Open CASCADE Technology
This class provides a set of tools for repairing a wire. More...
#include <ShapeFix_Wire.hxx>
Public Member Functions | |
ShapeFix_Wire () | |
Empty Constructor, creates clear object with default flags. More... | |
ShapeFix_Wire (const TopoDS_Wire &wire, const TopoDS_Face &face, const Standard_Real prec) | |
Create new object with default flags and prepare it for use (Loads analyzer with all the data for the wire and face) More... | |
void | ClearModes () |
Sets all modes to default. More... | |
void | ClearStatuses () |
Clears all statuses. More... | |
void | Init (const TopoDS_Wire &wire, const TopoDS_Face &face, const Standard_Real prec) |
Load analyzer with all the data for the wire and face and drops all fixing statuses. More... | |
void | Init (const Handle< ShapeAnalysis_Wire > &saw) |
Load analyzer with all the data already prepared and drops all fixing statuses If analyzer contains face, there is no need to set it by SetFace or SetSurface. More... | |
void | Load (const TopoDS_Wire &wire) |
Load data for the wire, and drops all fixing statuses. More... | |
void | Load (const Handle< ShapeExtend_WireData > &sbwd) |
Load data for the wire, and drops all fixing statuses. More... | |
void | SetFace (const TopoDS_Face &face) |
Set working face for the wire. More... | |
void | SetSurface (const Handle< Geom_Surface > &surf) |
Set surface for the wire. More... | |
void | SetSurface (const Handle< Geom_Surface > &surf, const TopLoc_Location &loc) |
Set surface for the wire. More... | |
virtual void | SetPrecision (const Standard_Real prec) override |
Set working precision (to root and to analyzer) More... | |
void | SetMaxTailAngle (const Standard_Real theMaxTailAngle) |
Sets the maximal allowed angle of the tails in radians. More... | |
void | SetMaxTailWidth (const Standard_Real theMaxTailWidth) |
Sets the maximal allowed width of the tails. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | IsLoaded () const |
Tells if the wire is loaded. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | IsReady () const |
Tells if the wire and face are loaded. More... | |
Standard_Integer | NbEdges () const |
returns number of edges in the working wire More... | |
TopoDS_Wire | Wire () const |
Makes the resulting Wire (by basic Brep_Builder) More... | |
TopoDS_Wire | WireAPIMake () const |
Makes the resulting Wire (by BRepAPI_MakeWire) More... | |
Handle< ShapeAnalysis_Wire > | Analyzer () const |
returns field Analyzer (working tool) More... | |
const Handle< ShapeExtend_WireData > & | WireData () const |
returns working wire More... | |
const TopoDS_Face & | Face () const |
returns working face (Analyzer.Face()) More... | |
Standard_Boolean & | ModifyTopologyMode () |
Returns (modifiable) the flag which defines whether it is allowed to modify topology of the wire during fixing (adding/removing edges etc.) More... | |
Standard_Boolean & | ModifyGeometryMode () |
Returns (modifiable) the flag which defines whether the Fix..() methods are allowed to modify geometry of the edges and vertices. More... | |
Standard_Integer & | ModifyRemoveLoopMode () |
Returns (modifiable) the flag which defines whether the Fix..() methods are allowed to modify RemoveLoop of the edges. More... | |
Standard_Boolean & | ClosedWireMode () |
Returns (modifiable) the flag which defines whether the wire is to be closed (by calling methods like FixDegenerated() and FixConnected() for last and first edges). More... | |
Standard_Boolean & | PreferencePCurveMode () |
Returns (modifiable) the flag which defines whether the 2d (True) representation of the wire is preferable over 3d one (in the case of ambiguity in FixEdgeCurves). More... | |
Standard_Boolean & | FixGapsByRangesMode () |
Returns (modifiable) the flag which defines whether tool tries to fix gaps first by changing curves ranges (i.e. using intersection, extrema, projections) or not. More... | |
Standard_Integer & | FixReorderMode () |
Standard_Integer & | FixSmallMode () |
Standard_Integer & | FixConnectedMode () |
Standard_Integer & | FixEdgeCurvesMode () |
Standard_Integer & | FixDegeneratedMode () |
Standard_Integer & | FixSelfIntersectionMode () |
Standard_Integer & | FixLackingMode () |
Standard_Integer & | FixGaps3dMode () |
Standard_Integer & | FixGaps2dMode () |
