Open CASCADE Technology
Gives access to. More...
#include <StepData_StepModel.hxx>
Public Member Functions | |
StepData_StepModel () | |
Creates an empty STEP model with an empty header. More... | |
Handle< Standard_Transient > | Entity (const Standard_Integer num) const |
returns entity given its rank. Same as InterfaceEntity, but with a shorter name More... | |
void | GetFromAnother (const Handle< Interface_InterfaceModel > &other) override |
gets header from another Model (uses Header Protocol) More... | |
Handle< Interface_InterfaceModel > | NewEmptyModel () const override |
Returns a New Empty Model, same type as <me>, i.e. StepModel. More... | |
Interface_EntityIterator | Header () const |
returns Header entities under the form of an iterator More... | |
Standard_Boolean | HasHeaderEntity (const Handle< Standard_Type > &atype) const |
says if a Header entity has a specifed type More... | |
Handle< Standard_Transient > | HeaderEntity (const Handle< Standard_Type > &atype) const |
Returns Header entity with specified type, if there is. More... | |
void | ClearHeader () override |
Clears the Header. More... | |
void | AddHeaderEntity (const Handle< Standard_Transient > &ent) |
Adds an Entity to the Header. More... | |
virtual void | VerifyCheck (Handle< Interface_Check > &ach) const override |
Specific Check, checks Header Items with HeaderProtocol. More... | |
void | DumpHeader (const Handle< Message_Messenger > &S, const Standard_Integer level=0) const override |
Dumps the Header, with the Header Protocol of StepData. If the Header Protocol is not defined, for each Header Entity, prints its Type. Else sends the Header under the form of HEADER Section of an Ascii Step File <level> is not used because Header is not so big. More... | |
void | ClearLabels () override |
erases specific labels, i.e. clears the map (entity-ident) More... | |
void | SetIdentLabel (const Handle< Standard_Transient > &ent, const Standard_Integer ident) |
Attaches an ident to an entity to produce a label (does nothing if <ent> is not in <me>) More... | |
Standard_Integer | IdentLabel (const Handle< Standard_Transient > &ent) const |
returns the label ident attached to an entity, 0 if not in me More... | |
void | PrintLabel (const Handle< Standard_Transient > &ent, const Handle< Message_Messenger > &S) const override |
Prints label specific to STEP norm for a given entity, i.e. if a LabelIdent has been recorded, its value with '#', else the number in the model with '#' and between () More... | |
Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > | StringLabel (const Handle< Standard_Transient > &ent) const override |
Returns a string with the label attached to a given entity, same form as for PrintLabel. More... | |
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void | Destroy () |
Clears the list of entities (service WhenDelete) More... | |
~Interface_InterfaceModel () | |
void | SetProtocol (const Handle< Interface_Protocol > &proto) |
Sets a Protocol for this Model It is also set by a call to AddWithRefs with Protocol It is used for : DumpHeader (as required), ClearEntities ... More... | |
virtual Handle< Interface_Protocol > | Protocol () const |
Returns the Protocol which has been set by SetProtocol, or AddWithRefs with Protocol. More... | |
void | SetGTool (const Handle< Interface_GTool > >ool) |
Sets a GTool for this model, which already defines a Protocol. More... | |
Handle< Interface_GTool > | GTool () const |
Returns the GTool, set by SetProtocol or by SetGTool. More... | |
Standard_Boolean & | DispatchStatus () |
Returns the Dispatch Status, either for get or set A Model which is produced from Dispatch may share entities with the original (according to the Protocol), hence these non-copied entities should not be deleted. More... | |
virtual void | Clear () |
Erases contained data; used when a Model is copied to others : the new copied ones begin from clear Clear calls specific method ClearHeader (see below) More... | |
virtual void | ClearEntities () |
Clears the entities; uses the general service WhenDelete, in addition to the standard Memory Manager; can be redefined. More... | |
Standard_Integer | NbEntities () const |
Returns count of contained Entities. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | Contains (const Handle< Standard_Transient > &anentity) const |
Returns True if a Model contains an Entity (for a ReportEntity, looks for the ReportEntity itself AND its Concerned Entity) More... | |
Standard_Integer | Number (const Handle< Standard_Transient > &anentity) const |
Returns the Number of an Entity in the Model if it contains it. Else returns 0. For a ReportEntity, looks at Concerned Entity. Returns the Directory entry Number of an Entity in the Model if it contains it. Else returns 0. For a ReportEntity, looks at Concerned Entity. More... | |
const Handle< Standard_Transient > & | Value (const Standard_Integer num) const |
Returns an Entity identified by its number in the Model Each sub-class of InterfaceModel can define its own method Entity to return its specific class of Entity (e.g. for VDA, VDAModel returns a VDAEntity), working by calling Value Remark : For a Reported Entity, (Erroneous, Corrected, Unknown), this method returns this Reported Entity. See ReportEntity for other questions. More... | |
Standard_Integer | NbTypes (const Handle< Standard_Transient > &ent) const |
