Open CASCADE Technology  7.5.0
Static Public Member Functions
BRepAlgo Class Reference

The BRepAlgo package provides a full range of services to perform Old Boolean Operations in Open CASCADE. Attention: The New Boolean Operation has replaced the Old Boolean Operations algorithm in the BrepAlgoAPI package in Open CASCADE. More...

#include <BRepAlgo.hxx>

Static Public Member Functions

static TopoDS_Wire ConcatenateWire (const TopoDS_Wire &Wire, const GeomAbs_Shape Option, const Standard_Real AngularTolerance=1.0e-4)
 this method makes a wire whose edges are C1 from a Wire whose edges could be G1. It removes a vertex between G1 edges. Option can be G1 or C1. More...
static TopoDS_Edge ConcatenateWireC0 (const TopoDS_Wire &Wire)
 this method makes an edge from a wire. Junction points between edges of wire may be sharp, resulting curve of the resulting edge may be C0. More...
static Standard_Boolean IsValid (const TopoDS_Shape &S)
 Checks if the shape is "correct". If not, returns <Standard_False>, else returns <Standard_True>. More...
static Standard_Boolean IsValid (const TopTools_ListOfShape &theArgs, const TopoDS_Shape &theResult, const Standard_Boolean closedSolid=Standard_False, const Standard_Boolean GeomCtrl=Standard_True)
 Checks if the Generated and Modified Faces from the shapes <arguments> in the shape <result> are "correct". The args may be empty, then all faces will be checked. If <Closed> is True, only closed shape are valid. If <GeomCtrl> is False the geometry of new vertices and edges are not verified and the auto-intersection of new wires are not searched. More...
static Standard_Boolean IsTopologicallyValid (const TopoDS_Shape &S)
 Checks if the shape is "correct". If not, returns <Standard_False>, else returns <Standard_True>. This method differs from the previous one in the fact that no geometric contols (intersection of wires, pcurve validity) are performed. More...

Detailed Description

The BRepAlgo package provides a full range of services to perform Old Boolean Operations in Open CASCADE. Attention: The New Boolean Operation has replaced the Old Boolean Operations algorithm in the BrepAlgoAPI package in Open CASCADE.

Member Function Documentation

◆ ConcatenateWire()

static TopoDS_Wire BRepAlgo::ConcatenateWire ( const TopoDS_Wire Wire,
const GeomAbs_Shape  Option,
const Standard_Real  AngularTolerance = 1.0e-4 

this method makes a wire whose edges are C1 from a Wire whose edges could be G1. It removes a vertex between G1 edges. Option can be G1 or C1.

◆ ConcatenateWireC0()

static TopoDS_Edge BRepAlgo::ConcatenateWireC0 ( const TopoDS_Wire Wire)

this method makes an edge from a wire. Junction points between edges of wire may be sharp, resulting curve of the resulting edge may be C0.

◆ IsTopologicallyValid()

static Standard_Boolean BRepAlgo::IsTopologicallyValid ( const TopoDS_Shape S)

Checks if the shape is "correct". If not, returns <Standard_False>, else returns <Standard_True>. This method differs from the previous one in the fact that no geometric contols (intersection of wires, pcurve validity) are performed.

◆ IsValid() [1/2]

static Standard_Boolean BRepAlgo::IsValid ( const TopoDS_Shape S)

Checks if the shape is "correct". If not, returns <Standard_False>, else returns <Standard_True>.

◆ IsValid() [2/2]

static Standard_Boolean BRepAlgo::IsValid ( const TopTools_ListOfShape theArgs,
const TopoDS_Shape theResult,
const Standard_Boolean  closedSolid = Standard_False,
const Standard_Boolean  GeomCtrl = Standard_True 

Checks if the Generated and Modified Faces from the shapes <arguments> in the shape <result> are "correct". The args may be empty, then all faces will be checked. If <Closed> is True, only closed shape are valid. If <GeomCtrl> is False the geometry of new vertices and edges are not verified and the auto-intersection of new wires are not searched.

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