Returns (modifiable) the flag for corresponding Fix..() method which defines whether this method will be called from the method APIFix(): -1 default 1 method will be called 0 method will not be called. More... | |
Standard_Integer & | FixReversed2dMode () |
Standard_Integer & | FixRemovePCurveMode () |
Standard_Integer & | FixAddPCurveMode () |
Standard_Integer & | FixRemoveCurve3dMode () |
Standard_Integer & | FixAddCurve3dMode () |
Standard_Integer & | FixSeamMode () |
Standard_Integer & | FixShiftedMode () |
Standard_Integer & | FixSameParameterMode () |
Standard_Integer & | FixVertexToleranceMode () |
Standard_Integer & | FixNotchedEdgesMode () |
Standard_Integer & | FixSelfIntersectingEdgeMode () |
Standard_Integer & | FixIntersectingEdgesMode () |
Standard_Integer & | FixNonAdjacentIntersectingEdgesMode () |
Returns (modifiable) the flag for corresponding Fix..() method which defines whether this method will be called from the corresponding Fix..() method of the public level: -1 default 1 method will be called 0 method will not be called. More... | |
Standard_Integer & | FixTailMode () |
Standard_Boolean | Perform () |
This method performs all the available fixes. If some fix is turned on or off explicitly by the Fix..Mode() flag, this fix is either called or not depending on that flag. Else (i.e. if flag is default) fix is called depending on the situation: some fixes are not called or are limited if order of edges in the wire is not OK, or depending on modes. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | FixReorder () |
Performs an analysis and reorders edges in the wire using class WireOrder. More... | |
Standard_Integer | FixSmall (const Standard_Boolean lockvtx, const Standard_Real precsmall=0.0) |
Applies FixSmall(num) to all edges in the wire. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | FixConnected (const Standard_Real prec=-1.0) |
Applies FixConnected(num) to all edges in the wire Connection between first and last edges is treated only if flag ClosedMode is True If <prec> is -1 then MaxTolerance() is taken. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | FixEdgeCurves () |
Groups the fixes dealing with 3d and pcurves of the edges. The order of the fixes and the default behaviour are: ShapeFix_Edge::FixReversed2d ShapeFix_Edge::FixRemovePCurve (only if forced) ShapeFix_Edge::FixAddPCurve ShapeFix_Edge::FixRemoveCurve3d (only if forced) ShapeFix_Edge::FixAddCurve3d FixSeam, FixShifted, ShapeFix_Edge::FixSameParameter. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | FixDegenerated () |
Applies FixDegenerated(num) to all edges in the wire Connection between first and last edges is treated only if flag ClosedMode is True. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | FixSelfIntersection () |
Applies FixSelfIntersectingEdge(num) and FixIntersectingEdges(num) to all edges in the wire and FixIntersectingEdges(num1, num2) for all pairs num1 and num2 such that num2 >= num1 + 2 and removes wrong edges if any. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | FixLacking (const Standard_Boolean force=Standard_False) |
Applies FixLacking(num) to all edges in the wire Connection between first and last edges is treated only if flag ClosedMode is True If <force> is False (default), test for connectness is done with precision of vertex between edges, else it is done with minimal value of vertex tolerance and Analyzer.Precision(). Hence, <force> will lead to inserting lacking edges in replacement of vertices which have big tolerances. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | FixClosed (const Standard_Real prec=-1.0) |
Fixes a wire to be well closed It performs FixConnected, FixDegenerated and FixLacking between last and first edges (independingly on flag ClosedMode and modes for these fixings) If <prec> is -1 then MaxTolerance() is taken. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | FixGaps3d () |
Fixes gaps between ends of 3d curves on adjacent edges myPrecision is used to detect the gaps. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | FixGaps2d () |
Fixes gaps between ends of pcurves on adjacent edges myPrecision is used to detect the gaps. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | FixReorder (const ShapeAnalysis_WireOrder &wi) |
Reorder edges in the wire as determined by WireOrder that should be filled and computed before. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | FixSmall (const Standard_Integer num, const Standard_Boolean lockvtx, const Standard_Real precsmall) |