Returns the count of DISTINCT types under which an entity may be processed. Defined by the Protocol, which gives default as 1 (dynamic Type). More... | |
Handle< Standard_Type > | Type (const Handle< Standard_Transient > &ent, const Standard_Integer num=1) const |
Returns a type, given its rank : defined by the Protocol (by default, the first one) More... | |
Standard_CString | TypeName (const Handle< Standard_Transient > &ent, const Standard_Boolean complete=Standard_True) const |
Returns the type name of an entity, from the list of types (one or more ...) <complete> True (D) gives the complete type, else packages are removed WARNING : buffered, to be immediately copied or printed. More... | |
Interface_DataState | EntityState (const Standard_Integer num) const |
Returns the State of an entity, given its number. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | IsReportEntity (const Standard_Integer num, const Standard_Boolean semantic=Standard_False) const |
Returns True if <num> identifies a ReportEntity in the Model Hence, ReportEntity can be called. More... | |
Handle< Interface_ReportEntity > | ReportEntity (const Standard_Integer num, const Standard_Boolean semantic=Standard_False) const |
Returns a ReportEntity identified by its number in the Model, or a Null Handle If <num> does not identify a ReportEntity. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | IsErrorEntity (const Standard_Integer num) const |
Returns True if <num> identifies an Error Entity : in this case, a ReportEntity brings Fail Messages and possibly an "undefined" Content, see IsRedefinedEntity. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | IsRedefinedContent (const Standard_Integer num) const |
Returns True if <num> identifies an Entity which content is redefined through a ReportEntity (i.e. with literal data only) This happens when an entity is syntactically erroneous in the way that its basic content remains empty. For more details (such as content itself), see ReportEntity. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | ClearReportEntity (const Standard_Integer num) |
Removes the ReportEntity attached to Entity <num>. Returns True if done, False if no ReportEntity was attached to <num>. Warning : the caller must assume that this clearing is meaningfull. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | SetReportEntity (const Standard_Integer num, const Handle< Interface_ReportEntity > &rep) |
Sets or Replaces a ReportEntity for the Entity <num>. Returns True if Report is replaced, False if it has been replaced Warning : the caller must assume that this setting is meaningfull. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | AddReportEntity (const Handle< Interface_ReportEntity > &rep, const Standard_Boolean semantic=Standard_False) |
Adds a ReportEntity as such. Returns False if the concerned entity is not recorded in the Model Else, adds it into, either the main report list or the list for semantic checks, then returns True. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | IsUnknownEntity (const Standard_Integer num) const |
Returns True if <num> identifies an Unknown Entity : in this case, a ReportEntity with no Check Messages designates it. More... | |
void | FillSemanticChecks (const Interface_CheckIterator &checks, const Standard_Boolean clear=Standard_True) |
Fills the list of semantic checks. This list is computed (by CheckTool). Hence, it can be stored in the model for later queries <clear> True (D) : new list replaces <clear> False : new list is cumulated. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | HasSemanticChecks () const |
Returns True if semantic checks have been filled. More... | |
const Handle< Interface_Check > & | Check (const Standard_Integer num, const Standard_Boolean syntactic) const |
Returns the check attached to an entity, designated by its Number. 0 for global check <semantic> True : recorded semantic check <semantic> False : recorded syntactic check (see ReportEntity) If no check is recorded for <num>, returns an empty Check. More... | |
virtual void | Reservate (const Standard_Integer nbent) |
Does a reservation for the List of Entities (for optimized storage management). If it is not called, storage management can be less efficient. <nbent> is the expected count of Entities to store. More... | |
virtual void | AddEntity (const Handle< Standard_Transient > &anentity) |
Internal method for adding an Entity. Used by file reading (defined by each Interface) and Transfer tools. It adds the entity required to be added, not its refs : see AddWithRefs. If <anentity> is a ReportEntity, it is added to the list of Reports, its Concerned Entity (Erroneous or Corrected, else Unknown) is added to the list of Entities. That is, the ReportEntity must be created before Adding. More... | |
void | AddWithRefs (const Handle< Standard_Transient > &anent, const Handle< Interface_Protocol > &proto, const Standard_Integer level=0, const Standard_Boolean listall=Standard_False) |
Adds to the Model, an Entity with all its References, as they are defined by General Services FillShared and ListImplied. Process is recursive (any sub-levels) if <level> = 0 (Default) Else, adds sub-entities until the required sub-level. Especially, if <level> = 1, adds immediate subs and that's all. More... | |
void | AddWithRefs (const Handle< Standard_Transient > &anent, const Standard_Integer level=0, const Standard_Boolean listall=Standard_False) |
