapeAnalysis_Wire::mySurf
Handle< ShapeExtend_WireData > ShapeAnalysis_Wire::myWire

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