Open CASCADE Technology  7.2.0
Static Public Member Functions
Resource_Unicode Class Reference

This class provides functions used to convert a non-ASCII C string given in ANSI, EUC, GB or SJIS format, to a Unicode string of extended characters, and vice versa. More...

#include <Resource_Unicode.hxx>

Static Public Member Functions

static void ConvertSJISToUnicode (const Standard_CString fromstr, TCollection_ExtendedString &tostr)
 Converts non-ASCII CString <fromstr> in SJIS format to Unicode ExtendedString <tostr>. More...
static void ConvertEUCToUnicode (const Standard_CString fromstr, TCollection_ExtendedString &tostr)
 Converts non-ASCII CString <fromstr> in EUC format to Unicode ExtendedString <tostr>. More...
static void ConvertGBToUnicode (const Standard_CString fromstr, TCollection_ExtendedString &tostr)
 Converts non-ASCII CString <fromstr> in GB format to Unicode ExtendedString <tostr>. More...
static void ConvertANSIToUnicode (const Standard_CString fromstr, TCollection_ExtendedString &tostr)
 Converts non-ASCII CString <fromstr> in ANSI format to Unicode ExtendedString <tostr>. More...
static Standard_Boolean ConvertUnicodeToSJIS (const TCollection_ExtendedString &fromstr, Standard_PCharacter &tostr, const Standard_Integer maxsize)
 Converts Unicode ExtendedString <fromstr> to non-ASCII CString <tostr> in SJIS format, limited to <maxsize> characters. To translate the whole <fromstr>, use more than twice the length of <fromstr>. Returns true if <maxsize> has not been reached before end of conversion. More...
static Standard_Boolean ConvertUnicodeToEUC (const TCollection_ExtendedString &fromstr, Standard_PCharacter &tostr, const Standard_Integer maxsize)
 Converts Unicode ExtendedString <fromstr> to non-ASCII CString <tostr> in EUC format, limited to <maxsize> characters. To translate the whole <fromstr>, use more than twice the length of <fromstr>. Returns true if <maxsize> has not been reached before end of conversion. More...
static Standard_Boolean ConvertUnicodeToGB (const TCollection_ExtendedString &fromstr, Standard_PCharacter &tostr, const Standard_Integer maxsize)
 Converts Unicode ExtendedString <fromstr> to non-ASCII CString <tostr> in GB format, limited to <maxsize> characters. To translate the whole <fromstr>, use more than twice the length of <fromstr>. Returns true if <maxsize> has not been reached before end of conversion. More...
static Standard_Boolean ConvertUnicodeToANSI (const TCollection_ExtendedString &fromstr, Standard_PCharacter &tostr, const Standard_Integer maxsize)
 Converts Unicode ExtendedString <fromstr> to non-ASCII CString <tostr> in ANSI format, limited to <maxsize> characters. To translate the whole <fromstr>, use more than twice the length of <fromstr>. Returns true if <maxsize> has not been reached before end of conversion. More...
static void SetFormat (const Resource_FormatType typecode)
 Defines the current conversion format as typecode. This conversion format will then be used by the functions ConvertFormatToUnicode and ConvertUnicodeToFormat to convert the strings. More...
static Resource_FormatType GetFormat ()
 Returns the current conversion format (either ANSI, EUC, GB or SJIS). The current converting format must be defined in advance with the SetFormat function. More...
static void ReadFormat ()
 Reads converting format from resource "FormatType" in Resource Manager "CharSet". More...
static void ConvertFormatToUnicode (const Standard_CString fromstr, TCollection_ExtendedString &tostr)
 Converts the non-ASCII C string fromstr to the Unicode string of extended characters tostr. fromstr is translated according to the format (either ANSI, EUC, GB or SJIS) returned by the function GetFormat. More...
static Standard_Boolean ConvertUnicodeToFormat (const TCollection_ExtendedString &fromstr, Standard_PCharacter &tostr, const Standard_Integer maxsize)
 Converts the Unicode string of extended characters fromstr to the non-ASCII C string tostr according to the format (either ANSI, EUC, GB or SJIS) returned by the function GetFormat. maxsize limits the size of the string tostr to a maximum number of characters. You need more than twice the length of the string fromstr to complete the conversion. The function returns true if conversion is complete, i.e. the maximum number of characters maxsize is not reached by tostr before the end of conversion of fromstr. More...

Detailed Description

This class provides functions used to convert a non-ASCII C string given in ANSI, EUC, GB or SJIS format, to a Unicode string of extended characters, and vice versa.