Fixes Null Length Edge to be removed If an Edge has Null Length (regarding preci, or <precsmall> More... | |
Standard_Boolean | FixConnected (const Standard_Integer num, const Standard_Real prec) |
Fixes connected edges (preceeding and current) Forces Vertices (end of preceeding-begin of current) to be the same one Tests with starting preci or, if given greater, <prec> If <prec> is -1 then MaxTolerance() is taken. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | FixSeam (const Standard_Integer num) |
Fixes a seam edge A Seam edge has two pcurves, one for forward. one for reversed The forward pcurve must be set as first. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | FixShifted () |
Fixes edges which have pcurves shifted by whole parameter range on the closed surface (the case may occur if pcurve of edge was computed by projecting 3d curve, which goes along the seam). It compares each two consequent edges and tries to connect them if distance between ends is near to range of the surface. It also can detect and fix the case if all pcurves are connected, but lie out of parametric bounds of the surface. In addition to FixShifted from ShapeFix_Wire, more sophisticated check of degenerate points is performed, and special cases like sphere given by two meridians are treated. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | FixDegenerated (const Standard_Integer num) |
Fixes Degenerated Edge Checks an <num-th> edge or a point between <num>th-1 and <num>th edges for a singularity on a supporting surface. If singularity is detected, either adds new degenerated edge (before <num>th), or makes <num>th edge to be degenerated. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | FixLacking (const Standard_Integer num, const Standard_Boolean force=Standard_False) |
Fixes Lacking Edge Test if two adjucent edges are disconnected in 2d (while connected in 3d), and in that case either increase tolerance of the vertex or add a new edge (straight in 2d space), in order to close wire in 2d. Returns True if edge was added or tolerance was increased. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | FixNotchedEdges () |
Standard_Boolean | FixGap3d (const Standard_Integer num, const Standard_Boolean convert=Standard_False) |
Fixes gap between ends of 3d curves on num-1 and num-th edges. myPrecision is used to detect the gap. If convert is True, converts curves to bsplines to bend. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | FixGap2d (const Standard_Integer num, const Standard_Boolean convert=Standard_False) |
Fixes gap between ends of pcurves on num-1 and num-th edges. myPrecision is used to detect the gap. If convert is True, converts pcurves to bsplines to bend. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | FixTails () |
Standard_Boolean | StatusReorder (const ShapeExtend_Status status) const |
Standard_Boolean | StatusSmall (const ShapeExtend_Status status) const |
Standard_Boolean | StatusConnected (const ShapeExtend_Status status) const |
Standard_Boolean | StatusEdgeCurves (const ShapeExtend_Status status) const |
Standard_Boolean | StatusDegenerated (const ShapeExtend_Status status) const |
Standard_Boolean | StatusSelfIntersection (const ShapeExtend_Status status) const |
Standard_Boolean | StatusLacking (const ShapeExtend_Status status) const |
Standard_Boolean | StatusClosed (const ShapeExtend_Status status) const |
Standard_Boolean | StatusGaps3d (const ShapeExtend_Status status) const |
Standard_Boolean | StatusGaps2d (const ShapeExtend_Status status) const |
Standard_Boolean | StatusNotches (const ShapeExtend_Status status) const |
Standard_Boolean | StatusRemovedSegment () const |
Querying the status of perfomed API fixing procedures Each Status..() methods gives information about the last call to the corresponding Fix..() method of API level: OK : no problems detected; nothing done DONE: some problem(s) was(were) detected and successfully fixed FAIL: some problem(s) cannot be fixed. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | StatusFixTails (const ShapeExtend_Status status) const |
Standard_Boolean | LastFixStatus (const ShapeExtend_Status status) const |
Queries the status of last call to methods Fix... of advanced level For details see corresponding methods; universal statuses are: OK : problem not detected; nothing done DONE: problem was detected and successfully fixed FAIL: problem cannot be fixed. More... | |
