The projLib package first provides projection of curves on a plane along a given Direction. The result will be a 3D curve. The ProjLib package provides projection of curves on surfaces to compute the curve in the parametric space.
static gp_Pnt2d | Project (const gp_Pln &Pl, const gp_Pnt &P) |
static gp_Lin2d | Project (const gp_Pln &Pl, const gp_Lin &L) |
static gp_Circ2d | Project (const gp_Pln &Pl, const gp_Circ &C) |
static gp_Elips2d | Project (const gp_Pln &Pl, const gp_Elips &E) |
static gp_Parab2d | Project (const gp_Pln &Pl, const gp_Parab &P) |
static gp_Hypr2d | Project (const gp_Pln &Pl, const gp_Hypr &H) |
static gp_Pnt2d | Project (const gp_Cylinder &Cy, const gp_Pnt &P) |
static gp_Lin2d | Project (const gp_Cylinder &Cy, const gp_Lin &L) |
static gp_Lin2d | Project (const gp_Cylinder &Cy, const gp_Circ &Ci) |
static gp_Pnt2d | Project (const gp_Cone &Co, const gp_Pnt &P) |
static gp_Lin2d | Project (const gp_Cone &Co, const gp_Lin &L) |
static gp_Lin2d | Project (const gp_Cone &Co, const gp_Circ &Ci) |
static gp_Pnt2d | Project (const gp_Sphere &Sp, const gp_Pnt &P) |
static gp_Lin2d | Project (const gp_Sphere &Sp, const gp_Circ &Ci) |
static gp_Pnt2d | Project (const gp_Torus &To, const gp_Pnt &P) |
static gp_Lin2d | Project (const gp_Torus &To, const gp_Circ &Ci) |
static void | MakePCurveOfType (const ProjLib_ProjectedCurve &PC, Handle< Geom2d_Curve > &aC) |
| Make empty P-Curve <aC> of relevant to <PC> type. More...
The projLib package first provides projection of curves on a plane along a given Direction. The result will be a 3D curve. The ProjLib package provides projection of curves on surfaces to compute the curve in the parametric space.
It is assumed that the curve is on the surface.
It provides :
- Package methods to handle the easiest cases :
- Line, Circle, Ellipse, Parabola, Hyperbola on plane.
- Line, Circle on cylinder.
- Line, Circle on cone.
- Classes to handle the general cases :
- Plane.
- Cylinder.
- Cone.
- Sphere.
- Torus.
- A generic class to handle a Curve from Adaptor3d on a Surface from Adaptor3d.