Open CASCADE Technology  7.5.0
XCAFDoc_ColorType.hxx File Reference


enum  XCAFDoc_ColorType { XCAFDoc_ColorGen, XCAFDoc_ColorSurf, XCAFDoc_ColorCurv }
 Defines types of color assignments Color of shape is defined following way in dependance with type of color. If type of color is XCAFDoc_ColorGen - then this color defines default color for surfaces and curves. If for shape color with types XCAFDoc_ColorSurf or XCAFDoc_ColorCurv is specified then such color overrides generic color. simple color color of surfaces color of curves. More...

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ XCAFDoc_ColorType

Defines types of color assignments Color of shape is defined following way in dependance with type of color. If type of color is XCAFDoc_ColorGen - then this color defines default color for surfaces and curves. If for shape color with types XCAFDoc_ColorSurf or XCAFDoc_ColorCurv is specified then such color overrides generic color. simple color color of surfaces color of curves.
