Open CASCADE Technology  7.5.0
Public Member Functions
IFSelect_ContextModif Class Reference

This class gathers various informations used by Model Modifiers apart from the target model itself, and the CopyTool which must be passed directly. More...

#include <IFSelect_ContextModif.hxx>

Public Member Functions

 IFSelect_ContextModif (const Interface_Graph &graph, const Interface_CopyTool &TC, const Standard_CString filename="")
 Prepares a ContextModif with these informations : More...
 IFSelect_ContextModif (const Interface_Graph &graph, const Standard_CString filename="")
 Prepares a ContextModif with these informations : More...
void Select (Interface_EntityIterator &list)
 This method requires ContextModif to be applied with a filter. If a ModelModifier is defined with a Selection criterium, the result of this Selection is used as a filter : More...
const Interface_GraphOriginalGraph () const
 Returns the original Graph (compared to OriginalModel, it gives more query capabilitites) More...
Handle< Interface_InterfaceModelOriginalModel () const
 Returns the original model. More...
void SetProtocol (const Handle< Interface_Protocol > &proto)
 Allows to transmit a Protocol as part of a ContextModif. More...
Handle< Interface_ProtocolProtocol () const
 Returns the Protocol (Null if not set) More...
Standard_Boolean HasFileName () const
 Returns True if a non empty file name has been defined. More...
Standard_CString FileName () const
 Returns File Name (can be empty) More...
Handle< Interface_CopyControlControl () const
 Returns the map for a direct use, if required. More...
Standard_Boolean IsForNone () const
 Returns True if Select has determined that a Modifier may not be run (filter defined and empty) More...
Standard_Boolean IsForAll () const
 Returns True if no filter is defined : a Modifier has to work on all entities of the resulting (target) model. More...
Standard_Boolean IsTransferred (const Handle< Standard_Transient > &ent) const
 Returns True if a starting item has been transferred. More...
Standard_Boolean IsSelected (const Handle< Standard_Transient > &ent) const
 Returns True if a starting item has been transferred and selected. More...
Standard_Boolean Search (const Handle< Standard_Transient > &ent, Handle< Standard_Transient > &res) const
 Returns True if a starting entity has been transferred, and the result is in <res>. Returns False else (direct call to the map) More...
Interface_EntityIterator SelectedOriginal () const
 Returns the list of original selected items. See also the iteration. More...
Interface_EntityIterator SelectedResult () const
 Returns the list of resulting counterparts of selected items. See also the iteration. More...
Standard_Integer SelectedCount () const
 Returns the count of selected and transferred items. More...
void Start ()
 Starts an iteration on selected items. It takes into account IsForAll/IsForNone, by really iterating on all selected items. More...
Standard_Boolean More () const
 Returns True until the iteration has finished. More...
void Next ()
 Advances the iteration. More...
Handle< Standard_TransientValueOriginal () const
 Returns the current selected item in the original model. More...
Handle< Standard_TransientValueResult () const
 Returns the result counterpart of current selected item (in the target model) More...
void TraceModifier (const Handle< IFSelect_GeneralModifier > &modif)
 Traces the application of a Modifier. Works with default trace File and Level. Fills the trace if default trace level is at least 1. Traces the Modifier (its Label) and its Selection if there is one (its Label). To be called after Select (because status IsForAll is printed) Worths to trace a global modification. See also Trace below. More...
void Trace (const Standard_CString mess="")
 Traces the modification of the current entity (see above, ValueOriginal and ValueResult) for default trace level >= 2. To be called on each indivudual entity really modified <mess> is an optionnal additional message. More...
void AddCheck (const Handle< Interface_Check > &check)
 Adds a Check to the CheckList. If it is empty, nothing is done If it concerns an Entity from the Original Model (by SetEntity) to which another Check is attached, it is merged to it. Else, it is added or merged as to GlobalCheck. More...
void AddWarning (const Handle< Standard_Transient > &start, const Standard_CString mess, const Standard_CString orig="")
 Adds a Warning Message for an Entity from the original Model If <start> is not an Entity from the original model (e.g. the model itself) this message is added to Global Check. More...
void AddFail (const Handle< Standard_Transient > &start, const Standard_CString mess, const Standard_CString orig="")
 Adds a Fail Message for an Entity from the original Model If <start> is not an Entity from the original model (e.g. the model itself) this message is added to Global Check. More...
Handle< Interface_CheckCCheck (const Standard_Integer num=0)
 Returns a Check given an Entity number (in the original Model) by default a Global Check. Creates it the first time. It can then be acknowledged on the spot, in condition that the caller works by reference ("Interface_Check& check = ...") More...
Handle< Interface_CheckCCheck (const Handle< Standard_Transient > &start)
 Returns a Check attached to an Entity from the original Model It can then be acknowledged on the spot, in condition that the caller works by reference ("Interface_Check& check = ...") More...
Interface_CheckIterator CheckList () const
 Returns the complete CheckList. More...