Same as above, but works with the Protocol of the Model. More... | |
void | AddWithRefs (const Handle< Standard_Transient > &anent, const Interface_GeneralLib &lib, const Standard_Integer level=0, const Standard_Boolean listall=Standard_False) |
Same as above, but works with an already created GeneralLib. More... | |
void | ReplaceEntity (const Standard_Integer nument, const Handle< Standard_Transient > &anent) |
Replace Entity with Number=nument on other entity - "anent". More... | |
void | ReverseOrders (const Standard_Integer after=0) |
Reverses the Numbers of the Entities, between <after> and the total count of Entities. Thus, the entities : 1,2 ... after, after+1 ... nb-1, nb become numbered as : 1,2 ... after, nb, nb-1 ... after+1 By default (after = 0) the whole list of Entities is reversed. More... | |
void | ChangeOrder (const Standard_Integer oldnum, const Standard_Integer newnum, const Standard_Integer count=1) |
Changes the Numbers of some Entities : <oldnum> is moved to <newnum>, same for <count> entities. Thus : 1,2 ... newnum-1 newnum ... oldnum .. oldnum+count oldnum+count+1 .. gives 1,2 ... newnum-1 oldnum .. oldnum+count newnum ... oldnum+count+1 (can be seen as a circular permutation) More... | |
void | GetFromTransfer (const Interface_EntityIterator &aniter) |
Gets contents from an EntityIterator, prepared by a Transfer tool (e.g TransferCopy). Starts from clear. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | SetCategoryNumber (const Standard_Integer num, const Standard_Integer val) |
Records a category number for an entity number Returns True when done, False if <num> is out of range. More... | |
Standard_Integer | CategoryNumber (const Standard_Integer num) const |
Returns the recorded category number for a given entity number 0 if none was defined for this entity. More... | |
void | FillIterator (Interface_EntityIterator &iter) const |
Allows an EntityIterator to get a list of Entities. More... | |
Interface_EntityIterator | Entities () const |
Returns the list of all Entities, as an Iterator on Entities (the Entities themselves, not the Reports) More... | |
Interface_EntityIterator | Reports (const Standard_Boolean semantic=Standard_False) const |
Returns the list of all ReportEntities, i.e. data about Entities read with Error or Warning informations (each item has to be casted to Report Entity then it can be queried for Concerned Entity, Content, Check ...) By default, returns the main reports, is <semantic> is True it returns the list for sematic checks. More... | |
Interface_EntityIterator | Redefineds () const |
Returns the list of ReportEntities which redefine data (generally, if concerned entity is "Error", a literal content is added to it : this is a "redefined entity". More... | |
const Handle< Interface_Check > & | GlobalCheck (const Standard_Boolean syntactic=Standard_True) const |
Returns the GlobalCheck, which memorizes messages global to the file (not specific to an Entity), especially Header. More... | |
void | SetGlobalCheck (const Handle< Interface_Check > &ach) |
Allows to modify GlobalCheck, after getting then completing it Remark : it is SYNTACTIC check. Semantics, see FillChecks. More... | |
void | Print (const Handle< Standard_Transient > &ent, const Handle< Message_Messenger > &s, const Standard_Integer mode=0) const |
Prints identification of a given entity in <me>, in order to be printed in a list or phrase <mode> < 0 : prints only its number <mode> = 1 : just calls PrintLabel <mode> = 0 (D) : prints its number plus '/' plus PrintLabel If <ent> == <me>, simply prints "Global" If <ent> is unknown, prints "??/its type". More... | |
virtual void | PrintToLog (const Handle< Standard_Transient > &ent, const Handle< Message_Messenger > &S) const |
Prints label specific to each norm in log format, for a given entity. By default, just calls PrintLabel, can be redefined. More... | |
virtual Standard_Integer | NextNumberForLabel (const Standard_CString label, const Standard_Integer lastnum=0, const Standard_Boolean exact=Standard_True) const |
Searches a label which matches with one entity. Begins from <lastnum>+1 (default:1) and scans the entities until <NbEntities>. For the first which matches <label>, this method returns its Number. Returns 0 if nothing found Can be called recursively (labels are not specified as unique) <exact> : if True (default), exact match is required else, checks the END of entity label. More... | |
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virtual void | Delete () const override |
Memory deallocator for transient classes. More... | |
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Standard_Transient () | |
Empty constructor. More... | |
Standard_Transient (const Standard_Transient &) | |
Copy constructor – does nothing. More... | |
Standard_Transient & | operator= (const Standard_Transient &) |
Assignment operator, needed to avoid copying reference counter. More... | |
virtual | ~Standard_Transient () |
Destructor must be virtual. More... | |
virtual const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > & | DynamicType () const |
Returns a type descriptor about this object. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | IsInstance (const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > &theType) const |
Returns a true value if this is an instance of Type. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | IsInstance (const Standard_CString theTypeName) const |
