static void | UVBounds (const TopoDS_Face &F, Standard_Real &UMin, Standard_Real &UMax, Standard_Real &VMin, Standard_Real &VMax) |
| Returns in UMin, UMax, VMin, VMax the bounding values in the parametric space of F. More...
static void | UVBounds (const TopoDS_Face &F, const TopoDS_Wire &W, Standard_Real &UMin, Standard_Real &UMax, Standard_Real &VMin, Standard_Real &VMax) |
| Returns in UMin, UMax, VMin, VMax the bounding values of the wire in the parametric space of F. More...
static void | UVBounds (const TopoDS_Face &F, const TopoDS_Edge &E, Standard_Real &UMin, Standard_Real &UMax, Standard_Real &VMin, Standard_Real &VMax) |
| Returns in UMin, UMax, VMin, VMax the bounding values of the edge in the parametric space of F. More...
static void | AddUVBounds (const TopoDS_Face &F, Bnd_Box2d &B) |
| Adds to the box the bounding values in the parametric space of F. More...
static void | AddUVBounds (const TopoDS_Face &F, const TopoDS_Wire &W, Bnd_Box2d &B) |
| Adds to the box the bounding values of the wire in the parametric space of F. More...
static void | AddUVBounds (const TopoDS_Face &F, const TopoDS_Edge &E, Bnd_Box2d &B) |
| Adds to the box the bounding values of the edge in the parametric space of F. More...
static void | Update (const TopoDS_Vertex &V) |
| Update a vertex (nothing is done) More...
static void | Update (const TopoDS_Edge &E) |
| Update an edge, compute 2d bounding boxes. More...
static void | Update (const TopoDS_Wire &W) |
| Update a wire (nothing is done) More...
static void | Update (const TopoDS_Face &F) |
| Update a Face, update UV points. More...
static void | Update (const TopoDS_Shell &S) |
| Update a shell (nothing is done) More...
static void | Update (const TopoDS_Solid &S) |
| Update a solid (nothing is done) More...
static void | Update (const TopoDS_CompSolid &C) |
| Update a composite solid (nothing is done) More...
static void | Update (const TopoDS_Compound &C) |
| Update a compound (nothing is done) More...
static void | Update (const TopoDS_Shape &S) |
| Update a shape, call the corect update. More...
static void | UpdateFaceUVPoints (const TopoDS_Face &theF) |
| For each edge of the face <F> reset the UV points to the bounding points of the parametric curve of the edge on the face. More...
static void | Clean (const TopoDS_Shape &S) |
| Removes all the triangulations of the faces of <S> and removes all polygons on triangulations of the edges. More...
static void | CleanGeometry (const TopoDS_Shape &theShape) |
| Removes geometry (curves and surfaces) from all edges and faces of the shape. More...
static void | RemoveUnusedPCurves (const TopoDS_Shape &S) |
| Removes all the pcurves of the edges of <S> that refer to surfaces not belonging to any face of <S> More...
static Standard_Boolean | Triangulation (const TopoDS_Shape &S, const Standard_Real deflec) |
| verifies that each face from the shape <S> has got a triangulation with a deflection <= deflec and the edges a discretisation on this triangulation. More...
static Standard_Boolean | Compare (const TopoDS_Vertex &V1, const TopoDS_Vertex &V2) |
| Returns True if the distance between the two vertices is lower than their tolerance. More...
static Standard_Boolean | Compare (const TopoDS_Edge &E1, const TopoDS_Edge &E2) |
| Returns True if the distance between the two edges is lower than their tolerance. More...
static TopoDS_Wire | OuterWire (const TopoDS_Face &F) |
| Returns the outer most wire of <F>. Returns a Null wire if <F> has no wires. More...
static void | Map3DEdges (const TopoDS_Shape &S, TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape &M) |
| Stores in the map <M> all the 3D topology edges of <S>. More...
static Standard_Boolean | IsReallyClosed (const TopoDS_Edge &E, const TopoDS_Face &F) |
| Verifies that the edge <E> is found two times on the face <F> before calling BRep_Tool::IsClosed. More...
static void | DetectClosedness (const TopoDS_Face &theFace, Standard_Boolean &theUclosed, Standard_Boolean &theVclosed) |
| Detect closedness of face in U and V directions. More...
static void | Dump (const TopoDS_Shape &Sh, Standard_OStream &S) |
| Dumps the topological structure and the geometry of <Sh> on the stream <S>. More...
static void | Write (const TopoDS_Shape &Sh, Standard_OStream &S, const Handle< Message_ProgressIndicator > &PR=NULL) |
| Writes <Sh> on <S> in an ASCII format. More...
static void | Read (TopoDS_Shape &Sh, Standard_IStream &S, const BRep_Builder &B, const Handle< Message_ProgressIndicator > &PR=NULL) |
| Reads a Shape from <S> in returns it in <Sh>. is used to build the shape. More...
static Standard_Boolean | Write (const TopoDS_Shape &Sh, const Standard_CString File, const Handle< Message_ProgressIndicator > &PR=NULL) |
| Writes <Sh> in <File>. More...
static Standard_Boolean | Read (TopoDS_Shape &Sh, const Standard_CString File, const BRep_Builder &B, const Handle< Message_ProgressIndicator > &PR=NULL) |
| Reads a Shape from <File>, returns it in <Sh>. is used to build the shape. More...
static Standard_Real | EvalAndUpdateTol (const TopoDS_Edge &theE, const Handle< Geom_Curve > &theC3d, const Handle< Geom2d_Curve > theC2d, const Handle< Geom_Surface > &theS, const Standard_Real theF, const Standard_Real theL) |
| Evals real tolerance of edge <theE>. <theC3d>, <theC2d>, <theS>, <theF>, <theL> are correspondently 3d curve of edge, 2d curve on surface <theS> and rang of edge If calculated tolerance is more then current edge tolerance, edge is updated. Method returns actual tolerance of edge. More...