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IGESControl_Controller Class Reference

Controller for IGES-5.1. More...

#include <IGESControl_Controller.hxx>

Inheritance diagram for IGESControl_Controller:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

 IGESControl_Controller (const Standard_Boolean modefnes=Standard_False)
 Initializes the use of IGES Norm (the first time) and returns a Controller for IGES-5.1 If <modefnes> is True, sets it to internal FNES format. More...
Handle< Interface_InterfaceModelNewModel () const
 Creates a new empty Model ready to receive data of the Norm. It is taken from IGES Template Model. More...
Handle< Transfer_ActorOfTransientProcessActorRead (const Handle< Interface_InterfaceModel > &model) const
 Returns the Actor for Read attached to the pair (norm,appli) It is an Actor from IGESToBRep, adapted from an IGESModel : Unit, tolerances. More...
virtual IFSelect_ReturnStatus TransferWriteShape (const TopoDS_Shape &shape, const Handle< Transfer_FinderProcess > &FP, const Handle< Interface_InterfaceModel > &model, const Standard_Integer modetrans=0) const
 Takes one Shape and transfers it to the InterfaceModel (already created by NewModel for instance) <modetrans> is to be interpreted by each kind of XstepAdaptor Returns a status : 0 OK 1 No result 2 Fail -1 bad modeshape -2 bad model (requires an IGESModel) modeshape : 0 groupe of face (version < 5.1) 1 BREP-version 5.1 of IGES. More...
virtual void Customise (Handle< XSControl_WorkSession > &WS)
 Customises a WorkSession, by adding to it the recorded items (by AddSessionItem), then by calling a specific method Customising, set by default to do nothing. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from XSControl_Controller
void SetNames (const Standard_CString longname, const Standard_CString shortname)
 Changes names if a name is empty, the formerly set one remains Remark : Does not call Record or AutoRecord. More...
void AutoRecord () const
 Records <me> is a general dictionary under Short and Long Names (see method Name) More...
void Record (const Standard_CString name) const
 Records <me> in a general dictionary under a name Error if <name> already used for another one. More...
Standard_CString Name (const Standard_Boolean rsc=Standard_False) const
 Returns a name, as given when initializing : rsc = False (D) : True Name attached to the Norm (long name) rsc = True : Name of the ressource set (i.e. short name) More...
Handle< IFSelect_ProfileProfile () const
 Returns the Profile It starts with a first configuration Base (empty) and the following options : protocol for the Protocol sign-type for the SignType (Default Signature for Type) access for the WorkLibrary tr-read for ActorRead (import processor) tr-write for ActorWrite (export processor) More...
void DefineProfile (const Standard_CString confname)
 Considers the current state of the Controller as defining a configuration, newly created or already existing. More...
Standard_Boolean SetProfile (const Standard_CString confname)
 Sets the Controller in a given Configuration of its Profile Calls SettingProfile (which can be redefined) More...
virtual Standard_Boolean SettingProfile (const Standard_CString confname)
 This method is called by SetProfile, it can be redefined for specific sub-class of Controller The default does nothing. More...
Standard_Boolean ApplyProfile (const Handle< XSControl_WorkSession > &WS, const Standard_CString confname)
 Applies a Configuration of the Profile to the WorkSession I.E. calls SetProfile then fills WorkSession with definitions. More...
virtual Standard_Boolean ApplyingProfile (const Handle< XSControl_WorkSession > &WS, const Standard_CString confname)
 Called by ApplyProfile, can be redefined for specific sub-class of Controller The default does nothing. More...
Handle< Interface_ProtocolProtocol () const
 Returns the Protocol attached to the Norm (from field) More...
Handle< IFSelect_SignatureSignType () const
 Returns the SignType attached to the norm (from field) More...
Handle< IFSelect_WorkLibraryWorkLibrary () const
 Returns the WorkLibrary attached to the Norm. Remark that it has to be in phase with the Protocol (read from field) More...
virtual Handle< Transfer_ActorOfFinderProcessActorWrite () const
 Returns the Actor for Write attached to the pair (norm,appli) Read from field. Can be redefined. More...
virtual void UpdateStatics (const Standard_Integer mode, const Standard_CString criter="") const
 Updates static values <mode> precises the kind of updating : (see Items from Static) -1 : a precise static item : criter = its name 0 : all items of a family : criter = the family name 1 : all items which match regexp name : criter = regexp name By default (criter empty) should consider all relevant statics If <name> is defined, can consider only this static item The provided default method does nothing, to be redefined. More...
void SetModeWrite (const Standard_Integer modemin, const Standard_Integer modemax, const Standard_Boolean shape=Standard_True)
 Sets mininum and maximum values for modetrans (write) Erases formerly recorded bounds and values Actually only for shape Then, for each value a little help can be attached. More...
void SetModeWriteHelp (const Standard_Integer modetrans, const Standard_CString help, const Standard_Boolean shape=Standard_True)
 Attaches a short line of help to a value of modetrans (write) More...
Standard_Boolean ModeWriteBounds (Standard_Integer &modemin, Standard_Integer &modemax, const Standard_Boolean shape=Standard_True) const
 Returns recorded min and max values for modetrans (write) Actually only for shapes Returns True if bounds are set, False else (then, free value) More...
Standard_Boolean IsModeWrite (const Standard_Integer modetrans, const Standard_Boolean shape=Standard_True) const
 Tells if a value of <modetrans> is a good value(within bounds) Actually only for shapes. More...
