Open CASCADE Technology  7.1.0.beta
Public Member Functions | Protected Attributes
Graphic3d_CView Class Referenceabstract

Base class of a graphical view that carries out rendering process for a concrete implementation of graphical driver. Provides virtual interfaces for redrawing its contents, management of displayed structures and render settings. The source code of the class itself implements functionality related to management of computed (HLR or "view-dependent") structures. More...

#include <Graphic3d_CView.hxx>

Inheritance diagram for Graphic3d_CView:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

 Graphic3d_CView (const Handle< Graphic3d_StructureManager > &theMgr)
 Constructor. More...
virtual ~Graphic3d_CView ()
 Destructor. More...
Standard_Integer Identification () const
 Returns the identification number of the view. More...
virtual void Activate ()
 Activates the view. Map the associated window on the screen and post the view in this window. Warning: Raises ViewDefinitionError if the associated window isn't defined. More...
virtual void Deactivate ()
 Deactivates the view. Unmap the associated window on the screen and unpost the view in this window. Warning: Raises ViewDefinitionError if the associated window isn't defined. More...
Standard_Boolean IsActive () const
 Returns the activity flag of the view. More...
virtual void Remove ()
 Erases the view and removes from graphic driver. No more graphic operations are allowed in this view after the call. More...
Standard_Boolean IsRemoved () const
 Returns true if the view was removed. More...
Graphic3d_TypeOfVisualization VisualizationType () const
 Returns visualization type of the view. More...
void SetVisualizationType (const Graphic3d_TypeOfVisualization theType)
 Sets visualization type of the view. More...
void SetComputedMode (const Standard_Boolean theMode)
 Switches computed HLR mode in the view. More...
Standard_Boolean ComputedMode () const
 Returns the computed HLR mode state. More...
void ReCompute (const Handle< Graphic3d_Structure > &theStructure)
 Computes the new presentation of the structure displayed in this view with the type Graphic3d_TOS_COMPUTED. More...
void Update (const Aspect_TypeOfUpdate theUpdateMode, const Graphic3d_ZLayerId theLayerId=Graphic3d_ZLayerId_UNKNOWN)
 Updates screen in function of modifications of the structures and invalidates bounding box of specified ZLayerId. More...
Standard_Boolean ContainsFacet () const
 Returns Standard_True if one of the structures displayed in the view contains Polygons, Triangles or Quadrangles. More...
Standard_Boolean ContainsFacet (const Graphic3d_MapOfStructure &theSet) const
 Returns Standard_True if one of the structures in the set contains Polygons, Triangles or Quadrangles. More...
void DisplayedStructures (Graphic3d_MapOfStructure &theStructures) const
 Returns the set of structures displayed in this view. More...
Standard_Integer NumberOfDisplayedStructures () const
 Returns number of displayed structures in the view. More...
const Handle< Graphic3d_NMapOfTransient > & HiddenObjects () const
 Returns map of objects hidden within this specific view (not viewer-wise). More...
Handle< Graphic3d_NMapOfTransient > & ChangeHiddenObjects ()
 Returns map of objects hidden within this specific view (not viewer-wise). More...
Standard_Boolean IsComputed (const Standard_Integer theStructId, Handle< Graphic3d_Structure > &theComputedStruct) const
 Returns Standard_True in case if the structure with the given <theStructId> is in list of structures to be computed and stores computed struct to <theComputedStruct>. More...
Bnd_Box MinMaxValues (const Standard_Boolean theToIncludeAuxiliary=Standard_False) const
 Returns the bounding box of all structures displayed in the view. If theToIncludeAuxiliary is TRUE, then the boundary box also includes minimum and maximum limits of graphical elements forming parts of infinite and other auxiliary structures. More...
Bnd_Box MinMaxValues (const Graphic3d_MapOfStructure &theSet, const Standard_Boolean theToIncludeAuxiliary=Standard_False) const
 Returns the coordinates of the boundary box of all structures in the set <theSet>. If <theToIgnoreInfiniteFlag> is TRUE, then the boundary box also includes minimum and maximum limits of graphical elements forming parts of infinite structures. More...
const Handle< Graphic3d_StructureManager > & StructureManager () const
 Returns the structure manager handle which manage structures associated with this view. More...
virtual void Redraw ()=0
 Redraw content of the view. More...
virtual void RedrawImmediate ()=0
 Redraw immediate content of the view. More...
virtual void Invalidate ()=0
 Invalidates content of the view but does not redraw it. More...
virtual Standard_Boolean IsInvalidated ()=0
 Return true if view content cache has been invalidated. More...
virtual void Resized ()=0
