Open CASCADE Technology
A variable-length sequence of ASCII characters (normal 8-bit character type). It provides editing operations with built-in memory management to make HAsciiString objects easier to use than ordinary character arrays. HAsciiString objects are handles to strings. More...
#include <TCollection_HAsciiString.hxx>
Public Member Functions | |
TCollection_HAsciiString () | |
Initializes a HAsciiString to an empty AsciiString. More... | |
TCollection_HAsciiString (const Standard_CString message) | |
Initializes a HAsciiString with a CString. More... | |
TCollection_HAsciiString (const Standard_Character aChar) | |
Initializes a HAsciiString with a single character. More... | |
TCollection_HAsciiString (const Standard_Integer length, const Standard_Character filler) | |
Initializes a HAsciiString with <length> space allocated. and filled with <filler>.This is useful for buffers. More... | |
TCollection_HAsciiString (const Standard_Integer value) | |
Initializes a HAsciiString with an integer value. More... | |
TCollection_HAsciiString (const Standard_Real value) | |
Initializes a HAsciiString with a real value. More... | |
TCollection_HAsciiString (const TCollection_AsciiString &aString) | |
Initializes a HAsciiString with a HAsciiString. More... | |
TCollection_HAsciiString (const Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > &aString) | |
Initializes a HAsciiString with a HAsciiString. More... | |
TCollection_HAsciiString (const Handle< TCollection_HExtendedString > &aString, const Standard_Character replaceNonAscii) | |
Initializes a HAsciiString with a HAsciiString. If replaceNonAscii is non-null charecter, it will be used in place of any non-ascii character found in the source string. Otherwise, raises OutOfRange exception if at least one character in the source string is not in the "Ascii range". More... | |
void | AssignCat (const Standard_CString other) |
Appends <other> to me. More... | |
void | AssignCat (const Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > &other) |
Appends <other> to me. Example: aString = aString + anotherString. More... | |
void | Capitalize () |
Converts the first character into its corresponding upper-case character and the other characters into lowercase. Example: before me = "hellO " after me = "Hello ". More... | |
Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > | Cat (const Standard_CString other) const |
Creates a new string by concatenation of this ASCII string and the other ASCII string. Example: aString = aString + anotherString aString = aString + "Dummy" aString contains "I say " aString = aString + "Hello " + "Dolly" gives "I say Hello Dolly" Warning: To catenate more than one CString, you must put a String before. So the following example is WRONG ! aString = "Hello " + "Dolly" THIS IS NOT ALLOWED This rule is applicable to AssignCat (operator +=) too. More... | |
Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > | Cat (const Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > &other) const |
Creates a new string by concatenation of this ASCII string and the other ASCII string. Example: aString = aString + anotherString. More... | |
void | Center (const Standard_Integer Width, const Standard_Character Filler) |
Modifies this ASCII string so that its length becomes equal to Width and the new characters are equal to Filler. New characters are added both at the beginning and at the end of this string. If Width is less than the length of this ASCII string, nothing happens. Example Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString) myAlphabet = new TCollection_HAsciiString ("abcdef"); myAlphabet->Center(9,' '); assert ( !strcmp( myAlphabet->ToCString(), " abcdef ") );. More... | |
void | ChangeAll (const Standard_Character aChar, const Standard_Character NewChar, const Standard_Boolean CaseSensitive=Standard_True) |
Replaces all characters equal to aChar by NewChar in this ASCII string. The substitution is case sensitive if CaseSensitive is true (default value). If you do not use the default case sensitive option, it does not matter whether aChar is upper-case or not. Example Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString) myMistake = new TCollection_HAsciiString ("Hather"); myMistake->ChangeAll('H','F'); assert ( !strcmp( myMistake->ToCString(), "Father") );. More... | |
void | Clear () |
Removes all characters contained in <me>. This produces an empty HAsciiString. More... | |
Standard_Integer | FirstLocationInSet (const Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > &Set, const Standard_Integer FromIndex, const Standard_Integer ToIndex) const |
Returns the index of the first character of <me> that is present in <Set>. The search begins to the index FromIndex and ends to the the index ToIndex. Returns zero if failure. Raises an exception if FromIndex or ToIndex is out of range Example: before me = "aabAcAa", S = "Aa", FromIndex = 1, Toindex = 7 after me = "aabAcAa" returns 1. More... | |