Standard_CString ModeWriteHelp (const Standard_Integer modetrans, const Standard_Boolean shape=Standard_True) const
 Returns the help line recorded for a value of modetrans empty if help not defined or not within bounds or if values are free. More...
virtual Standard_Boolean RecognizeWriteTransient (const Handle< Standard_Transient > &obj, const Standard_Integer modetrans=0) const
 Tells if <obj> (an application object) is a valid candidate for a transfer to a Model. By default, asks the ActorWrite if known (through a TransientMapper). Can be redefined. More...
virtual IFSelect_ReturnStatus TransferWriteTransient (const Handle< Standard_Transient > &obj, const Handle< Transfer_FinderProcess > &FP, const Handle< Interface_InterfaceModel > &model, const Standard_Integer modetrans=0) const
 Takes one Transient Object and transfers it to an InterfaceModel (already created, e.g. by NewModel) (result is recorded in the model by AddWithRefs) FP records produced results and checks. More...
virtual Standard_Boolean RecognizeWriteShape (const TopoDS_Shape &shape, const Standard_Integer modetrans=0) const
 Tells if a shape is valid for a transfer to a model Asks the ActorWrite (through a ShapeMapper) More...
virtual Handle< Standard_TransientClusterContext (const Handle< XSControl_WorkSession > &WS) const
 Prepares and returns a context to resolve a cluster All data to be used are detained by the WorkSession The definition of this context is free and proper to each case remark that it is aimed to be used in ResolveCluster. More...
virtual Interface_CheckIterator ResolveCluster (const Handle< XSControl_WorkSession > &WS, const Handle< Standard_Transient > &context) const
 Performs the resolution itself, from the starting data and the cluster context. More...
void AddControlItem (const Handle< Standard_Transient > &item, const Standard_CString name)
 Adds an item in the control list A control item of a controller is accessed by its name which is specific of a kind of item (i.e. a kind of functionnality) Adds or replaces if <name> is already recorded. More...
Handle< Standard_TransientControlItem (const Standard_CString name) const
 Returns a control item from its name, Null if <name> unknown To be used then, it just remains to be down-casted. More...
void TraceStatic (const Standard_CString name, const Standard_Integer use)
 Records the name of a Static to be traced for a given use. More...
void AddSessionItem (const Handle< Standard_Transient > &item, const Standard_CString name, const Standard_CString setapplied="")
 Records a Session Item, to be added for customisation of the Work Session. It must have a specific name. <setapplied> is used if is a GeneralModifier, to decide to which hook list it will be applied, if not empty (else, not applied to any hook list) ACTUAL : only one hook list is managed : "send" Remark : this method is to be called at Create time, the recorded items will be used by Customise Warning : if <name> conflicts, the last recorded item is kept. More...
Handle< Standard_TransientSessionItem (const Standard_CString name) const
 Returns an item given its name to record in a Session If <name> is unknown, returns a Null Handle. More...
Standard_Boolean IsApplied (const Handle< Standard_Transient > &item) const
 Returns True if is recorded as <setapplied = True> More...
void Customising (Handle< XSControl_WorkSession > &WS)
 Specific customisation method, which can be redefined Default does nothing. More...
Handle< Dico_DictionaryOfTransientAdaptorSession () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from MMgt_TShared
virtual void Delete () const
 Memory deallocator for transient classes. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Standard_Transient
 Standard_Transient ()
 Empty constructor. More...
 Standard_Transient (const Standard_Transient &)
 Copy constructor – does nothing. More...
Standard_Transientoperator= (const Standard_Transient &)
 Assignment operator, needed to avoid copying reference counter. More...
virtual ~Standard_Transient ()
 Destructor must be virtual. More...
virtual const Handle_Standard_Type & DynamicType () const
 Returns a type information object about this object. More...
Standard_Boolean IsInstance (const Handle_Standard_Type &theType) const
 Returns a true value if this is an instance of Type. More...
Standard_Boolean IsInstance (const Standard_CString theTypeName) const
 Returns a true value if this is an instance of TypeName. More...
Standard_Boolean IsKind (const Handle_Standard_Type &theType) const
 Returns true if this is an instance of Type or an instance of any class that inherits from Type. Note that multiple inheritance is not supported by OCCT RTTI mechanism. More...
Standard_Boolean IsKind (const Standard_CString theTypeName) const
 Returns true if this is an instance of TypeName or an instance of any class that inherits from TypeName. Note that multiple inheritance is not supported by OCCT RTTI mechanism. More...
virtual Handle_Standard_Transient This () const
 Returns a Handle which references this object. Must never be called to objects created in stack. More...
Standard_Integer GetRefCount () const
 Get the reference counter of this object. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static Standard_Boolean Init ()
 Standard Initialisation. It creates a Controller for IGES and records it to various names, available to select it later Returns True when done, False if could not be done Also, it creates and records an Adaptor for FNES. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from XSControl_Controller
static Handle< XSControl_ControllerRecorded (const Standard_CString name)
 Returns the Controller attached to a given name Returns a Null Handle if <name> is unknown. More...
static Handle< TColStd_HSequenceOfHAsciiStringListRecorded (const Standard_Integer mode=0)
 Returns the list of names of recorded norms, according to mode = 0 (D) : all the recorded names < 0 : for each distinct norm, its resource (short) name