 Handle changing size of the rendering window. More...
virtual Standard_Boolean SetImmediateModeDrawToFront (const Standard_Boolean theDrawToFrontBuffer)=0
virtual void SetWindow (const Handle< Aspect_Window > &theWindow, const Aspect_RenderingContext theContext=NULL)=0
 Creates and maps rendering window to the view. More...
virtual Handle< Aspect_WindowWindow () const =0
 Returns the window associated to the view. More...
virtual Standard_Boolean IsDefined () const =0
 Returns True if the window associated to the view is defined. More...
virtual const Graphic3d_GraduatedTrihedronGetGraduatedTrihedron ()=0
 Returns data of a graduated trihedron. More...
virtual void GraduatedTrihedronDisplay (const Graphic3d_GraduatedTrihedron &theTrihedronData)=0
 Displays Graduated Trihedron. More...
virtual void GraduatedTrihedronErase ()=0
 Erases Graduated Trihedron. More...
virtual void GraduatedTrihedronMinMaxValues (const Graphic3d_Vec3 theMin, const Graphic3d_Vec3 theMax)=0
 Sets minimum and maximum points of scene bounding box for Graduated Trihedron stored in graphic view object. More...
virtual Standard_Boolean BufferDump (Image_PixMap &theImage, const Graphic3d_BufferType &theBufferType)=0
 Dump active rendering buffer into specified memory buffer. More...
virtual Standard_Boolean Export (const Standard_CString theFileName, const Graphic3d_ExportFormat theFormat, const Graphic3d_SortType theSortType=Graphic3d_ST_BSP_Tree)=0
 Export scene into the one of the Vector graphics formats (SVG, PS, PDF...). In contrast to Bitmaps, Vector graphics is scalable (so you may got quality benefits on printing to laser printer). Notice however that results may differ a lot and do not contain some elements. More...
virtual void InvalidateBVHData (const Standard_Integer theLayerId)=0
 Marks BVH tree and the set of BVH primitives of correspondent priority list with id theLayerId as outdated. More...
virtual void AddZLayer (const Graphic3d_ZLayerId theLayerId)=0
 Add a new top-level z layer with ID <theLayerId> for the view. Z layers allow drawing structures in higher layers in foreground of structures in lower layers. To add a structure to desired layer on display it is necessary to set the layer ID for the structure. More...
virtual Standard_Integer ZLayerMax () const =0
 Returns the maximum Z layer ID. First layer ID is Graphic3d_ZLayerId_Default, last ID is ZLayerMax(). More...
virtual void InvalidateZLayerBoundingBox (const Graphic3d_ZLayerId theLayerId) const =0
 Returns the bounding box of all structures displayed in the Z layer. More...
virtual Bnd_Box ZLayerBoundingBox (const Graphic3d_ZLayerId theLayerId, const Handle< Graphic3d_Camera > &theCamera, const Standard_Integer theWindowWidth, const Standard_Integer theWindowHeight, const Standard_Boolean theToIncludeAuxiliary) const =0
 Returns the bounding box of all structures displayed in the Z layer. More...
virtual void RemoveZLayer (const Graphic3d_ZLayerId theLayerId)=0
 Remove Z layer from the specified view. All structures displayed at the moment in layer will be displayed in default layer ( the bottom-level z layer ). To unset layer ID from associated structures use method UnsetZLayer (...). More...
virtual void SetZLayerSettings (const Graphic3d_ZLayerId theLayerId, const Graphic3d_ZLayerSettings &theSettings)=0
 Sets the settings for a single Z layer of specified view. More...
Standard_Real ConsiderZoomPersistenceObjects ()
 Returns zoom-scale factor. More...
virtual Handle< Standard_TransientFBO () const =0
 Returns pointer to an assigned framebuffer object. More...
virtual void SetFBO (const Handle< Standard_Transient > &theFbo)=0
 Sets framebuffer object for offscreen rendering. More...
virtual Handle< Standard_TransientFBOCreate (const Standard_Integer theWidth, const Standard_Integer theHeight)=0
 Generate offscreen FBO in the graphic library. If not supported on hardware returns NULL. More...
virtual void FBORelease (Handle< Standard_Transient > &theFbo)=0
 Remove offscreen FBO from the graphic library. More...
virtual void FBOGetDimensions (const Handle< Standard_Transient > &theFbo, Standard_Integer &theWidth, Standard_Integer &theHeight, Standard_Integer &theWidthMax, Standard_Integer &theHeightMax)=0
 Read offscreen FBO configuration. More...
virtual void FBOChangeViewport (const Handle< Standard_Transient > &theFbo, const Standard_Integer theWidth, const Standard_Integer theHeight)=0
 Change offscreen FBO viewport. More...
virtual void CopySettings (const Handle< Graphic3d_CView > &theOther)
 Copy visualization settings from another view. Method is used for cloning views in viewer when its required to create view with same view properties. More...
const Graphic3d_RenderingParamsRenderingParams () const
 Returns current rendering parameters and effect settings. More...
Graphic3d_RenderingParamsChangeRenderingParams ()
 Returns reference to current rendering parameters and effect settings. More...