Handle< ShapeFix_Edge > | FixEdgeTool () const |
Returns tool for fixing wires. More... | |
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ShapeFix_Root () | |
Empty Constructor (no context is created) More... | |
virtual void | Set (const Handle< ShapeFix_Root > &Root) |
Copy all fields from another Root object. More... | |
virtual void | SetContext (const Handle< ShapeBuild_ReShape > &context) |
Sets context. More... | |
Handle< ShapeBuild_ReShape > | Context () const |
Returns context. More... | |
virtual void | SetMsgRegistrator (const Handle< ShapeExtend_BasicMsgRegistrator > &msgreg) |
Sets message registrator. More... | |
Handle< ShapeExtend_BasicMsgRegistrator > | MsgRegistrator () const |
Returns message registrator. More... | |
Standard_Real | Precision () const |
Returns basic precision value. More... | |
virtual void | SetMinTolerance (const Standard_Real mintol) |
Sets minimal allowed tolerance. More... | |
Standard_Real | MinTolerance () const |
Returns minimal allowed tolerance. More... | |
virtual void | SetMaxTolerance (const Standard_Real maxtol) |
Sets maximal allowed tolerance. More... | |
Standard_Real | MaxTolerance () const |
Returns maximal allowed tolerance. More... | |
Standard_Real | LimitTolerance (const Standard_Real toler) const |
Returns tolerance limited by [myMinTol,myMaxTol]. More... | |
void | SendMsg (const TopoDS_Shape &shape, const Message_Msg &message, const Message_Gravity gravity=Message_Info) const |
Sends a message to be attached to the shape. Calls corresponding message of message registrator. More... | |
void | SendMsg (const Message_Msg &message, const Message_Gravity gravity=Message_Info) const |
Sends a message to be attached to myShape. Calls previous method. More... | |
void | SendWarning (const TopoDS_Shape &shape, const Message_Msg &message) const |
Sends a warning to be attached to the shape. Calls SendMsg with gravity set to Message_Warning. More... | |
void | SendWarning (const Message_Msg &message) const |
Calls previous method for myShape. More... | |
void | SendFail (const TopoDS_Shape &shape, const Message_Msg &message) const |
Sends a fail to be attached to the shape. Calls SendMsg with gravity set to Message_Fail. More... | |
void | SendFail (const Message_Msg &message) const |
Calls previous method for myShape. More... | |
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Standard_Transient () | |
Empty constructor. More... | |
Standard_Transient (const Standard_Transient &) | |
Copy constructor – does nothing. More... | |
Standard_Transient & | operator= (const Standard_Transient &) |
Assignment operator, needed to avoid copying reference counter. More... | |
virtual | ~Standard_Transient () |
Destructor must be virtual. More... | |
virtual void | Delete () const |
Memory deallocator for transient classes. More... | |
virtual const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > & | DynamicType () const |
Returns a type descriptor about this object. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | IsInstance (const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > &theType) const |
Returns a true value if this is an instance of Type. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | IsInstance (const Standard_CString theTypeName) const |
Returns a true value if this is an instance of TypeName. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | IsKind (const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > &theType) const |
Returns true if this is an instance of Type or an instance of any class that inherits from Type. Note that multiple inheritance is not supported by OCCT RTTI mechanism. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | IsKind (const Standard_CString theTypeName) const |
Returns true if this is an instance of TypeName or an instance of any class that inherits from TypeName. Note that multiple inheritance is not supported by OCCT RTTI mechanism. More... | |
Standard_Transient * | This () const |
Returns non-const pointer to this object (like const_cast). For protection against creating handle to objects allocated in stack or call from constructor, it will raise exception Standard_ProgramError if reference counter is zero. More... | |
Standard_Integer | GetRefCount () const |