0 : for each distinct norm, its complete (long) name


Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from XSControl_Controller
 XSControl_Controller (const Standard_CString longname, const Standard_CString shortname)
 Initializing with names <longname> is for the complete, official, long name <shortname> is for the short name used for resources. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from XSControl_Controller
TCollection_AsciiString theShortName
TCollection_AsciiString theLongName
Handle< IFSelect_WorkLibrarytheAdaptorLibrary
Handle< Interface_ProtocoltheAdaptorProtocol
Handle< IFSelect_SignaturetheSignType
Handle< Transfer_ActorOfTransientProcesstheAdaptorRead
Handle< Transfer_ActorOfFinderProcesstheAdaptorWrite
Handle< Dico_DictionaryOfTransienttheAdaptorSession

Detailed Description

Controller for IGES-5.1.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

IGESControl_Controller::IGESControl_Controller ( const Standard_Boolean  modefnes = Standard_False)

Initializes the use of IGES Norm (the first time) and returns a Controller for IGES-5.1 If <modefnes> is True, sets it to internal FNES format.

Member Function Documentation

Handle< Transfer_ActorOfTransientProcess > IGESControl_Controller::ActorRead ( const Handle< Interface_InterfaceModel > &  model) const

Returns the Actor for Read attached to the pair (norm,appli) It is an Actor from IGESToBRep, adapted from an IGESModel : Unit, tolerances.

Implements XSControl_Controller.

virtual void IGESControl_Controller::Customise ( Handle< XSControl_WorkSession > &  WS)

Customises a WorkSession, by adding to it the recorded items (by AddSessionItem), then by calling a specific method Customising, set by default to do nothing.

Reimplemented from XSControl_Controller.

static Standard_Boolean IGESControl_Controller::Init ( )

Standard Initialisation. It creates a Controller for IGES and records it to various names, available to select it later Returns True when done, False if could not be done Also, it creates and records an Adaptor for FNES.

Handle< Interface_InterfaceModel > IGESControl_Controller::NewModel ( ) const

Creates a new empty Model ready to receive data of the Norm. It is taken from IGES Template Model.

Implements XSControl_Controller.

virtual IFSelect_ReturnStatus IGESControl_Controller::TransferWriteShape ( const TopoDS_Shape shape,
const Handle< Transfer_FinderProcess > &  FP,
const Handle< Interface_InterfaceModel > &  model,
const Standard_Integer  modetrans = 0 
) const

Takes one Shape and transfers it to the InterfaceModel (already created by NewModel for instance) <modetrans> is to be interpreted by each kind of XstepAdaptor Returns a status : 0 OK 1 No result 2 Fail -1 bad modeshape -2 bad model (requires an IGESModel) modeshape : 0 groupe of face (version < 5.1) 1 BREP-version 5.1 of IGES.

Reimplemented from XSControl_Controller.

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