| IntPatch_TheIWalking (const Standard_Real Epsilon, const Standard_Real Deflection, const Standard_Real Step) |
| Deflection is the maximum deflection admitted between two consecutive points on a resulting polyline. Step is the maximum increment admitted between two consecutive points (in 2d space). Epsilon is the tolerance beyond which 2 points are confused. More...
void | SetTolerance (const Standard_Real Epsilon, const Standard_Real Deflection, const Standard_Real Step) |
| Deflection is the maximum deflection admitted between two consecutive points on a resulting polyline. Step is the maximum increment admitted between two consecutive points (in 2d space). Epsilon is the tolerance beyond which 2 points are confused. More...
void | Perform (const IntSurf_SequenceOfPathPoint &Pnts1, const IntSurf_SequenceOfInteriorPoint &Pnts2, IntPatch_TheSurfFunction &Func, const Handle< Adaptor3d_HSurface > &S, const Standard_Boolean Reversed=Standard_False) |
| Searches a set of polylines starting on a point of Pnts1 or Pnts2. Each point on a resulting polyline verifies F(u,v)=0. More...
void | Perform (const IntSurf_SequenceOfPathPoint &Pnts1, IntPatch_TheSurfFunction &Func, const Handle< Adaptor3d_HSurface > &S, const Standard_Boolean Reversed=Standard_False) |
| Searches a set of polylines starting on a point of Pnts1. Each point on a resulting polyline verifies F(u,v)=0. More...
Standard_Boolean | IsDone () const |
| Returns true if the calculus was successful. More...
Standard_Integer | NbLines () const |
| Returns the number of resulting polylines. An exception is raised if IsDone returns False. More...
const Handle< IntPatch_TheIWLineOfTheIWalking > & | Value (const Standard_Integer Index) const |
| Returns the polyline of range Index. An exception is raised if IsDone is False. An exception is raised if Index<=0 or Index>NbLines. More...
Standard_Integer | NbSinglePnts () const |
| Returns the number of points belonging to Pnts on which no line starts or ends. An exception is raised if IsDone returns False. More...
const IntSurf_PathPoint & | SinglePnt (const Standard_Integer Index) const |
| Returns the point of range Index . An exception is raised if IsDone returns False. An exception is raised if Index<=0 or Index > NbSinglePnts. More...
Standard_Boolean | Cadrage (math_Vector &BornInf, math_Vector &BornSup, math_Vector &UVap, Standard_Real &Step, const Standard_Integer StepSign) const |
Standard_Boolean | TestArretPassage (const TColStd_SequenceOfReal &Umult, const TColStd_SequenceOfReal &Vmult, IntPatch_TheSurfFunction &Section, math_Vector &UV, Standard_Integer &Irang) |
Standard_Boolean | TestArretPassage (const TColStd_SequenceOfReal &Umult, const TColStd_SequenceOfReal &Vmult, const math_Vector &UV, const Standard_Integer Index, Standard_Integer &Irang) |
Standard_Boolean | TestArretAjout (IntPatch_TheSurfFunction &Section, math_Vector &UV, Standard_Integer &Irang, IntSurf_PntOn2S &PSol) |
void | TestArretCadre (const TColStd_SequenceOfReal &Umult, const TColStd_SequenceOfReal &Vmult, const Handle< IntPatch_TheIWLineOfTheIWalking > &Line, IntPatch_TheSurfFunction &Section, math_Vector &UV, Standard_Integer &Irang) |
IntWalk_StatusDeflection | TestDeflection (IntPatch_TheSurfFunction &Section, const Standard_Boolean Finished, const math_Vector &UV, const IntWalk_StatusDeflection StatusPrecedent, Standard_Integer &NbDivision, Standard_Real &Step, const Standard_Integer StepSign) |
void | ComputeOpenLine (const TColStd_SequenceOfReal &Umult, const TColStd_SequenceOfReal &Vmult, const IntSurf_SequenceOfPathPoint &Pnts1, IntPatch_TheSurfFunction &Section, Standard_Boolean &Rajout) |
void | OpenLine (const Standard_Integer N, const IntSurf_PntOn2S &Psol, const IntSurf_SequenceOfPathPoint &Pnts1, IntPatch_TheSurfFunction &Section, const Handle< IntPatch_TheIWLineOfTheIWalking > &Line) |
void | ComputeCloseLine (const TColStd_SequenceOfReal &Umult, const TColStd_SequenceOfReal &Vmult, const IntSurf_SequenceOfPathPoint &Pnts1, const IntSurf_SequenceOfInteriorPoint &Pnts2, IntPatch_TheSurfFunction &Section, Standard_Boolean &Rajout) |
void | AddPointInCurrentLine (const Standard_Integer N, const IntSurf_PathPoint &PathPnt, const Handle< IntPatch_TheIWLineOfTheIWalking > &CurrentLine) const |
void | MakeWalkingPoint (const Standard_Integer Case, const Standard_Real U, const Standard_Real V, IntPatch_TheSurfFunction &Section, IntSurf_PntOn2S &Psol) |
void | Clear () |
| Clears up internal containers. More...