Get the reference counter of this object. More... | |
void | IncrementRefCounter () const |
Increments the reference counter of this object. More... | |
Standard_Integer | DecrementRefCounter () const |
Decrements the reference counter of this object; returns the decremented value. More... | |
Protected Member Functions | |
void | UpdateWire () |
Updates WireData if some replacements are made This is necessary for wires (unlike other shape types) since one edge can present in wire several times. More... | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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typedef void | base_type |
Returns a type descriptor about this object. More... | |
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static const char * | get_type_name () |
Returns a type descriptor about this object. More... | |
static const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > & | get_type_descriptor () |
Returns type descriptor of Standard_Transient class. More... | |
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static Standard_Boolean | NeedFix (const Standard_Integer flag, const Standard_Boolean def=Standard_True) |
Auxiliary method for work with three-position (on/off/default) flags (modes) in ShapeFix. More... | |
This class provides a set of tools for repairing a wire.
These are methods Fix...(), organised in two levels:
Level 1: Advanced - each method in this level fixes one separate problem, usually dealing with either single edge or connection of the two adjacent edges. These methods should be used carefully and called in right sequence, because some of them depend on others.
Level 2: Public (API) - methods which group several methods of level 1 and call them in a proper sequence in order to make some consistent set of fixes for a whole wire. It is possible to control calls to methods of the advanced level from methods of the public level by use of flags Fix..Mode() (see below).
Fixes can be made in three ways:
When fix can be made in more than one way (e.g., either by increasing tolerance or shifting a vertex), it is choosen according to the flags: ModifyTopologyMode - allows modification of the topology. This flag can be set when fixing a wire on the separate (free) face, and should be unset for face which is part of shell. ModifyGeometryMode - allows modification of the geometry.
The order of descriptions of Fix() methods in this CDL approximately corresponds to the optimal order of calls.
NOTE: most of fixing methods expect edges in the ShapeExtend_WireData to be ordered, so it is necessary to make call to FixReorder() before any other fixes
ShapeFix_Wire should be initialized prior to any fix by the following data: a) Wire (ether TopoDS_Wire or ShapeExtend_Wire) b) Face or surface c) Precision d) Maximal tail angle and width This can be done either by calling corresponding methods (LoadWire, SetFace or SetSurface, SetPrecision, SetMaxTailAngle and SetMaxTailWidth), or by loading already filled ShapeAnalisis_Wire with method Load
ShapeFix_Wire::ShapeFix_Wire | ( | ) |
Empty Constructor, creates clear object with default flags.
ShapeFix_Wire::ShapeFix_Wire | ( | const TopoDS_Wire & | wire, |
const TopoDS_Face & | face, | ||
const Standard_Real | prec | ||
) |
Create new object with default flags and prepare it for use (Loads analyzer with all the data for the wire and face)
Handle< ShapeAnalysis_Wire > ShapeFix_Wire::Analyzer | ( | ) | const |
returns field Analyzer (working tool)
void ShapeFix_Wire::ClearModes | ( | ) |
Sets all modes to default.
void ShapeFix_Wire::ClearStatuses | ( | ) |
Clears all statuses.
Standard_Boolean& ShapeFix_Wire::ClosedWireMode | ( | ) |
Returns (modifiable) the flag which defines whether the wire is to be closed (by calling methods like FixDegenerated() and FixConnected() for last and first edges).
const TopoDS_Face& ShapeFix_Wire::Face | ( | ) | const |
returns working face (Analyzer.Face())
Standard_Integer& ShapeFix_Wire::FixAddCurve3dMode | ( | ) |
Standard_Integer& ShapeFix_Wire::FixAddPCurveMode | ( | ) |
Standard_Boolean ShapeFix_Wire::FixClosed | ( | const Standard_Real | prec = -1.0 | ) |
Fixes a wire to be well closed It performs FixConnected, FixDegenerated and FixLacking between last and first edges (independingly on flag ClosedMode and modes for these fixings) If <prec> is -1 then MaxTolerance() is taken.