Standard_Integer | FirstLocationNotInSet (const Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > &Set, const Standard_Integer FromIndex, const Standard_Integer ToIndex) const |
Returns the index of the first character of <me> that is not present in the set <Set>. The search begins to the index FromIndex and ends to the the index ToIndex in <me>. Returns zero if failure. Raises an exception if FromIndex or ToIndex is out of range. Example: before me = "aabAcAa", S = "Aa", FromIndex = 1, Toindex = 7 after me = "aabAcAa" returns 3. More... | |
void | Insert (const Standard_Integer where, const Standard_Character what) |
Insert a Character at position <where>. Example: aString contains "hy not ?" aString.Insert(1,'W'); gives "Why not ?" aString contains "Wh" aString.Insert(3,'y'); gives "Why" aString contains "Way" aString.Insert(2,'h'); gives "Why". More... | |
void | Insert (const Standard_Integer where, const Standard_CString what) |
Insert a HAsciiString at position <where>. More... | |
void | Insert (const Standard_Integer where, const Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > &what) |
Insert a HAsciiString at position <where>. More... | |
void | InsertAfter (const Standard_Integer Index, const Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > &other) |
Inserts the other ASCII string a after a specific index in the string <me> Example: before me = "cde" , Index = 0 , other = "ab" after me = "abcde" , other = "ab". More... | |
void | InsertBefore (const Standard_Integer Index, const Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > &other) |
Inserts the other ASCII string a before a specific index in the string <me> Raises an exception if Index is out of bounds Example: before me = "cde" , Index = 1 , other = "ab" after me = "abcde" , other = "ab". More... | |
Standard_Boolean | IsEmpty () const |
Returns True if the string <me> contains zero character. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | IsLess (const Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > &other) const |
Returns TRUE if <me> is 'ASCII' less than <other>. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | IsGreater (const Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > &other) const |
Returns TRUE if <me> is 'ASCII' greater than <other>. More... | |
Standard_Integer | IntegerValue () const |
Converts a HAsciiString containing a numeric expression to an Integer. Example: "215" returns 215. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | IsIntegerValue () const |
Returns True if the string contains an integer value. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | IsRealValue () const |
Returns True if the string contains a real value. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | IsAscii () const |
Returns True if the string contains only ASCII characters between ' ' and '~'. This means no control character and no extended ASCII code. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | IsDifferent (const Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > &S) const |
Returns True if the string S not contains same characters than the string <me>. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | IsSameString (const Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > &S) const |
Returns True if the string S contains same characters than the string <me>. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | IsSameString (const Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > &S, const Standard_Boolean CaseSensitive) const |
Returns True if the string S contains same characters than the string <me>. More... | |
void | LeftAdjust () |
Removes all space characters in the begining of the string. More... | |
void | LeftJustify (const Standard_Integer Width, const Standard_Character Filler) |
Left justify. Length becomes equal to Width and the new characters are equal to Filler if Width < Length nothing happens Raises an exception if Width is less than zero Example: before me = "abcdef" , Width = 9 , Filler = ' ' after me = "abcdef ". More... | |
Standard_Integer | Length () const |
Returns number of characters in <me>. This is the same functionality as 'strlen' in C. More... | |
Standard_Integer | Location (const Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > &other, const Standard_Integer FromIndex, const Standard_Integer ToIndex) const |
returns an index in the string <me> of the first occurence of the string S in the string <me> from the starting index FromIndex to the ending index ToIndex returns zero if failure Raises an exception if FromIndex or ToIndex is out of range. Example: before me = "aabAaAa", S = "Aa", FromIndex = 1, ToIndex = 7 after me = "aabAaAa" returns 4 More... | |
Standard_Integer | Location (const Standard_Integer N, const Standard_Character C, const Standard_Integer FromIndex, const Standard_Integer ToIndex) const |