virtual Aspect_Background Background () const =0
 Returns background fill color. More...
virtual void SetBackground (const Aspect_Background &theBackground)=0
 Sets background fill color. More...
virtual Aspect_GradientBackground GradientBackground () const =0
 Returns gradient background fill colors. More...
virtual void SetGradientBackground (const Aspect_GradientBackground &theBackground)=0
 Sets gradient background fill colors. More...
virtual TCollection_AsciiString BackgroundImage ()=0
 Returns background image texture file path. More...
virtual void SetBackgroundImage (const TCollection_AsciiString &theFilePath)=0
 Sets background image texture file path. More...
virtual Aspect_FillMethod BackgroundImageStyle () const =0
 Returns background image fill style. More...
virtual void SetBackgroundImageStyle (const Aspect_FillMethod theFillStyle)=0
 Sets background image fill style. More...
virtual Handle< Graphic3d_TextureEnvTextureEnv () const =0
 Returns environment texture set for the view. More...
virtual void SetTextureEnv (const Handle< Graphic3d_TextureEnv > &theTextureEnv)=0
 Sets environment texture for the view. More...
virtual Standard_Boolean IsCullingEnabled () const =0
 Returns the state of frustum culling optimization. More...
virtual void SetCullingEnabled (const Standard_Boolean theIsEnabled)=0
 Enables or disables frustum culling optimization. More...
virtual Graphic3d_TypeOfShadingModel ShadingModel () const =0
 Returns shading model of the view. More...
virtual void SetShadingModel (const Graphic3d_TypeOfShadingModel theModel)=0
 Sets shading model of the view. More...
virtual Graphic3d_TypeOfBackfacingModel BackfacingModel () const =0
 Return backfacing model used for the view. More...
virtual void SetBackfacingModel (const Graphic3d_TypeOfBackfacingModel theModel)=0
 Sets backfacing model for the view. More...
virtual const Handle< Graphic3d_Camera > & Camera () const =0
 Returns camera object of the view. More...
virtual void SetCamera (const Handle< Graphic3d_Camera > &theCamera)=0
 Sets camera used by the view. More...
virtual const Graphic3d_ListOfCLightLights () const =0
 Returns list of lights of the view. More...
virtual void SetLights (const Graphic3d_ListOfCLight &theLights)=0
 Sets list of lights for the view. More...
virtual const Handle< Graphic3d_SequenceOfHClipPlane > & ClipPlanes () const =0
 Returns list of clip planes set for the view. More...
virtual void SetClipPlanes (const Handle< Graphic3d_SequenceOfHClipPlane > &thePlanes)=0
 Sets list of clip planes for the view. More...
virtual void DiagnosticInformation (TColStd_IndexedDataMapOfStringString &theDict, Graphic3d_DiagnosticInfo theFlags) const =0
 Fill in the dictionary with diagnostic info. Should be called within rendering thread. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from MMgt_TShared
virtual void Delete () const override
 Memory deallocator for transient classes. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Standard_Transient
 Standard_Transient ()
 Empty constructor. More...
 Standard_Transient (const Standard_Transient &)
 Copy constructor – does nothing. More...
Standard_Transientoperator= (const Standard_Transient &)
 Assignment operator, needed to avoid copying reference counter. More...
virtual ~Standard_Transient ()
 Destructor must be virtual. More...
virtual const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > & DynamicType () const
 Returns a type descriptor about this object. More...
Standard_Boolean IsInstance (const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > &theType) const
 Returns a true value if this is an instance of Type. More...
Standard_Boolean IsInstance (const Standard_CString theTypeName) const
 Returns a true value if this is an instance of TypeName. More...
Standard_Boolean IsKind (const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > &theType) const
 Returns true if this is an instance of Type or an instance of any class that inherits from Type. Note that multiple inheritance is not supported by OCCT RTTI mechanism. More...
Standard_Boolean IsKind (const Standard_CString theTypeName) const
 Returns true if this is an instance of TypeName or an instance of any class that inherits from TypeName. Note that multiple inheritance is not supported by OCCT RTTI mechanism. More...
Standard_TransientThis () const
 Returns non-const pointer to this object (like const_cast). For protection against creating handle to objects allocated in stack or call from constructor, it will raise exception Standard_ProgramError if reference counter is zero. More...
Standard_Integer GetRefCount () const
 Get the reference counter of this object. More...
void IncrementRefCounter () const
 Increments the reference counter of this object. More...
Standard_Integer DecrementRefCounter () const
 Decrements the reference counter of this object; returns the decremented value. More...

