Contains a Shape and the bounds of its vertices, edges and faces in the DataStructure.
| HLRBRep_ShapeBounds () |
| HLRBRep_ShapeBounds (const Handle< HLRTopoBRep_OutLiner > &S, const Handle< MMgt_TShared > &SData, const Standard_Integer nbIso, const Standard_Integer V1, const Standard_Integer V2, const Standard_Integer E1, const Standard_Integer E2, const Standard_Integer F1, const Standard_Integer F2) |
| HLRBRep_ShapeBounds (const Handle< HLRTopoBRep_OutLiner > &S, const Standard_Integer nbIso, const Standard_Integer V1, const Standard_Integer V2, const Standard_Integer E1, const Standard_Integer E2, const Standard_Integer F1, const Standard_Integer F2) |
void | Translate (const Standard_Integer NV, const Standard_Integer NE, const Standard_Integer NF) |
void | Shape (const Handle< HLRTopoBRep_OutLiner > &S) |
const Handle< HLRTopoBRep_OutLiner > & | Shape () const |
void | ShapeData (const Handle< MMgt_TShared > &SD) |
const Handle< MMgt_TShared > & | ShapeData () const |
void | NbOfIso (const Standard_Integer nbIso) |
Standard_Integer | NbOfIso () const |
void | Sizes (Standard_Integer &NV, Standard_Integer &NE, Standard_Integer &NF) const |
void | Bounds (Standard_Integer &V1, Standard_Integer &V2, Standard_Integer &E1, Standard_Integer &E2, Standard_Integer &F1, Standard_Integer &F2) const |
void | UpdateMinMax (const Standard_Address TotMinMax) |
Standard_Address | MinMax () const |
Contains a Shape and the bounds of its vertices, edges and faces in the DataStructure.