Detailed Description

This class gathers various informations used by Model Modifiers apart from the target model itself, and the CopyTool which must be passed directly.

These informations report to original data : model, entities, and the selection list if there is one : it allows to query about such or such starting entity, or result entity, or iterate on selection list ... Also data useful for file output are available (because some Modifiers concern models produced for file output).

Furthermore, in return, ContextModif can record Checks, either one for all, or one for each Entity. It supports trace too.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ IFSelect_ContextModif() [1/2]

IFSelect_ContextModif::IFSelect_ContextModif ( const Interface_Graph graph,
const Interface_CopyTool TC,
const Standard_CString  filename = "" 

Prepares a ContextModif with these informations :

  • the graph established from original model (target passed directly to Modifier)
  • the CopyTool which detains the CopyControl, which maps starting (in original) and result (in target) entities
  • an optional file name (for file output)

Such a ContextModif is considered to be applied on all transferred entities (no filter active)

◆ IFSelect_ContextModif() [2/2]

IFSelect_ContextModif::IFSelect_ContextModif ( const Interface_Graph graph,
const Standard_CString  filename = "" 

Prepares a ContextModif with these informations :

  • the graph established from original model (target passed directly to Modifier)
  • an optional file name (for file output) Here, no CopyControl, hence all entities are considered equal as starting and result

Such a ContextModif is considered to be applied on all transferred entities (no filter active)

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddCheck()

void IFSelect_ContextModif::AddCheck ( const Handle< Interface_Check > &  check)

Adds a Check to the CheckList. If it is empty, nothing is done If it concerns an Entity from the Original Model (by SetEntity) to which another Check is attached, it is merged to it. Else, it is added or merged as to GlobalCheck.

◆ AddFail()

void IFSelect_ContextModif::AddFail ( const Handle< Standard_Transient > &  start,
const Standard_CString  mess,
const Standard_CString  orig = "" 

Adds a Fail Message for an Entity from the original Model If <start> is not an Entity from the original model (e.g. the model itself) this message is added to Global Check.

◆ AddWarning()

void IFSelect_ContextModif::AddWarning ( const Handle< Standard_Transient > &  start,
const Standard_CString  mess,
const Standard_CString  orig = "" 

Adds a Warning Message for an Entity from the original Model If <start> is not an Entity from the original model (e.g. the model itself) this message is added to Global Check.

◆ CCheck() [1/2]

Handle< Interface_Check > IFSelect_ContextModif::CCheck ( const Standard_Integer  num = 0)

Returns a Check given an Entity number (in the original Model) by default a Global Check. Creates it the first time. It can then be acknowledged on the spot, in condition that the caller works by reference ("Interface_Check& check = ...")

◆ CCheck() [2/2]

Handle< Interface_Check > IFSelect_ContextModif::CCheck ( const Handle< Standard_Transient > &  start)

Returns a Check attached to an Entity from the original Model It can then be acknowledged on the spot, in condition that the caller works by reference ("Interface_Check& check = ...")

◆ CheckList()

Interface_CheckIterator IFSelect_ContextModif::CheckList ( ) const

Returns the complete CheckList.

◆ Control()

Handle< Interface_CopyControl > IFSelect_ContextModif::Control ( ) const

Returns the map for a direct use, if required.

