Open CASCADE Technology  7.4.0
Public Member Functions | Protected Attributes
BVH_QueueBuilder< T, N >::BVH_TypedBuildTool Class Reference

Wrapper for BVH build data. More...

#include <BVH_QueueBuilder.hxx>

Inheritance diagram for BVH_QueueBuilder< T, N >::BVH_TypedBuildTool:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

 BVH_TypedBuildTool (BVH_Set< T, N > *theSet, BVH_Tree< T, N > *theBVH, BVH_BuildQueue &theBuildQueue, const BVH_QueueBuilder< T, N > *theAlgo)
 Creates new BVH build thread. More...
virtual void Perform (const Standard_Integer theNode) override
 Performs splitting of the given BVH node. More...

Protected Attributes

BVH_Set< T, N > * mySet
 Primitive set to build BVH. More...
BVH_Tree< T, N > * myBVH
 Output BVH tree for the set. More...
const BVH_QueueBuilder< T, N > * myAlgo
 Queue based BVH builder to use. More...

Detailed Description

template<class T, int N>
class BVH_QueueBuilder< T, N >::BVH_TypedBuildTool

Wrapper for BVH build data.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ BVH_TypedBuildTool()

template<class T , int N>
BVH_QueueBuilder< T, N >::BVH_TypedBuildTool::BVH_TypedBuildTool ( BVH_Set< T, N > *  theSet,
BVH_Tree< T, N > *  theBVH,
BVH_BuildQueue theBuildQueue,
const BVH_QueueBuilder< T, N > *  theAlgo 

Creates new BVH build thread.

Member Function Documentation

◆ Perform()

template<class T , int N>
virtual void BVH_QueueBuilder< T, N >::BVH_TypedBuildTool::Perform ( const Standard_Integer  theNode)

Performs splitting of the given BVH node.

Implements BVH_BuildTool.

Field Documentation

◆ myAlgo

template<class T , int N>
const BVH_QueueBuilder<T, N>* BVH_QueueBuilder< T, N >::BVH_TypedBuildTool::myAlgo

Queue based BVH builder to use.

◆ myBuildQueue

template<class T , int N>
BVH_BuildQueue* BVH_QueueBuilder< T, N >::BVH_TypedBuildTool::myBuildQueue

◆ myBVH

template<class T , int N>
BVH_Tree<T, N>* BVH_QueueBuilder< T, N >::BVH_TypedBuildTool::myBVH

Output BVH tree for the set.

◆ mySet

template<class T , int N>
BVH_Set<T, N>* BVH_QueueBuilder< T, N >::BVH_TypedBuildTool::mySet

Primitive set to build BVH.

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