Defines an infinite conical surface. A cone is defined by its half-angle at the apex and positioned in space with a coordinate system (a gp_Ax3 object) and a "reference radius" where:
| gp_Cone () |
| Creates an indefinite Cone. More...
| gp_Cone (const gp_Ax3 &A3, const Standard_Real Ang, const Standard_Real Radius) |
| Creates an infinite conical surface. A3 locates the cone in the space and defines the reference plane of the surface. Ang is the conical surface semi-angle between 0 and PI/2 radians. Radius is the radius of the circle in the reference plane of the cone. Raises ConstructionError . if Radius is lower than 0.0 . Ang < Resolution from gp or Ang >= (PI/2) - Resolution. More...
void | SetAxis (const gp_Ax1 &A1) |
| Changes the symmetry axis of the cone. Raises ConstructionError the direction of A1 is parallel to the "XDirection" of the coordinate system of the cone. More...
void | SetLocation (const gp_Pnt &Loc) |
| Changes the location of the cone. More...
void | SetPosition (const gp_Ax3 &A3) |
| Changes the local coordinate system of the cone. This coordinate system defines the reference plane of the cone. More...
void | SetRadius (const Standard_Real R) |
| Changes the radius of the cone in the reference plane of the cone. Raised if R < 0.0. More...
void | SetSemiAngle (const Standard_Real Ang) |
| Changes the semi-angle of the cone. Ang is the conical surface semi-angle ]0,PI/2[. Raises ConstructionError if Ang < Resolution from gp or Ang >= PI/2 - Resolution. More...
gp_Pnt | Apex () const |
| Computes the cone's top. The Apex of the cone is on the negative side of the symmetry axis of the cone. More...
void | UReverse () |
| Reverses the U parametrization of the cone reversing the YAxis. More...
void | VReverse () |
| Reverses the V parametrization of the cone reversing the ZAxis. More...
Standard_Boolean | Direct () const |
| Returns true if the local coordinate system of this cone is right-handed. More...
const gp_Ax1 & | Axis () const |
| returns the symmetry axis of the cone. More...
void | Coefficients (Standard_Real &A1, Standard_Real &A2, Standard_Real &A3, Standard_Real &B1, Standard_Real &B2, Standard_Real &B3, Standard_Real &C1, Standard_Real &C2, Standard_Real &C3, Standard_Real &D) const |
| Computes the coefficients of the implicit equation of the quadric in the absolute cartesian coordinates system : A1.X**2 + A2.Y**2 + A3.Z**2 + 2.(B1.X.Y + B2.X.Z + B3.Y.Z) + 2.(C1.X + C2.Y + C3.Z) + D = 0.0. More...
const gp_Pnt & | Location () const |
| returns the "Location" point of the cone. More...
const gp_Ax3 & | Position () const |
| Returns the local coordinates system of the cone. More...
Standard_Real | RefRadius () const |
| Returns the radius of the cone in the reference plane. More...
Standard_Real | SemiAngle () const |
| Returns the half-angle at the apex of this cone. More...
gp_Ax1 | XAxis () const |
| Returns the XAxis of the reference plane. More...
gp_Ax1 | YAxis () const |
| Returns the YAxis of the reference plane. More...
void | Mirror (const gp_Pnt &P) |
gp_Cone | Mirrored (const gp_Pnt &P) const |
| Performs the symmetrical transformation of a cone with respect to the point P which is the center of the symmetry. More...
void | Mirror (const gp_Ax1 &A1) |
gp_Cone | Mirrored (const gp_Ax1 &A1) const |
| Performs the symmetrical transformation of a cone with respect to an axis placement which is the axis of the symmetry. More...
void | Mirror (const gp_Ax2 &A2) |
gp_Cone | Mirrored (const gp_Ax2 &A2) const |
| Performs the symmetrical transformation of a cone with respect to a plane. The axis placement A2 locates the plane of the of the symmetry : (Location, XDirection, YDirection). More...
void | Rotate (const gp_Ax1 &A1, const Standard_Real Ang) |
gp_Cone | Rotated (const gp_Ax1 &A1, const Standard_Real Ang) const |
| Rotates a cone. A1 is the axis of the rotation. Ang is the angular value of the rotation in radians. More...
void | Scale (const gp_Pnt &P, const Standard_Real S) |
gp_Cone | Scaled (const gp_Pnt &P, const Standard_Real S) const |
| Scales a cone. S is the scaling value. The absolute value of S is used to scale the cone. More...
void | Transform (const gp_Trsf &T) |
gp_Cone | Transformed (const gp_Trsf &T) const |
| Transforms a cone with the transformation T from class Trsf. More...
void | Translate (const gp_Vec &V) |
gp_Cone | Translated (const gp_Vec &V) const |
| Translates a cone in the direction of the vector V. The magnitude of the translation is the vector's magnitude. More...
void | Translate (const gp_Pnt &P1, const gp_Pnt &P2) |
gp_Cone | Translated (const gp_Pnt &P1, const gp_Pnt &P2) const |
| Translates a cone from the point P1 to the point P2. More...
const gp_Ax3 & | _CSFDB_Getgp_Conepos () const |
Standard_Real | _CSFDB_Getgp_Coneradius () const |
void | _CSFDB_Setgp_Coneradius (const Standard_Real p) |
Standard_Real | _CSFDB_Getgp_ConesemiAngle () const |
void | _CSFDB_Setgp_ConesemiAngle (const Standard_Real p) |
Defines an infinite conical surface. A cone is defined by its half-angle at the apex and positioned in space with a coordinate system (a gp_Ax3 object) and a "reference radius" where:
- the "main Axis" of the coordinate system is the axis of revolution of the cone,
- the plane defined by the origin, the "X Direction" and the "Y Direction" of the coordinate system is the reference plane of the cone; the intersection of the cone with this reference plane is a circle of radius equal to the reference radius, if the half-angle is positive, the apex of the cone is on the negative side of the "main Axis" of the coordinate system. If the half-angle is negative, the apex is on the positive side. This coordinate system is the "local coordinate system" of the cone. Note: when a gp_Cone cone is converted into a Geom_ConicalSurface cone, some implicit properties of its local coordinate system are used explicitly:
- its origin, "X Direction", "Y Direction" and "main
Direction" are used directly to define the parametric directions on the cone and the origin of the parameters,
- its implicit orientation (right-handed or left-handed) gives the orientation (direct or indirect) of the Geom_ConicalSurface cone. See Also gce_MakeCone which provides functions for more complex cone constructions Geom_ConicalSurface which provides additional functions for constructing cones and works, in particular, with the parametric equations of cones gp_Ax3