Standard_Boolean ShapeFix_Wire::FixConnected | ( | const Standard_Real | prec = -1.0 | ) |
Applies FixConnected(num) to all edges in the wire Connection between first and last edges is treated only if flag ClosedMode is True If <prec> is -1 then MaxTolerance() is taken.
Standard_Boolean ShapeFix_Wire::FixConnected | ( | const Standard_Integer | num, |
const Standard_Real | prec | ||
) |
Fixes connected edges (preceeding and current) Forces Vertices (end of preceeding-begin of current) to be the same one Tests with starting preci or, if given greater, <prec> If <prec> is -1 then MaxTolerance() is taken.
Standard_Integer& ShapeFix_Wire::FixConnectedMode | ( | ) |
Standard_Boolean ShapeFix_Wire::FixDegenerated | ( | ) |
Applies FixDegenerated(num) to all edges in the wire Connection between first and last edges is treated only if flag ClosedMode is True.
Standard_Boolean ShapeFix_Wire::FixDegenerated | ( | const Standard_Integer | num | ) |
Fixes Degenerated Edge Checks an <num-th> edge or a point between <num>th-1 and <num>th edges for a singularity on a supporting surface. If singularity is detected, either adds new degenerated edge (before <num>th), or makes <num>th edge to be degenerated.
Standard_Integer& ShapeFix_Wire::FixDegeneratedMode | ( | ) |
Standard_Boolean ShapeFix_Wire::FixEdgeCurves | ( | ) |
Groups the fixes dealing with 3d and pcurves of the edges. The order of the fixes and the default behaviour are: ShapeFix_Edge::FixReversed2d ShapeFix_Edge::FixRemovePCurve (only if forced) ShapeFix_Edge::FixAddPCurve ShapeFix_Edge::FixRemoveCurve3d (only if forced) ShapeFix_Edge::FixAddCurve3d FixSeam, FixShifted, ShapeFix_Edge::FixSameParameter.
Standard_Integer& ShapeFix_Wire::FixEdgeCurvesMode | ( | ) |
Handle< ShapeFix_Edge > ShapeFix_Wire::FixEdgeTool | ( | ) | const |
Returns tool for fixing wires.
Standard_Boolean ShapeFix_Wire::FixGap2d | ( | const Standard_Integer | num, |
const Standard_Boolean | convert = Standard_False |
) |
Fixes gap between ends of pcurves on num-1 and num-th edges. myPrecision is used to detect the gap. If convert is True, converts pcurves to bsplines to bend.
Standard_Boolean ShapeFix_Wire::FixGap3d | ( | const Standard_Integer | num, |
const Standard_Boolean | convert = Standard_False |
) |
Fixes gap between ends of 3d curves on num-1 and num-th edges. myPrecision is used to detect the gap. If convert is True, converts curves to bsplines to bend.
Standard_Boolean ShapeFix_Wire::FixGaps2d | ( | ) |
Fixes gaps between ends of pcurves on adjacent edges myPrecision is used to detect the gaps.
Standard_Integer& ShapeFix_Wire::FixGaps2dMode | ( | ) |
Returns (modifiable) the flag for corresponding Fix..() method which defines whether this method will be called from the method APIFix(): -1 default 1 method will be called 0 method will not be called.
Standard_Boolean ShapeFix_Wire::FixGaps3d | ( | ) |
Fixes gaps between ends of 3d curves on adjacent edges myPrecision is used to detect the gaps.
Standard_Integer& ShapeFix_Wire::FixGaps3dMode | ( | ) |
Standard_Boolean& ShapeFix_Wire::FixGapsByRangesMode | ( | ) |
Returns (modifiable) the flag which defines whether tool tries to fix gaps first by changing curves ranges (i.e. using intersection, extrema, projections) or not.
