static void | UVBounds (const TopoDS_Face &F, Standard_Real &UMin, Standard_Real &UMax, Standard_Real &VMin, Standard_Real &VMax) |
| Returns in UMin, UMax, VMin, VMax the bounding values in the parametric space of F. More...
static void | UVBounds (const TopoDS_Face &F, const TopoDS_Wire &W, Standard_Real &UMin, Standard_Real &UMax, Standard_Real &VMin, Standard_Real &VMax) |
| Returns in UMin, UMax, VMin, VMax the bounding values of the wire in the parametric space of F. More...
static void | UVBounds (const TopoDS_Face &F, const TopoDS_Edge &E, Standard_Real &UMin, Standard_Real &UMax, Standard_Real &VMin, Standard_Real &VMax) |
| Returns in UMin, UMax, VMin, VMax the bounding values of the edge in the parametric space of F. More...
static void | AddUVBounds (const TopoDS_Face &F, Bnd_Box2d &B) |
| Adds to the box the bounding values in the parametric space of F. More...
static void | AddUVBounds (const TopoDS_Face &F, const TopoDS_Wire &W, Bnd_Box2d &B) |
| Adds to the box the bounding values of the wire in the parametric space of F. More...
static void | AddUVBounds (const TopoDS_Face &F, const TopoDS_Edge &E, Bnd_Box2d &B) |
| Adds to the box the bounding values of the edge in the parametric space of F. More...
static void | Update (const TopoDS_Vertex &V) |
| Update a vertex (nothing is done) More...
static void | Update (const TopoDS_Edge &E) |
| Update an edge, compute 2d bounding boxes. More...
static void | Update (const TopoDS_Wire &W) |
| Update a wire (nothing is done) More...
static void | Update (const TopoDS_Face &F) |
| Update a Face, update UV points. More...
static void | Update (const TopoDS_Shell &S) |
| Update a shell (nothing is done) More...
static void | Update (const TopoDS_Solid &S) |
| Update a solid (nothing is done) More...
static void | Update (const TopoDS_CompSolid &C) |
| Update a composite solid (nothing is done) More...
static void | Update (const TopoDS_Compound &C) |
| Update a compound (nothing is done) More...
static void | Update (const TopoDS_Shape &S) |
| Update a shape, call the corect update. More...
static void | UpdateFaceUVPoints (const TopoDS_Face &theF) |
| For each edge of the face <F> reset the UV points to the bounding points of the parametric curve of the edge on the face. More...
static void | Clean (const TopoDS_Shape &S) |
| Removes all the triangulations of the faces of <S> and removes all polygons on triangulations of the edges. More...
static void | CleanGeometry (const TopoDS_Shape &theShape) |
| Removes geometry (curves and surfaces) from all edges and faces of the shape. More...
static void | RemoveUnusedPCurves (const TopoDS_Shape &S) |
| Removes all the pcurves of the edges of <S> that refer to surfaces not belonging to any face of <S> More...
static Standard_Boolean | Triangulation (const TopoDS_Shape &S, const Standard_Real deflec) |
| verifies that each face from the shape <S> has got a triangulation with a deflection <= deflec and the edges a discretisation on this triangulation. More...
static Standard_Boolean | Compare (const TopoDS_Vertex &V1, const TopoDS_Vertex &V2) |
| Returns True if the distance between the two vertices is lower than their tolerance. More...
static Standard_Boolean | Compare (const TopoDS_Edge &E1, const TopoDS_Edge &E2) |
| Returns True if the distance between the two edges is lower than their tolerance. More...
static TopoDS_Wire | OuterWire (const TopoDS_Face &F) |
| Returns the outer most wire of <F>. Returns a Null wire if <F> has no wires. More...
static void | Map3DEdges (const TopoDS_Shape &S, TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape &M) |
| Stores in the map <M> all the 3D topology edges of <S>. More...
static Standard_Boolean | IsReallyClosed (const TopoDS_Edge &E, const TopoDS_Face &F) |
| Verifies that the edge <E> is found two times on the face <F> before calling BRep_Tool::IsClosed. More...
static void | DetectClosedness (const TopoDS_Face &theFace, Standard_Boolean &theUclosed, Standard_Boolean &theVclosed) |
| Detect closedness of face in U and V directions. More...
static void | Dump (const TopoDS_Shape &Sh, Standard_OStream &S) |
| Dumps the topological structure and the geometry of <Sh> on the stream <S>. More...
static void | Write (const TopoDS_Shape &Sh, Standard_OStream &S, const Handle< Message_ProgressIndicator > &PR=NULL) |
| Writes <Sh> on <S> in an ASCII format. More...
static void | Read (TopoDS_Shape &Sh, Standard_IStream &S, const BRep_Builder &B, const Handle< Message_ProgressIndicator > &PR=NULL) |
| Reads a Shape from <S> in returns it in <Sh>. is used to build the shape. More...
static Standard_Boolean | Write (const TopoDS_Shape &Sh, const Standard_CString File, const Handle< Message_ProgressIndicator > &PR=NULL) |
| Writes <Sh> in <File>. More...
static Standard_Boolean | Read (TopoDS_Shape &Sh, const Standard_CString File, const BRep_Builder &B, const Handle< Message_ProgressIndicator > &PR=NULL) |
| Reads a Shape from <File>, returns it in <Sh>. is used to build the shape. More...
static Standard_Real | EvalAndUpdateTol (const TopoDS_Edge &theE, const Handle< Geom_Curve > &theC3d, const Handle< Geom2d_Curve > theC2d, const Handle< Geom_Surface > &theS, const Standard_Real theF, const Standard_Real theL) |
| Evals real tolerance of edge <theE>. <theC3d>, <theC2d>, <theS>, <theF>, <theL> are correspondently 3d curve of edge, 2d curve on surface <theS> and rang of edge If calculated tolerance is more then current edge tolerance, edge is updated. Method returns actual tolerance of edge. More...
The BRepTools package provides utilities for BRep data structures.
- WireExplorer : A tool to explore the topology of a wire in the order of the edges.
- ShapeSet : Tools used for dumping, writing and reading.
- UVBounds : Methods to compute the limits of the boundary of a face, a wire or an edge in the parametric space of a face.
- Update : Methods to call when a topology has been created to compute all missing data.
- UpdateFaceUVPoints: Method to update the UV points stored with the edges on a face.
- Compare : Method to compare two vertices.
- Compare : Method to compare two edges.
- OuterWire : A method to find the outer wire of a face.
- Map3DEdges : A method to map all the 3D Edges of a Shape.
- Dump : A method to dump a BRep object.