Protected Attributes

Standard_Integer myId
Graphic3d_RenderingParams myRenderParams
Handle< Graphic3d_StructureManagermyStructureManager
Graphic3d_SequenceOfStructure myStructsToCompute
Graphic3d_SequenceOfStructure myStructsComputed
Graphic3d_MapOfStructure myStructsDisplayed
Handle< Graphic3d_NMapOfTransientmyHiddenObjects
Standard_Boolean myIsInComputedMode
Standard_Boolean myIsActive
Standard_Boolean myIsRemoved
Graphic3d_TypeOfVisualization myVisualization

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from Standard_Transient
typedef void base_type
 Returns a type descriptor about this object. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Standard_Transient
static const char * get_type_name ()
 Returns a type descriptor about this object. More...
static const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > & get_type_descriptor ()
 Returns type descriptor of Standard_Transient class. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Graphic3d_DataStructureManager
 Graphic3d_DataStructureManager ()
 Initializes the manager <me>. More...

Detailed Description

Base class of a graphical view that carries out rendering process for a concrete implementation of graphical driver. Provides virtual interfaces for redrawing its contents, management of displayed structures and render settings. The source code of the class itself implements functionality related to management of computed (HLR or "view-dependent") structures.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Graphic3d_CView::Graphic3d_CView ( const Handle< Graphic3d_StructureManager > &  theMgr)


virtual Graphic3d_CView::~Graphic3d_CView ( )


Member Function Documentation

virtual void Graphic3d_CView::Activate ( )

Activates the view. Map the associated window on the screen and post the view in this window. Warning: Raises ViewDefinitionError if the associated window isn't defined.

virtual void Graphic3d_CView::AddZLayer ( const Graphic3d_ZLayerId  theLayerId)
pure virtual

Add a new top-level z layer with ID <theLayerId> for the view. Z layers allow drawing structures in higher layers in foreground of structures in lower layers. To add a structure to desired layer on display it is necessary to set the layer ID for the structure.

Implemented in OpenGl_View.

virtual Graphic3d_TypeOfBackfacingModel Graphic3d_CView::BackfacingModel ( ) const
pure virtual

Return backfacing model used for the view.

Implemented in OpenGl_View.

virtual Aspect_Background Graphic3d_CView::Background ( ) const
pure virtual

Returns background fill color.

Implemented in OpenGl_View.

virtual TCollection_AsciiString Graphic3d_CView::BackgroundImage ( )
pure virtual

Returns background image texture file path.

Implemented in OpenGl_View.

virtual Aspect_FillMethod Graphic3d_CView::BackgroundImageStyle ( ) const
pure virtual

Returns background image fill style.

Implemented in OpenGl_View.

virtual Standard_Boolean Graphic3d_CView::BufferDump ( Image_PixMap theImage,
const Graphic3d_BufferType theBufferType 
pure virtual

Dump active rendering buffer into specified memory buffer.