Standard_Integer& ShapeFix_Wire::FixIntersectingEdgesMode | ( | ) |
Standard_Boolean ShapeFix_Wire::FixLacking | ( | const Standard_Boolean | force = Standard_False | ) |
Applies FixLacking(num) to all edges in the wire Connection between first and last edges is treated only if flag ClosedMode is True If <force> is False (default), test for connectness is done with precision of vertex between edges, else it is done with minimal value of vertex tolerance and Analyzer.Precision(). Hence, <force> will lead to inserting lacking edges in replacement of vertices which have big tolerances.
Standard_Boolean ShapeFix_Wire::FixLacking | ( | const Standard_Integer | num, |
const Standard_Boolean | force = Standard_False |
) |
Fixes Lacking Edge Test if two adjucent edges are disconnected in 2d (while connected in 3d), and in that case either increase tolerance of the vertex or add a new edge (straight in 2d space), in order to close wire in 2d. Returns True if edge was added or tolerance was increased.
Standard_Integer& ShapeFix_Wire::FixLackingMode | ( | ) |
Standard_Integer& ShapeFix_Wire::FixNonAdjacentIntersectingEdgesMode | ( | ) |
Returns (modifiable) the flag for corresponding Fix..() method which defines whether this method will be called from the corresponding Fix..() method of the public level: -1 default 1 method will be called 0 method will not be called.
Standard_Boolean ShapeFix_Wire::FixNotchedEdges | ( | ) |
Standard_Integer& ShapeFix_Wire::FixNotchedEdgesMode | ( | ) |
Standard_Integer& ShapeFix_Wire::FixRemoveCurve3dMode | ( | ) |
Standard_Integer& ShapeFix_Wire::FixRemovePCurveMode | ( | ) |
Standard_Boolean ShapeFix_Wire::FixReorder | ( | ) |
Performs an analysis and reorders edges in the wire using class WireOrder.
Standard_Boolean ShapeFix_Wire::FixReorder | ( | const ShapeAnalysis_WireOrder & | wi | ) |
Reorder edges in the wire as determined by WireOrder that should be filled and computed before.
Standard_Integer& ShapeFix_Wire::FixReorderMode | ( | ) |
Standard_Integer& ShapeFix_Wire::FixReversed2dMode | ( | ) |
Standard_Integer& ShapeFix_Wire::FixSameParameterMode | ( | ) |
Standard_Boolean ShapeFix_Wire::FixSeam | ( | const Standard_Integer | num | ) |
Fixes a seam edge A Seam edge has two pcurves, one for forward. one for reversed The forward pcurve must be set as first.
NOTE that correct order of pcurves in the seam edge depends on its orientation (i.e., on orientation of the wire, method of exploration of edges etc.). Since wire represented by the ShapeExtend_WireData is always forward (orientation is accounted by edges), it will work correct if:
Standard_Integer& ShapeFix_Wire::FixSeamMode | ( | ) |
Standard_Integer& ShapeFix_Wire::FixSelfIntersectingEdgeMode | ( | ) |
Standard_Boolean ShapeFix_Wire::FixSelfIntersection | ( | ) |
Applies FixSelfIntersectingEdge(num) and FixIntersectingEdges(num) to all edges in the wire and FixIntersectingEdges(num1, num2) for all pairs num1 and num2 such that num2 >= num1 + 2 and removes wrong edges if any.
Standard_Integer& ShapeFix_Wire::FixSelfIntersectionMode | ( | ) |
Standard_Boolean ShapeFix_Wire::FixShifted | ( | ) |
Fixes edges which have pcurves shifted by whole parameter range on the closed surface (the case may occur if pcurve of edge was computed by projecting 3d curve, which goes along the seam). It compares each two consequent edges and tries to connect them if distance between ends is near to range of the surface. It also can detect and fix the case if all pcurves are connected, but lie out of parametric bounds of the surface. In addition to FixShifted from ShapeFix_Wire, more sophisticated check of degenerate points is performed, and special cases like sphere given by two meridians are treated.
