Open CASCADE Technology  7.2.0
Public Member Functions
TopTools_LocationSet Class Reference

The class LocationSet stores a set of location in a relocatable state. More...

#include <TopTools_LocationSet.hxx>

Public Member Functions

 TopTools_LocationSet ()
 Returns an empty set of locations. More...
void Clear ()
 Clears the content of the set. More...
Standard_Integer Add (const TopLoc_Location &L)
 Incorporate a new Location in the set and returns its index. More...
const TopLoc_LocationLocation (const Standard_Integer I) const
 Returns the location of index . More...
Standard_Integer Index (const TopLoc_Location &L) const
 Returns the index of <L>. More...
void Dump (Standard_OStream &OS) const
 Dumps the content of me on the stream <OS>. More...
void Write (Standard_OStream &OS) const
 Writes the content of me on the stream <OS> in a format that can be read back by Read. More...
void Read (Standard_IStream &IS)
 Reads the content of me from the stream <IS>. me is first cleared. More...
void SetProgress (const Handle< Message_ProgressIndicator > &PR)
Handle< Message_ProgressIndicatorGetProgress () const

Detailed Description

The class LocationSet stores a set of location in a relocatable state.

It can be created from Locations.

It can create Locations.

It can be write and read from a stream.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ TopTools_LocationSet()

TopTools_LocationSet::TopTools_LocationSet ( )

Returns an empty set of locations.

Member Function Documentation

◆ Add()

Standard_Integer TopTools_LocationSet::Add ( const TopLoc_Location L)

Incorporate a new Location in the set and returns its index.

◆ Clear()

void TopTools_LocationSet::Clear ( )

Clears the content of the set.

◆ Dump()

void TopTools_LocationSet::Dump ( Standard_OStream OS) const

Dumps the content of me on the stream <OS>.

◆ GetProgress()

Handle< Message_ProgressIndicator > TopTools_LocationSet::GetProgress ( ) const

◆ Index()

Standard_Integer TopTools_LocationSet::Index ( const TopLoc_Location L) const

Returns the index of <L>.

◆ Location()

const TopLoc_Location& TopTools_LocationSet::Location ( const Standard_Integer  I) const

Returns the location of index .

◆ Read()

void TopTools_LocationSet::Read ( Standard_IStream IS)

Reads the content of me from the stream <IS>. me is first cleared.

◆ SetProgress()

void TopTools_LocationSet::SetProgress ( const Handle< Message_ProgressIndicator > &  PR)

◆ Write()

void TopTools_LocationSet::Write ( Standard_OStream OS) const

Writes the content of me on the stream <OS> in a format that can be read back by Read.

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