Implemented in OpenGl_View.

virtual const Handle< Graphic3d_Camera >& Graphic3d_CView::Camera ( ) const
pure virtual

Returns camera object of the view.

Implemented in OpenGl_View.

Handle< Graphic3d_NMapOfTransient >& Graphic3d_CView::ChangeHiddenObjects ( )

Returns map of objects hidden within this specific view (not viewer-wise).

Graphic3d_RenderingParams& Graphic3d_CView::ChangeRenderingParams ( )

Returns reference to current rendering parameters and effect settings.

virtual const Handle< Graphic3d_SequenceOfHClipPlane >& Graphic3d_CView::ClipPlanes ( ) const
pure virtual

Returns list of clip planes set for the view.

Implemented in OpenGl_View.

Standard_Boolean Graphic3d_CView::ComputedMode ( ) const

Returns the computed HLR mode state.

Standard_Real Graphic3d_CView::ConsiderZoomPersistenceObjects ( )

Returns zoom-scale factor.

Standard_Boolean Graphic3d_CView::ContainsFacet ( ) const

Returns Standard_True if one of the structures displayed in the view contains Polygons, Triangles or Quadrangles.

Standard_Boolean Graphic3d_CView::ContainsFacet ( const Graphic3d_MapOfStructure theSet) const

Returns Standard_True if one of the structures in the set contains Polygons, Triangles or Quadrangles.

virtual void Graphic3d_CView::CopySettings ( const Handle< Graphic3d_CView > &  theOther)

Copy visualization settings from another view. Method is used for cloning views in viewer when its required to create view with same view properties.

virtual void Graphic3d_CView::Deactivate ( )

Deactivates the view. Unmap the associated window on the screen and unpost the view in this window. Warning: Raises ViewDefinitionError if the associated window isn't defined.

virtual void Graphic3d_CView::DiagnosticInformation ( TColStd_IndexedDataMapOfStringString theDict,
Graphic3d_DiagnosticInfo  theFlags 
) const
pure virtual

Fill in the dictionary with diagnostic info. Should be called within rendering thread.

This API should be used only for user output or for creating automated reports. The format of returned information (e.g. key-value layout) is NOT part of this API and can be changed at any time. Thus application should not parse returned information to weed out specific parameters.

Implemented in OpenGl_View.

void Graphic3d_CView::DisplayedStructures ( Graphic3d_MapOfStructure theStructures) const

Returns the set of structures displayed in this view.

virtual Standard_Boolean Graphic3d_CView::Export ( const Standard_CString  theFileName,
const Graphic3d_ExportFormat  theFormat,
const Graphic3d_SortType  theSortType = Graphic3d_ST_BSP_Tree 
pure virtual

Export scene into the one of the Vector graphics formats (SVG, PS, PDF...). In contrast to Bitmaps, Vector graphics is scalable (so you may got quality benefits on printing to laser printer). Notice however that results may differ a lot and do not contain some elements.

Implemented in OpenGl_View.

virtual Handle< Standard_Transient > Graphic3d_CView::FBO ( ) const
pure virtual

Returns pointer to an assigned framebuffer object.

Implemented in OpenGl_View.

virtual void Graphic3d_CView::FBOChangeViewport ( const Handle< Standard_Transient > &  theFbo,
const Standard_Integer  theWidth,
const Standard_Integer  theHeight 
pure virtual

Change offscreen FBO viewport.

Implemented in OpenGl_View.

virtual Handle< Standard_Transient > Graphic3d_CView::FBOCreate ( const Standard_Integer  theWidth,
const Standard_Integer  theHeight 
pure virtual

Generate offscreen FBO in the graphic library. If not supported on hardware returns NULL.

Implemented in OpenGl_View.

virtual void Graphic3d_CView::FBOGetDimensions ( const Handle< Standard_Transient > &  theFbo,
Standard_Integer theWidth,
Standard_Integer theHeight,
Standard_Integer theWidthMax,
Standard_Integer theHeightMax 
pure virtual

Read offscreen FBO configuration.

Implemented in OpenGl_View.

virtual void Graphic3d_CView::FBORelease ( Handle< Standard_Transient > &  theFbo)
pure virtual

Remove offscreen FBO from the graphic library.