Returns the index of the nth occurence of the character C in the string <me> from the starting index FromIndex to the ending index ToIndex. Returns zero if failure. Raises an exception if FromIndex or ToIndex is out of range Example: before me = "aabAa", N = 3, C = 'a', FromIndex = 1, ToIndex = 5 after me = "aabAa" returns 5. More... | |
void | LowerCase () |
Converts <me> to its lower-case equivalent. More... | |
void | Prepend (const Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > &other) |
Inserts the other string at the begining of the string <me> Example: before me = "cde" , S = "ab" after me = "abcde" , S = "ab". More... | |
void | Print (Standard_OStream &astream) const |
Prints this string on the stream <astream>. More... | |
Standard_Real | RealValue () const |
Converts a string containing a numeric expression to a Real. Example: "215" returns 215.0. "3.14159267" returns 3.14159267. More... | |
void | RemoveAll (const Standard_Character C, const Standard_Boolean CaseSensitive) |
Remove all the occurences of the character C in the string Example: before me = "HellLLo", C = 'L' , CaseSensitive = True after me = "Hello". More... | |
void | RemoveAll (const Standard_Character what) |
Removes every <what> characters from <me> More... | |
void | Remove (const Standard_Integer where, const Standard_Integer ahowmany=1) |
Erases <ahowmany> characters from position <where>, <where> included. Example: aString contains "Hello" aString.Erase(2,2) erases 2 characters from position 1 This gives "Hlo". More... | |
void | RightAdjust () |
Removes all space characters at the end of the string. More... | |
void | RightJustify (const Standard_Integer Width, const Standard_Character Filler) |
Right justify. Length becomes equal to Width and the new characters are equal to Filler if Width < Length nothing happens Raises an exception if Width is less than zero Example: before me = "abcdef" , Width = 9 , Filler = ' ' after me = " abcdef". More... | |
Standard_Integer | Search (const Standard_CString what) const |
Searches a CString in <me> from the beginning and returns position of first item <what> matching. It returns -1 if not found. Example: aString contains "Sample single test" aString.Search("le") returns 5. More... | |
Standard_Integer | Search (const Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > &what) const |
Searches a String in <me> from the beginning and returns position of first item <what> matching. it returns -1 if not found. More... | |
Standard_Integer | SearchFromEnd (const Standard_CString what) const |
Searches a CString in a String from the end and returns position of first item <what> matching. It returns -1 if not found. Example: aString contains "Sample single test" aString.SearchFromEnd("le") returns 12. More... | |
Standard_Integer | SearchFromEnd (const Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > &what) const |
Searches a HAsciiString in another HAsciiString from the end and returns position of first item <what> matching. It returns -1 if not found. More... | |
void | SetValue (const Standard_Integer where, const Standard_Character what) |
Replaces one character in the string at position <where>. If <where> is less than zero or greater than the length of <me> an exception is raised. Example: aString contains "Garbake" astring.Replace(6,'g') gives <me> = "Garbage". More... | |
void | SetValue (const Standard_Integer where, const Standard_CString what) |
Replaces a part of <me> in the string at position <where>. If <where> is less than zero or greater than the length of <me> an exception is raised. Example: aString contains "Garbake" astring.Replace(6,'g') gives <me> = "Garbage". More... | |
void | SetValue (const Standard_Integer where, const Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > &what) |
Replaces a part of <me> by another string. More... | |
Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > | Split (const Standard_Integer where) |
Splits a HAsciiString into two sub-strings. Example: aString contains "abcdefg" aString.Split(3) gives <me> = "abc" and returns "defg". More... | |
Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > | SubString (const Standard_Integer FromIndex, const Standard_Integer ToIndex) const |
Creation of a sub-string of the string <me>. The sub-string starts to the index Fromindex and ends to the index ToIndex. Raises an exception if ToIndex or FromIndex is out of bounds Example: before me = "abcdefg", ToIndex=3, FromIndex=6 after me = "abcdefg" returns "cdef". More... | |
Standard_CString | ToCString () const |
Returns pointer to string (char *) This is useful for some casual manipulations Because this "char *" is 'const', you can't modify its contents. More... | |
Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > | Token (const Standard_CString separators=" \t", const Standard_Integer whichone=1) const |
