Open CASCADE Technology  6.9.0
Public Member Functions | Protected Attributes
TDocStd_XLinkTool Class Reference

This tool class is used to copy the content of source label under target label. Only child labels and attributes of source are copied. attributes located out of source scope are not copied by this algorithm. Depending of the called method an external reference is set in the the target document to registred the externallink. Provide services to set, update and perform external references. Warning1: Nothing is provided in this class about the opportunity to copy, set a link or update it. Such decisions must be under application control. Warning2: If the document manages shapes, use after copy TNaming::ChangeShapes(target,M) to make copy of shapes. More...

#include <TDocStd_XLinkTool.hxx>

Public Member Functions

 TDocStd_XLinkTool ()
void CopyWithLink (const TDF_Label &intarget, const TDF_Label &fromsource)
 Copies the content of the label <fromsource> to the label <intarget>. The link is registred with an XLink attribute by <intarget> label. if the content of <fromsource> is not self-contained, and/or <intarget> has already an XLink attribute, an exception is raised. More...
void UpdateLink (const TDF_Label &L)
 Update the external reference set at <L>. Example Handle(TDocStd_Document) aDoc; if (!OCAFTest::GetDocument(1,aDoc)) return 1; Handle(TDataStd_Reference) aRef; TDocStd_XLinkTool xlinktool; if (!OCAFTest::Find(aDoc,2),TDataStd_Reference::GetID(),aRef) return 1; xlinktool.UpdateLink(aRef->Label()); Exceptions Standard_DomainError if <L> has no XLink attribute. More...
virtual void Copy (const TDF_Label &intarget, const TDF_Label &fromsource)
 Copy the content of <fromsource> under <intarget>. Noone link is registred. noone check is done. Example Handle(TDocStd_Document) DOC, XDOC; TDF_Label L, XL; TDocStd_XLinkTool xlinktool; xlinktool.Copy(L,XL); Exceptions: Standard_DomainError if the contents of fromsource are not entirely in the scope of this label, in other words, are not self-contained. !!! ==> Warning: If the document manages shapes use the next way: TDocStd_XLinkTool xlinktool; xlinktool.Copy(L,XL); TopTools_DataMapOfShapeShape M; TNaming::ChangeShapes(target,M);. More...
Standard_Boolean IsDone () const
Handle< TDF_DataSetDataSet () const
Handle< TDF_RelocationTableRelocationTable () const

Protected Attributes

Standard_Boolean isDone

Detailed Description

This tool class is used to copy the content of source label under target label. Only child labels and attributes of source are copied. attributes located out of source scope are not copied by this algorithm. Depending of the called method an external reference is set in the the target document to registred the externallink. Provide services to set, update and perform external references. Warning1: Nothing is provided in this class about the opportunity to copy, set a link or update it. Such decisions must be under application control. Warning2: If the document manages shapes, use after copy TNaming::ChangeShapes(target,M) to make copy of shapes.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TDocStd_XLinkTool::TDocStd_XLinkTool ( )

Member Function Documentation

virtual void TDocStd_XLinkTool::Copy ( const TDF_Label intarget,
const TDF_Label fromsource 

Copy the content of <fromsource> under <intarget>. Noone link is registred. noone check is done. Example Handle(TDocStd_Document) DOC, XDOC; TDF_Label L, XL; TDocStd_XLinkTool xlinktool; xlinktool.Copy(L,XL); Exceptions: Standard_DomainError if the contents of fromsource are not entirely in the scope of this label, in other words, are not self-contained. !!! ==> Warning: If the document manages shapes use the next way: TDocStd_XLinkTool xlinktool; xlinktool.Copy(L,XL); TopTools_DataMapOfShapeShape M; TNaming::ChangeShapes(target,M);.

void TDocStd_XLinkTool::CopyWithLink ( const TDF_Label intarget,
const TDF_Label fromsource 

Copies the content of the label <fromsource> to the label <intarget>. The link is registred with an XLink attribute by <intarget> label. if the content of <fromsource> is not self-contained, and/or <intarget> has already an XLink attribute, an exception is raised.

Handle< TDF_DataSet > TDocStd_XLinkTool::DataSet ( ) const
Standard_Boolean TDocStd_XLinkTool::IsDone ( ) const
Handle< TDF_RelocationTable > TDocStd_XLinkTool::RelocationTable ( ) const
void TDocStd_XLinkTool::UpdateLink ( const TDF_Label L)

Update the external reference set at <L>. Example Handle(TDocStd_Document) aDoc; if (!OCAFTest::GetDocument(1,aDoc)) return 1; Handle(TDataStd_Reference) aRef; TDocStd_XLinkTool xlinktool; if (!OCAFTest::Find(aDoc,2),TDataStd_Reference::GetID(),aRef) return 1; xlinktool.UpdateLink(aRef->Label()); Exceptions Standard_DomainError if <L> has no XLink attribute.

Field Documentation

Standard_Boolean TDocStd_XLinkTool::isDone

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