Implemented in OpenGl_View.

virtual const Graphic3d_GraduatedTrihedron& Graphic3d_CView::GetGraduatedTrihedron ( )
pure virtual

Returns data of a graduated trihedron.

Implemented in OpenGl_View.

virtual Aspect_GradientBackground Graphic3d_CView::GradientBackground ( ) const
pure virtual

Returns gradient background fill colors.

Implemented in OpenGl_View.

virtual void Graphic3d_CView::GraduatedTrihedronDisplay ( const Graphic3d_GraduatedTrihedron theTrihedronData)
pure virtual

Displays Graduated Trihedron.

Implemented in OpenGl_View.

virtual void Graphic3d_CView::GraduatedTrihedronErase ( )
pure virtual

Erases Graduated Trihedron.

Implemented in OpenGl_View.

virtual void Graphic3d_CView::GraduatedTrihedronMinMaxValues ( const Graphic3d_Vec3  theMin,
const Graphic3d_Vec3  theMax 
pure virtual

Sets minimum and maximum points of scene bounding box for Graduated Trihedron stored in graphic view object.

theMin[in] the minimum point of scene.
theMax[in] the maximum point of scene.

Implemented in OpenGl_View.

const Handle< Graphic3d_NMapOfTransient >& Graphic3d_CView::HiddenObjects ( ) const

Returns map of objects hidden within this specific view (not viewer-wise).

Standard_Integer Graphic3d_CView::Identification ( ) const

Returns the identification number of the view.

virtual void Graphic3d_CView::Invalidate ( )
pure virtual

Invalidates content of the view but does not redraw it.

Implemented in OpenGl_View.

virtual void Graphic3d_CView::InvalidateBVHData ( const Standard_Integer  theLayerId)
pure virtual

Marks BVH tree and the set of BVH primitives of correspondent priority list with id theLayerId as outdated.

Implemented in OpenGl_View.

virtual void Graphic3d_CView::InvalidateZLayerBoundingBox ( const Graphic3d_ZLayerId  theLayerId) const
pure virtual

Returns the bounding box of all structures displayed in the Z layer.

Implemented in OpenGl_View.

Standard_Boolean Graphic3d_CView::IsActive ( ) const

Returns the activity flag of the view.

Standard_Boolean Graphic3d_CView::IsComputed ( const Standard_Integer  theStructId,
Handle< Graphic3d_Structure > &  theComputedStruct 
) const

Returns Standard_True in case if the structure with the given <theStructId> is in list of structures to be computed and stores computed struct to <theComputedStruct>.

virtual Standard_Boolean Graphic3d_CView::IsCullingEnabled ( ) const
pure virtual

Returns the state of frustum culling optimization.

Implemented in OpenGl_View.

virtual Standard_Boolean Graphic3d_CView::IsDefined ( ) const
pure virtual

Returns True if the window associated to the view is defined.

Implemented in OpenGl_View.

virtual Standard_Boolean Graphic3d_CView::IsInvalidated ( )
pure virtual

Return true if view content cache has been invalidated.

Implemented in OpenGl_View.

Standard_Boolean Graphic3d_CView::IsRemoved ( ) const

Returns true if the view was removed.

virtual const Graphic3d_ListOfCLight& Graphic3d_CView::Lights ( ) const
pure virtual

Returns list of lights of the view.

Implemented in OpenGl_View.

Bnd_Box Graphic3d_CView::MinMaxValues ( const Standard_Boolean  theToIncludeAuxiliary = Standard_False) const

Returns the bounding box of all structures displayed in the view. If theToIncludeAuxiliary is TRUE, then the boundary box also includes minimum and maximum limits of graphical elements forming parts of infinite and other auxiliary structures.

theToIncludeAuxiliaryconsider also auxiliary presentations (with infinite flag or with trihedron transformation persistence)
computed bounding box
Bnd_Box Graphic3d_CView::MinMaxValues ( const Graphic3d_MapOfStructure theSet,
const Standard_Boolean  theToIncludeAuxiliary = Standard_False 
) const

Returns the coordinates of the boundary box of all structures in the set <theSet>. If <theToIgnoreInfiniteFlag> is TRUE, then the boundary box also includes minimum and maximum limits of graphical elements forming parts of infinite structures.