Returns a true value if this is an instance of TypeName. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | IsKind (const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > &theType) const |
Returns true if this is an instance of Type or an instance of any class that inherits from Type. Note that multiple inheritance is not supported by OCCT RTTI mechanism. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | IsKind (const Standard_CString theTypeName) const |
Returns true if this is an instance of TypeName or an instance of any class that inherits from TypeName. Note that multiple inheritance is not supported by OCCT RTTI mechanism. More... | |
Standard_Transient * | This () const |
Returns non-const pointer to this object (like const_cast). For protection against creating handle to objects allocated in stack or call from constructor, it will raise exception Standard_ProgramError if reference counter is zero. More... | |
Standard_Integer | GetRefCount () const |
Get the reference counter of this object. More... | |
void | IncrementRefCounter () const |
Increments the reference counter of this object. More... | |
Standard_Integer | DecrementRefCounter () const |
Decrements the reference counter of this object; returns the decremented value. More... | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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typedef void | base_type |
Returns a type descriptor about this object. More... | |
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static Standard_CString | ClassName (const Standard_CString typnam) |
From a CDL Type Name, returns the Class part (package dropped) WARNING : buffered, to be immediately copied or printed. More... | |
static Standard_Boolean | HasTemplate (const Standard_CString name) |
Returns true if a template is attached to a given name. More... | |
static Handle< Interface_InterfaceModel > | Template (const Standard_CString name) |
Returns the template model attached to a name, or a Null Handle. More... | |
static Standard_Boolean | SetTemplate (const Standard_CString name, const Handle< Interface_InterfaceModel > &model) |
Records a new template model with a name. If the name was already recorded, the corresponding template is replaced by the new one. Then, WARNING : test HasTemplate to avoid surprises. More... | |
static Handle< TColStd_HSequenceOfHAsciiString > | ListTemplates () |
Returns the complete list of names attached to template models. More... | |
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static const char * | get_type_name () |
Returns a type descriptor about this object. More... | |
static const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > & | get_type_descriptor () |
Returns type descriptor of Standard_Transient class. More... | |
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Interface_InterfaceModel () | |
Defines empty InterfaceModel, ready to be filled. More... | |
Gives access to.
StepData_StepModel::StepData_StepModel | ( | ) |
Creates an empty STEP model with an empty header.
void StepData_StepModel::AddHeaderEntity | ( | const Handle< Standard_Transient > & | ent | ) |
Adds an Entity to the Header.
overridevirtual |
Clears the Header.
Implements Interface_InterfaceModel.
overridevirtual |
erases specific labels, i.e. clears the map (entity-ident)
Implements Interface_InterfaceModel.
overridevirtual |
Dumps the Header, with the Header Protocol of StepData. If the Header Protocol is not defined, for each Header Entity, prints its Type. Else sends the Header under the form of HEADER Section of an Ascii Step File <level> is not used because Header is not so big.
Implements Interface_InterfaceModel.
Handle< Standard_Transient > StepData_StepModel::Entity | ( | const Standard_Integer | num | ) | const |
returns entity given its rank. Same as InterfaceEntity, but with a shorter name
overridevirtual |
gets header from another Model (uses Header Protocol)
Implements Interface_InterfaceModel.
Standard_Boolean StepData_StepModel::HasHeaderEntity | ( | const Handle< Standard_Type > & | atype | ) | const |
says if a Header entity has a specifed type
Interface_EntityIterator StepData_StepModel::Header | ( | ) | const |
returns Header entities under the form of an iterator
Handle< Standard_Transient > StepData_StepModel::HeaderEntity | ( | const Handle< Standard_Type > & | atype | ) | const |
Returns Header entity with specified type, if there is.
Standard_Integer StepData_StepModel::IdentLabel | ( | const Handle< Standard_Transient > & | ent | ) | const |
returns the label ident attached to an entity, 0 if not in me
overridevirtual |
Returns a New Empty Model, same type as <me>, i.e. StepModel.
Implements Interface_InterfaceModel.
overridevirtual |
Prints label specific to STEP norm for a given entity, i.e. if a LabelIdent has been recorded, its value with '#', else the number in the model with '#' and between ()
Implements Interface_InterfaceModel.
void StepData_StepModel::SetIdentLabel | ( | const Handle< Standard_Transient > & | ent, |
const Standard_Integer | ident | ||
) |
Attaches an ident to an entity to produce a label (does nothing if <ent> is not in <me>)
overridevirtual |
Returns a string with the label attached to a given entity, same form as for PrintLabel.
Implements Interface_InterfaceModel.
overridevirtual |
Specific Check, checks Header Items with HeaderProtocol.
Reimplemented from Interface_InterfaceModel.