Extracts <whichone> token from <me>. By default, the <separators> is set to space and tabulation. By default, the token extracted is the first one (whichone = 1). <separators> contains all separators you need. If no token indexed by <whichone> is found, it returns an empty String. Example: aString contains "This is a message" aString.Token() returns "This" aString.Token(" ",4) returns "message" aString.Token(" ",2) returns "is" aString.Token(" ",9) returns "" Other separators than space character and tabulation are allowed aString contains "1234; test:message , value" aString.Token("; :,",4) returns "value" aString.Token("; :,",2) returns "test". More... | |
void | Trunc (const Standard_Integer ahowmany) |
Truncates <me> to <ahowmany> characters. Example: me = "Hello Dolly" -> Trunc(3) -> me = "Hel". More... | |
void | UpperCase () |
Converts <me> to its upper-case equivalent. More... | |
Standard_Integer | UsefullLength () const |
Length of the string ignoring all spaces (' ') and the control character at the end. More... | |
Standard_Character | Value (const Standard_Integer where) const |
Returns character at position <where> in <me>. If <where> is less than zero or greater than the lenght of <me>, an exception is raised. Example: aString contains "Hello" aString.Value(2) returns 'e'. More... | |
const TCollection_AsciiString & | String () const |
Returns the field myString. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | IsSameState (const Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > &other) const |
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virtual void | Delete () const override |
Memory deallocator for transient classes. More... | |
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Standard_Transient () | |
Empty constructor. More... | |
Standard_Transient (const Standard_Transient &) | |
Copy constructor – does nothing. More... | |
Standard_Transient & | operator= (const Standard_Transient &) |
Assignment operator, needed to avoid copying reference counter. More... | |
virtual | ~Standard_Transient () |
Destructor must be virtual. More... | |
virtual const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > & | DynamicType () const |
Returns a type descriptor about this object. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | IsInstance (const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > &theType) const |
Returns a true value if this is an instance of Type. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | IsInstance (const Standard_CString theTypeName) const |
Returns a true value if this is an instance of TypeName. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | IsKind (const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > &theType) const |
Returns true if this is an instance of Type or an instance of any class that inherits from Type. Note that multiple inheritance is not supported by OCCT RTTI mechanism. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | IsKind (const Standard_CString theTypeName) const |
Returns true if this is an instance of TypeName or an instance of any class that inherits from TypeName. Note that multiple inheritance is not supported by OCCT RTTI mechanism. More... | |
Standard_Transient * | This () const |
Returns non-const pointer to this object (like const_cast). For protection against creating handle to objects allocated in stack or call from constructor, it will raise exception Standard_ProgramError if reference counter is zero. More... | |
Standard_Integer | GetRefCount () const |
Get the reference counter of this object. More... | |
void | IncrementRefCounter () const |
Increments the reference counter of this object. More... | |
Standard_Integer | DecrementRefCounter () const |
Decrements the reference counter of this object; returns the decremented value. More... | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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typedef void | base_type |
Returns a type descriptor about this object. More... | |
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static const char * | get_type_name () |
Returns a type descriptor about this object. More... | |
static const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > & | get_type_descriptor () |
Returns type descriptor of Standard_Transient class. More... | |
A variable-length sequence of ASCII characters (normal 8-bit character type). It provides editing operations with built-in memory management to make HAsciiString objects easier to use than ordinary character arrays. HAsciiString objects are handles to strings.
TCollection_HAsciiString::TCollection_HAsciiString | ( | ) |
Initializes a HAsciiString to an empty AsciiString.
TCollection_HAsciiString::TCollection_HAsciiString | ( | const Standard_CString | message | ) |
Initializes a HAsciiString with a CString.