Standard_Integer Graphic3d_CView::NumberOfDisplayedStructures ( ) const

Returns number of displayed structures in the view.

void Graphic3d_CView::ReCompute ( const Handle< Graphic3d_Structure > &  theStructure)

Computes the new presentation of the structure displayed in this view with the type Graphic3d_TOS_COMPUTED.

virtual void Graphic3d_CView::Redraw ( )
pure virtual

Redraw content of the view.

Implemented in OpenGl_View.

virtual void Graphic3d_CView::RedrawImmediate ( )
pure virtual

Redraw immediate content of the view.

Implemented in OpenGl_View.

virtual void Graphic3d_CView::Remove ( )

Erases the view and removes from graphic driver. No more graphic operations are allowed in this view after the call.

Reimplemented in OpenGl_View.

virtual void Graphic3d_CView::RemoveZLayer ( const Graphic3d_ZLayerId  theLayerId)
pure virtual

Remove Z layer from the specified view. All structures displayed at the moment in layer will be displayed in default layer ( the bottom-level z layer ). To unset layer ID from associated structures use method UnsetZLayer (...).

Implemented in OpenGl_View.

const Graphic3d_RenderingParams& Graphic3d_CView::RenderingParams ( ) const

Returns current rendering parameters and effect settings.

virtual void Graphic3d_CView::Resized ( )
pure virtual

Handle changing size of the rendering window.

Implemented in OpenGl_View.

virtual void Graphic3d_CView::SetBackfacingModel ( const Graphic3d_TypeOfBackfacingModel  theModel)
pure virtual

Sets backfacing model for the view.

Implemented in OpenGl_View.

virtual void Graphic3d_CView::SetBackground ( const Aspect_Background theBackground)
pure virtual

Sets background fill color.

Implemented in OpenGl_View.

virtual void Graphic3d_CView::SetBackgroundImage ( const TCollection_AsciiString theFilePath)
pure virtual

Sets background image texture file path.

Implemented in OpenGl_View.

virtual void Graphic3d_CView::SetBackgroundImageStyle ( const Aspect_FillMethod  theFillStyle)
pure virtual

Sets background image fill style.

Implemented in OpenGl_View.

virtual void Graphic3d_CView::SetCamera ( const Handle< Graphic3d_Camera > &  theCamera)
pure virtual

Sets camera used by the view.

Implemented in OpenGl_View.

virtual void Graphic3d_CView::SetClipPlanes ( const Handle< Graphic3d_SequenceOfHClipPlane > &  thePlanes)
pure virtual

Sets list of clip planes for the view.

Implemented in OpenGl_View.

void Graphic3d_CView::SetComputedMode ( const Standard_Boolean  theMode)

Switches computed HLR mode in the view.

virtual void Graphic3d_CView::SetCullingEnabled ( const Standard_Boolean  theIsEnabled)
pure virtual

Enables or disables frustum culling optimization.

Implemented in OpenGl_View.

virtual void Graphic3d_CView::SetFBO ( const Handle< Standard_Transient > &  theFbo)
pure virtual

Sets framebuffer object for offscreen rendering.

Implemented in OpenGl_View.

virtual void Graphic3d_CView::SetGradientBackground ( const Aspect_GradientBackground theBackground)
pure virtual

Sets gradient background fill colors.

Implemented in OpenGl_View.

virtual Standard_Boolean Graphic3d_CView::SetImmediateModeDrawToFront ( const Standard_Boolean  theDrawToFrontBuffer)
pure virtual
theDrawToFrontBufferAdvanced option to modify rendering mode:
  1. TRUE. Drawing immediate mode structures directly to the front buffer over the scene image. Fast, so preferred for interactive work (used by default). However these extra drawings will be missed in image dump since it is performed from back buffer. Notice that since no pre-buffering used the V-Sync will be ignored and rendering could be seen in run-time (in case of slow hardware) and/or tearing may appear. So this is strongly recommended to draw only simple (fast) structures.
  2. FALSE. Drawing immediate mode structures to the back buffer. The complete scene is redrawn first, so this mode is slower if scene contains complex data and/or V-Sync is turned on. But it works in any case and is especially useful for view dump because the dump image is read from the back buffer.
previous mode.

Implemented in OpenGl_View.

virtual void Graphic3d_CView::SetLights ( const Graphic3d_ListOfCLight theLights)
pure virtual

Sets list of lights for the view.