Member Function Documentation

◆ ConvertANSIToUnicode()

static void Resource_Unicode::ConvertANSIToUnicode ( const Standard_CString  fromstr,
TCollection_ExtendedString tostr 

Converts non-ASCII CString <fromstr> in ANSI format to Unicode ExtendedString <tostr>.

◆ ConvertEUCToUnicode()

static void Resource_Unicode::ConvertEUCToUnicode ( const Standard_CString  fromstr,
TCollection_ExtendedString tostr 

Converts non-ASCII CString <fromstr> in EUC format to Unicode ExtendedString <tostr>.

◆ ConvertFormatToUnicode()

static void Resource_Unicode::ConvertFormatToUnicode ( const Standard_CString  fromstr,
TCollection_ExtendedString tostr 

Converts the non-ASCII C string fromstr to the Unicode string of extended characters tostr. fromstr is translated according to the format (either ANSI, EUC, GB or SJIS) returned by the function GetFormat.

◆ ConvertGBToUnicode()

static void Resource_Unicode::ConvertGBToUnicode ( const Standard_CString  fromstr,
TCollection_ExtendedString tostr 

Converts non-ASCII CString <fromstr> in GB format to Unicode ExtendedString <tostr>.

◆ ConvertSJISToUnicode()

static void Resource_Unicode::ConvertSJISToUnicode ( const Standard_CString  fromstr,
TCollection_ExtendedString tostr 

Converts non-ASCII CString <fromstr> in SJIS format to Unicode ExtendedString <tostr>.

◆ ConvertUnicodeToANSI()

static Standard_Boolean Resource_Unicode::ConvertUnicodeToANSI ( const TCollection_ExtendedString fromstr,
Standard_PCharacter tostr,
const Standard_Integer  maxsize 

Converts Unicode ExtendedString <fromstr> to non-ASCII CString <tostr> in ANSI format, limited to <maxsize> characters. To translate the whole <fromstr>, use more than twice the length of <fromstr>. Returns true if <maxsize> has not been reached before end of conversion.

◆ ConvertUnicodeToEUC()

static Standard_Boolean Resource_Unicode::ConvertUnicodeToEUC ( const TCollection_ExtendedString fromstr,
Standard_PCharacter tostr,
const Standard_Integer  maxsize 

Converts Unicode ExtendedString <fromstr> to non-ASCII CString <tostr> in EUC format, limited to <maxsize> characters. To translate the whole <fromstr>, use more than twice the length of <fromstr>. Returns true if <maxsize> has not been reached before end of conversion.

◆ ConvertUnicodeToFormat()

static Standard_Boolean Resource_Unicode::ConvertUnicodeToFormat ( const TCollection_ExtendedString fromstr,
Standard_PCharacter tostr,
const Standard_Integer  maxsize 

Converts the Unicode string of extended characters fromstr to the non-ASCII C string tostr according to the format (either ANSI, EUC, GB or SJIS) returned by the function GetFormat. maxsize limits the size of the string tostr to a maximum number of characters. You need more than twice the length of the string fromstr to complete the conversion. The function returns true if conversion is complete, i.e. the maximum number of characters maxsize is not reached by tostr before the end of conversion of fromstr.

◆ ConvertUnicodeToGB()

static Standard_Boolean Resource_Unicode::ConvertUnicodeToGB ( const TCollection_ExtendedString fromstr,
Standard_PCharacter tostr,
const Standard_Integer  maxsize 

Converts Unicode ExtendedString <fromstr> to non-ASCII CString <tostr> in GB format, limited to <maxsize> characters. To translate the whole <fromstr>, use more than twice the length of <fromstr>. Returns true if <maxsize> has not been reached before end of conversion.

◆ ConvertUnicodeToSJIS()

static Standard_Boolean Resource_Unicode::ConvertUnicodeToSJIS ( const TCollection_ExtendedString fromstr,
Standard_PCharacter tostr,
const Standard_Integer  maxsize 

Converts Unicode ExtendedString <fromstr> to non-ASCII CString <tostr> in SJIS format, limited to <maxsize> characters. To translate the whole <fromstr>, use more than twice the length of <fromstr>. Returns true if <maxsize> has not been reached before end of conversion.

◆ GetFormat()

static Resource_FormatType Resource_Unicode::GetFormat ( )

Returns the current conversion format (either ANSI, EUC, GB or SJIS). The current converting format must be defined in advance with the SetFormat function.

◆ ReadFormat()

static void Resource_Unicode::ReadFormat ( )

Reads converting format from resource "FormatType" in Resource Manager "CharSet".

◆ SetFormat()

static void Resource_Unicode::SetFormat ( const Resource_FormatType  typecode)

Defines the current conversion format as typecode. This conversion format will then be used by the functions ConvertFormatToUnicode and ConvertUnicodeToFormat to convert the strings.

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