TCollection_HAsciiString::TCollection_HAsciiString | ( | const Standard_Character | aChar | ) |
Initializes a HAsciiString with a single character.
TCollection_HAsciiString::TCollection_HAsciiString | ( | const Standard_Integer | length, |
const Standard_Character | filler | ||
) |
Initializes a HAsciiString with <length> space allocated. and filled with <filler>.This is useful for buffers.
TCollection_HAsciiString::TCollection_HAsciiString | ( | const Standard_Integer | value | ) |
Initializes a HAsciiString with an integer value.
TCollection_HAsciiString::TCollection_HAsciiString | ( | const Standard_Real | value | ) |
Initializes a HAsciiString with a real value.
TCollection_HAsciiString::TCollection_HAsciiString | ( | const TCollection_AsciiString & | aString | ) |
Initializes a HAsciiString with a HAsciiString.
TCollection_HAsciiString::TCollection_HAsciiString | ( | const Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > & | aString | ) |
Initializes a HAsciiString with a HAsciiString.
TCollection_HAsciiString::TCollection_HAsciiString | ( | const Handle< TCollection_HExtendedString > & | aString, |
const Standard_Character | replaceNonAscii | ||
) |
Initializes a HAsciiString with a HAsciiString. If replaceNonAscii is non-null charecter, it will be used in place of any non-ascii character found in the source string. Otherwise, raises OutOfRange exception if at least one character in the source string is not in the "Ascii range".
void TCollection_HAsciiString::AssignCat | ( | const Standard_CString | other | ) |
Appends <other> to me.
void TCollection_HAsciiString::AssignCat | ( | const Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > & | other | ) |
Appends <other> to me. Example: aString = aString + anotherString.
void TCollection_HAsciiString::Capitalize | ( | ) |
Converts the first character into its corresponding upper-case character and the other characters into lowercase. Example: before me = "hellO " after me = "Hello ".
Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > TCollection_HAsciiString::Cat | ( | const Standard_CString | other | ) | const |
Creates a new string by concatenation of this ASCII string and the other ASCII string. Example: aString = aString + anotherString aString = aString + "Dummy" aString contains "I say " aString = aString + "Hello " + "Dolly" gives "I say Hello Dolly" Warning: To catenate more than one CString, you must put a String before. So the following example is WRONG ! aString = "Hello " + "Dolly" THIS IS NOT ALLOWED This rule is applicable to AssignCat (operator +=) too.
Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > TCollection_HAsciiString::Cat | ( | const Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > & | other | ) | const |
Creates a new string by concatenation of this ASCII string and the other ASCII string. Example: aString = aString + anotherString.
void TCollection_HAsciiString::Center | ( | const Standard_Integer | Width, |
const Standard_Character | Filler | ||
) |
Modifies this ASCII string so that its length becomes equal to Width and the new characters are equal to Filler. New characters are added both at the beginning and at the end of this string. If Width is less than the length of this ASCII string, nothing happens. Example Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString) myAlphabet = new TCollection_HAsciiString ("abcdef"); myAlphabet->Center(9,' '); assert ( !strcmp( myAlphabet->ToCString(), " abcdef ") );.
void TCollection_HAsciiString::ChangeAll | ( | const Standard_Character | aChar, |
const Standard_Character | NewChar, | ||
const Standard_Boolean | CaseSensitive = Standard_True |
) |
Replaces all characters equal to aChar by NewChar in this ASCII string. The substitution is case sensitive if CaseSensitive is true (default value). If you do not use the default case sensitive option, it does not matter whether aChar is upper-case or not. Example Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString) myMistake = new TCollection_HAsciiString ("Hather"); myMistake->ChangeAll('H','F'); assert ( !strcmp( myMistake->ToCString(), "Father") );.
void TCollection_HAsciiString::Clear | ( | ) |
Removes all characters contained in <me>. This produces an empty HAsciiString.