◆ FileName()

Standard_CString IFSelect_ContextModif::FileName ( ) const

Returns File Name (can be empty)

◆ HasFileName()

Standard_Boolean IFSelect_ContextModif::HasFileName ( ) const

Returns True if a non empty file name has been defined.

◆ IsForAll()

Standard_Boolean IFSelect_ContextModif::IsForAll ( ) const

Returns True if no filter is defined : a Modifier has to work on all entities of the resulting (target) model.

◆ IsForNone()

Standard_Boolean IFSelect_ContextModif::IsForNone ( ) const

Returns True if Select has determined that a Modifier may not be run (filter defined and empty)

◆ IsSelected()

Standard_Boolean IFSelect_ContextModif::IsSelected ( const Handle< Standard_Transient > &  ent) const

Returns True if a starting item has been transferred and selected.

◆ IsTransferred()

Standard_Boolean IFSelect_ContextModif::IsTransferred ( const Handle< Standard_Transient > &  ent) const

Returns True if a starting item has been transferred.

◆ More()

Standard_Boolean IFSelect_ContextModif::More ( ) const

Returns True until the iteration has finished.

◆ Next()

void IFSelect_ContextModif::Next ( )

Advances the iteration.

◆ OriginalGraph()

const Interface_Graph& IFSelect_ContextModif::OriginalGraph ( ) const

Returns the original Graph (compared to OriginalModel, it gives more query capabilitites)

◆ OriginalModel()

Handle< Interface_InterfaceModel > IFSelect_ContextModif::OriginalModel ( ) const

Returns the original model.

◆ Protocol()

Handle< Interface_Protocol > IFSelect_ContextModif::Protocol ( ) const

Returns the Protocol (Null if not set)

◆ Search()

Standard_Boolean IFSelect_ContextModif::Search ( const Handle< Standard_Transient > &  ent,
Handle< Standard_Transient > &  res 
) const

Returns True if a starting entity has been transferred, and the result is in <res>. Returns False else (direct call to the map)

◆ Select()

void IFSelect_ContextModif::Select ( Interface_EntityIterator list)

This method requires ContextModif to be applied with a filter. If a ModelModifier is defined with a Selection criterium, the result of this Selection is used as a filter :

  • if none of its items has been transferred, the modification does not apply at all
  • else, the Modifier can query for what entities were selected and what are their results
  • if this method is not called before working, the Modifier has to work on the whole Model

◆ SelectedCount()

Standard_Integer IFSelect_ContextModif::SelectedCount ( ) const

Returns the count of selected and transferred items.

◆ SelectedOriginal()

Interface_EntityIterator IFSelect_ContextModif::SelectedOriginal ( ) const

Returns the list of original selected items. See also the iteration.

◆ SelectedResult()

Interface_EntityIterator IFSelect_ContextModif::SelectedResult ( ) const

Returns the list of resulting counterparts of selected items. See also the iteration.

◆ SetProtocol()

void IFSelect_ContextModif::SetProtocol ( const Handle< Interface_Protocol > &  proto)

Allows to transmit a Protocol as part of a ContextModif.

◆ Start()

void IFSelect_ContextModif::Start ( )

Starts an iteration on selected items. It takes into account IsForAll/IsForNone, by really iterating on all selected items.

◆ Trace()

void IFSelect_ContextModif::Trace ( const Standard_CString  mess = "")

Traces the modification of the current entity (see above, ValueOriginal and ValueResult) for default trace level >= 2. To be called on each indivudual entity really modified <mess> is an optionnal additional message.

◆ TraceModifier()

void IFSelect_ContextModif::TraceModifier ( const Handle< IFSelect_GeneralModifier > &  modif)

Traces the application of a Modifier. Works with default trace File and Level. Fills the trace if default trace level is at least 1. Traces the Modifier (its Label) and its Selection if there is one (its Label). To be called after Select (because status IsForAll is printed) Worths to trace a global modification. See also Trace below.

◆ ValueOriginal()

Handle< Standard_Transient > IFSelect_ContextModif::ValueOriginal ( ) const

Returns the current selected item in the original model.

◆ ValueResult()

Handle< Standard_Transient > IFSelect_ContextModif::ValueResult ( ) const

Returns the result counterpart of current selected item (in the target model)

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