Implemented in OpenGl_View.

virtual void Graphic3d_CView::SetShadingModel ( const Graphic3d_TypeOfShadingModel  theModel)
pure virtual

Sets shading model of the view.

Implemented in OpenGl_View.

virtual void Graphic3d_CView::SetTextureEnv ( const Handle< Graphic3d_TextureEnv > &  theTextureEnv)
pure virtual

Sets environment texture for the view.

Implemented in OpenGl_View.

void Graphic3d_CView::SetVisualizationType ( const Graphic3d_TypeOfVisualization  theType)

Sets visualization type of the view.

virtual void Graphic3d_CView::SetWindow ( const Handle< Aspect_Window > &  theWindow,
const Aspect_RenderingContext  theContext = NULL 
pure virtual

Creates and maps rendering window to the view.

theWindow[in] the window.
theContext[in] the rendering context. If NULL the context will be created internally.

Implemented in OpenGl_View.

virtual void Graphic3d_CView::SetZLayerSettings ( const Graphic3d_ZLayerId  theLayerId,
const Graphic3d_ZLayerSettings theSettings 
pure virtual

Sets the settings for a single Z layer of specified view.

Implemented in OpenGl_View.

virtual Graphic3d_TypeOfShadingModel Graphic3d_CView::ShadingModel ( ) const
pure virtual

Returns shading model of the view.

Implemented in OpenGl_View.

const Handle< Graphic3d_StructureManager >& Graphic3d_CView::StructureManager ( ) const

Returns the structure manager handle which manage structures associated with this view.

virtual Handle< Graphic3d_TextureEnv > Graphic3d_CView::TextureEnv ( ) const
pure virtual

Returns environment texture set for the view.

Implemented in OpenGl_View.

void Graphic3d_CView::Update ( const Aspect_TypeOfUpdate  theUpdateMode,
const Graphic3d_ZLayerId  theLayerId = Graphic3d_ZLayerId_UNKNOWN 

Updates screen in function of modifications of the structures and invalidates bounding box of specified ZLayerId.

Graphic3d_TypeOfVisualization Graphic3d_CView::VisualizationType ( ) const

Returns visualization type of the view.

virtual Handle< Aspect_Window > Graphic3d_CView::Window ( ) const
pure virtual

Returns the window associated to the view.

Implemented in OpenGl_View.

virtual Bnd_Box Graphic3d_CView::ZLayerBoundingBox ( const Graphic3d_ZLayerId  theLayerId,
const Handle< Graphic3d_Camera > &  theCamera,
const Standard_Integer  theWindowWidth,
const Standard_Integer  theWindowHeight,
const Standard_Boolean  theToIncludeAuxiliary 
) const
pure virtual

Returns the bounding box of all structures displayed in the Z layer.

theLayerIdlayer identifier
theCameracamera definition
theWindowWidthviewport width (for applying transformation-persistence)
theWindowHeightviewport height (for applying transformation-persistence)
theToIncludeAuxiliaryconsider also auxiliary presentations (with infinite flag or with trihedron transformation persistence)
computed bounding box

Implemented in OpenGl_View.

virtual Standard_Integer Graphic3d_CView::ZLayerMax ( ) const
pure virtual

Returns the maximum Z layer ID. First layer ID is Graphic3d_ZLayerId_Default, last ID is ZLayerMax().

Implemented in OpenGl_View.

Field Documentation

Handle< Graphic3d_NMapOfTransient > Graphic3d_CView::myHiddenObjects
Standard_Integer Graphic3d_CView::myId
Standard_Boolean Graphic3d_CView::myIsActive
Standard_Boolean Graphic3d_CView::myIsInComputedMode
Standard_Boolean Graphic3d_CView::myIsRemoved
Graphic3d_RenderingParams Graphic3d_CView::myRenderParams
Graphic3d_SequenceOfStructure Graphic3d_CView::myStructsComputed
Graphic3d_MapOfStructure Graphic3d_CView::myStructsDisplayed
Graphic3d_SequenceOfStructure Graphic3d_CView::myStructsToCompute
Handle< Graphic3d_StructureManager > Graphic3d_CView::myStructureManager
Graphic3d_TypeOfVisualization Graphic3d_CView::myVisualization

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