Standard_Integer TCollection_HAsciiString::FirstLocationInSet | ( | const Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > & | Set, |
const Standard_Integer | FromIndex, | ||
const Standard_Integer | ToIndex | ||
) | const |
Returns the index of the first character of <me> that is present in <Set>. The search begins to the index FromIndex and ends to the the index ToIndex. Returns zero if failure. Raises an exception if FromIndex or ToIndex is out of range Example: before me = "aabAcAa", S = "Aa", FromIndex = 1, Toindex = 7 after me = "aabAcAa" returns 1.
Standard_Integer TCollection_HAsciiString::FirstLocationNotInSet | ( | const Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > & | Set, |
const Standard_Integer | FromIndex, | ||
const Standard_Integer | ToIndex | ||
) | const |
Returns the index of the first character of <me> that is not present in the set <Set>. The search begins to the index FromIndex and ends to the the index ToIndex in <me>. Returns zero if failure. Raises an exception if FromIndex or ToIndex is out of range. Example: before me = "aabAcAa", S = "Aa", FromIndex = 1, Toindex = 7 after me = "aabAcAa" returns 3.
void TCollection_HAsciiString::Insert | ( | const Standard_Integer | where, |
const Standard_Character | what | ||
) |
Insert a Character at position <where>. Example: aString contains "hy not ?" aString.Insert(1,'W'); gives "Why not ?" aString contains "Wh" aString.Insert(3,'y'); gives "Why" aString contains "Way" aString.Insert(2,'h'); gives "Why".
void TCollection_HAsciiString::Insert | ( | const Standard_Integer | where, |
const Standard_CString | what | ||
) |
Insert a HAsciiString at position <where>.
void TCollection_HAsciiString::Insert | ( | const Standard_Integer | where, |
const Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > & | what | ||
) |
Insert a HAsciiString at position <where>.
void TCollection_HAsciiString::InsertAfter | ( | const Standard_Integer | Index, |
const Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > & | other | ||
) |
Inserts the other ASCII string a after a specific index in the string <me> Example: before me = "cde" , Index = 0 , other = "ab" after me = "abcde" , other = "ab".
void TCollection_HAsciiString::InsertBefore | ( | const Standard_Integer | Index, |
const Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > & | other | ||
) |
Inserts the other ASCII string a before a specific index in the string <me> Raises an exception if Index is out of bounds Example: before me = "cde" , Index = 1 , other = "ab" after me = "abcde" , other = "ab".
Standard_Integer TCollection_HAsciiString::IntegerValue | ( | ) | const |
Converts a HAsciiString containing a numeric expression to an Integer. Example: "215" returns 215.
Standard_Boolean TCollection_HAsciiString::IsAscii | ( | ) | const |
Returns True if the string contains only ASCII characters between ' ' and '~'. This means no control character and no extended ASCII code.
Standard_Boolean TCollection_HAsciiString::IsDifferent | ( | const Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > & | S | ) | const |
Returns True if the string S not contains same characters than the string <me>.
Standard_Boolean TCollection_HAsciiString::IsEmpty | ( | ) | const |
Returns True if the string <me> contains zero character.
Standard_Boolean TCollection_HAsciiString::IsGreater | ( | const Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > & | other | ) | const |
Returns TRUE if <me> is 'ASCII' greater than <other>.
Standard_Boolean TCollection_HAsciiString::IsIntegerValue | ( | ) | const |
Returns True if the string contains an integer value.
Standard_Boolean TCollection_HAsciiString::IsLess | ( | const Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > & | other | ) | const |
Returns TRUE if <me> is 'ASCII' less than <other>.
Standard_Boolean TCollection_HAsciiString::IsRealValue | ( | ) | const |
Returns True if the string contains a real value.
Standard_Boolean TCollection_HAsciiString::IsSameState | ( | const Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > & | other | ) | const |
Standard_Boolean TCollection_HAsciiString::IsSameString | ( | const Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > & | S | ) | const |
Returns True if the string S contains same characters than the string <me>.
Standard_Boolean TCollection_HAsciiString::IsSameString | ( | const Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > & | S, |
const Standard_Boolean | CaseSensitive | ||
) | const |
Returns True if the string S contains same characters than the string <me>.
void TCollection_HAsciiString::LeftAdjust | ( | ) |
Removes all space characters in the begining of the string.
void TCollection_HAsciiString::LeftJustify | ( | const Standard_Integer | Width, |
const Standard_Character | Filler | ||
) |
Left justify. Length becomes equal to Width and the new characters are equal to Filler if Width < Length nothing happens Raises an exception if Width is less than zero Example: before me = "abcdef" , Width = 9 , Filler = ' ' after me = "abcdef ".
Standard_Integer TCollection_HAsciiString::Length | ( | ) | const |
Returns number of characters in <me>. This is the same functionality as 'strlen' in C.
Standard_Integer TCollection_HAsciiString::Location | ( | const Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > & | other, |
const Standard_Integer | FromIndex, | ||
const Standard_Integer | ToIndex | ||
) | const |
returns an index in the string <me> of the first occurence of the string S in the string <me> from the starting index FromIndex to the ending index ToIndex returns zero if failure Raises an exception if FromIndex or ToIndex is out of range. Example: before me = "aabAaAa", S = "Aa", FromIndex = 1, ToIndex = 7 after me = "aabAaAa" returns 4
Standard_Integer TCollection_HAsciiString::Location | ( | const Standard_Integer | N, |
const Standard_Character | C, | ||
const Standard_Integer | FromIndex, | ||
const Standard_Integer | ToIndex | ||
) | const |
Returns the index of the nth occurence of the character C in the string <me> from the starting index FromIndex to the ending index ToIndex. Returns zero if failure. Raises an exception if FromIndex or ToIndex is out of range Example: before me = "aabAa", N = 3, C = 'a', FromIndex = 1, ToIndex = 5 after me = "aabAa" returns 5.
void TCollection_HAsciiString::LowerCase | ( | ) |
Converts <me> to its lower-case equivalent.
void TCollection_HAsciiString::Prepend | ( | const Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > & | other | ) |
Inserts the other string at the begining of the string <me> Example: before me = "cde" , S = "ab" after me = "abcde" , S = "ab".
void TCollection_HAsciiString::Print | ( | Standard_OStream & | astream | ) | const |
Prints this string on the stream <astream>.
Standard_Real TCollection_HAsciiString::RealValue | ( | ) | const |
Converts a string containing a numeric expression to a Real. Example: "215" returns 215.0. "3.14159267" returns 3.14159267.
void TCollection_HAsciiString::Remove | ( | const Standard_Integer | where, |
const Standard_Integer | ahowmany = 1 |
) |
Erases <ahowmany> characters from position <where>, <where> included. Example: aString contains "Hello" aString.Erase(2,2) erases 2 characters from position 1 This gives "Hlo".
void TCollection_HAsciiString::RemoveAll | ( | const Standard_Character | C, |
const Standard_Boolean | CaseSensitive | ||
) |
Remove all the occurences of the character C in the string Example: before me = "HellLLo", C = 'L' , CaseSensitive = True after me = "Hello".
void TCollection_HAsciiString::RemoveAll | ( | const Standard_Character | what | ) |
Removes every <what> characters from <me>
void TCollection_HAsciiString::RightAdjust | ( | ) |
Removes all space characters at the end of the string.
void TCollection_HAsciiString::RightJustify | ( | const Standard_Integer | Width, |
const Standard_Character | Filler | ||
) |
Right justify. Length becomes equal to Width and the new characters are equal to Filler if Width < Length nothing happens Raises an exception if Width is less than zero Example: before me = "abcdef" , Width = 9 , Filler = ' ' after me = " abcdef".
Standard_Integer TCollection_HAsciiString::Search | ( | const Standard_CString | what | ) | const |
Searches a CString in <me> from the beginning and returns position of first item <what> matching. It returns -1 if not found. Example: aString contains "Sample single test" aString.Search("le") returns 5.
Standard_Integer TCollection_HAsciiString::Search | ( | const Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > & | what | ) | const |
Searches a String in <me> from the beginning and returns position of first item <what> matching. it returns -1 if not found.
Standard_Integer TCollection_HAsciiString::SearchFromEnd | ( | const Standard_CString | what | ) | const |
Searches a CString in a String from the end and returns position of first item <what> matching. It returns -1 if not found. Example: aString contains "Sample single test" aString.SearchFromEnd("le") returns 12.
Standard_Integer TCollection_HAsciiString::SearchFromEnd | ( | const Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > & | what | ) | const |
Searches a HAsciiString in another HAsciiString from the end and returns position of first item <what> matching. It returns -1 if not found.
void TCollection_HAsciiString::SetValue | ( | const Standard_Integer | where, |
const Standard_Character | what | ||
) |
Replaces one character in the string at position <where>. If <where> is less than zero or greater than the length of <me> an exception is raised. Example: aString contains "Garbake" astring.Replace(6,'g') gives <me> = "Garbage".
void TCollection_HAsciiString::SetValue | ( | const Standard_Integer | where, |
const Standard_CString | what | ||
) |
Replaces a part of <me> in the string at position <where>. If <where> is less than zero or greater than the length of <me> an exception is raised. Example: aString contains "Garbake" astring.Replace(6,'g') gives <me> = "Garbage".
void TCollection_HAsciiString::SetValue | ( | const Standard_Integer | where, |
const Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > & | what | ||
) |
Replaces a part of <me> by another string.
Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > TCollection_HAsciiString::Split | ( | const Standard_Integer | where | ) |
Splits a HAsciiString into two sub-strings. Example: aString contains "abcdefg" aString.Split(3) gives <me> = "abc" and returns "defg".
const TCollection_AsciiString& TCollection_HAsciiString::String | ( | ) | const |
Returns the field myString.
Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > TCollection_HAsciiString::SubString | ( | const Standard_Integer | FromIndex, |
const Standard_Integer | ToIndex | ||
) | const |
Creation of a sub-string of the string <me>. The sub-string starts to the index Fromindex and ends to the index ToIndex. Raises an exception if ToIndex or FromIndex is out of bounds Example: before me = "abcdefg", ToIndex=3, FromIndex=6 after me = "abcdefg" returns "cdef".
Standard_CString TCollection_HAsciiString::ToCString | ( | ) | const |
Returns pointer to string (char *) This is useful for some casual manipulations Because this "char *" is 'const', you can't modify its contents.
Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > TCollection_HAsciiString::Token | ( | const Standard_CString | separators = " \t" , |
const Standard_Integer | whichone = 1 |
) | const |
Extracts <whichone> token from <me>. By default, the <separators> is set to space and tabulation. By default, the token extracted is the first one (whichone = 1). <separators> contains all separators you need. If no token indexed by <whichone> is found, it returns an empty String. Example: aString contains "This is a message" aString.Token() returns "This" aString.Token(" ",4) returns "message" aString.Token(" ",2) returns "is" aString.Token(" ",9) returns "" Other separators than space character and tabulation are allowed aString contains "1234; test:message , value" aString.Token("; :,",4) returns "value" aString.Token("; :,",2) returns "test".
void TCollection_HAsciiString::Trunc | ( | const Standard_Integer | ahowmany | ) |
Truncates <me> to <ahowmany> characters. Example: me = "Hello Dolly" -> Trunc(3) -> me = "Hel".
void TCollection_HAsciiString::UpperCase | ( | ) |
Converts <me> to its upper-case equivalent.
Standard_Integer TCollection_HAsciiString::UsefullLength | ( | ) | const |
Length of the string ignoring all spaces (' ') and the control character at the end.
Standard_Character TCollection_HAsciiString::Value | ( | const Standard_Integer | where | ) | const |
Returns character at position <where> in <me>. If <where> is less than zero or greater than the lenght of <me>, an exception is raised. Example: aString contains "Hello" aString.Value(2) returns 'e'.