Standard_Integer& ShapeFix_Wire::FixShiftedMode | ( | ) |
Standard_Integer ShapeFix_Wire::FixSmall | ( | const Standard_Boolean | lockvtx, |
const Standard_Real | precsmall = 0.0 |
) |
Applies FixSmall(num) to all edges in the wire.
Standard_Boolean ShapeFix_Wire::FixSmall | ( | const Standard_Integer | num, |
const Standard_Boolean | lockvtx, | ||
const Standard_Real | precsmall | ||
) |
Fixes Null Length Edge to be removed If an Edge has Null Length (regarding preci, or <precsmall>
Standard_Integer& ShapeFix_Wire::FixSmallMode | ( | ) |
Standard_Integer& ShapeFix_Wire::FixTailMode | ( | ) |
Standard_Boolean ShapeFix_Wire::FixTails | ( | ) |
Standard_Integer& ShapeFix_Wire::FixVertexToleranceMode | ( | ) |
void ShapeFix_Wire::Init | ( | const TopoDS_Wire & | wire, |
const TopoDS_Face & | face, | ||
const Standard_Real | prec | ||
) |
Load analyzer with all the data for the wire and face and drops all fixing statuses.
void ShapeFix_Wire::Init | ( | const Handle< ShapeAnalysis_Wire > & | saw | ) |
Load analyzer with all the data already prepared and drops all fixing statuses If analyzer contains face, there is no need to set it by SetFace or SetSurface.
Standard_Boolean ShapeFix_Wire::IsLoaded | ( | ) | const |
Tells if the wire is loaded.
Standard_Boolean ShapeFix_Wire::IsReady | ( | ) | const |
Tells if the wire and face are loaded.
Standard_Boolean ShapeFix_Wire::LastFixStatus | ( | const ShapeExtend_Status | status | ) | const |
Queries the status of last call to methods Fix... of advanced level For details see corresponding methods; universal statuses are: OK : problem not detected; nothing done DONE: problem was detected and successfully fixed FAIL: problem cannot be fixed.
void ShapeFix_Wire::Load | ( | const TopoDS_Wire & | wire | ) |
Load data for the wire, and drops all fixing statuses.
void ShapeFix_Wire::Load | ( | const Handle< ShapeExtend_WireData > & | sbwd | ) |
Load data for the wire, and drops all fixing statuses.
Standard_Boolean& ShapeFix_Wire::ModifyGeometryMode | ( | ) |
Returns (modifiable) the flag which defines whether the Fix..() methods are allowed to modify geometry of the edges and vertices.
Standard_Integer& ShapeFix_Wire::ModifyRemoveLoopMode | ( | ) |
Returns (modifiable) the flag which defines whether the Fix..() methods are allowed to modify RemoveLoop of the edges.
Standard_Boolean& ShapeFix_Wire::ModifyTopologyMode | ( | ) |
Returns (modifiable) the flag which defines whether it is allowed to modify topology of the wire during fixing (adding/removing edges etc.)
Standard_Integer ShapeFix_Wire::NbEdges | ( | ) | const |
returns number of edges in the working wire
Standard_Boolean ShapeFix_Wire::Perform | ( | ) |
This method performs all the available fixes. If some fix is turned on or off explicitly by the Fix..Mode() flag, this fix is either called or not depending on that flag. Else (i.e. if flag is default) fix is called depending on the situation: some fixes are not called or are limited if order of edges in the wire is not OK, or depending on modes.
The order of the fixes and default behaviour of Perform() are: FixReorder FixSmall (with lockvtx true if ! TopoMode or if wire is not ordered) FixConnected (if wire is ordered) FixEdgeCurves (without FixShifted if wire is not ordered) FixDegenerated (if wire is ordered) FixSelfIntersection (if wire is ordered and ClosedMode is True) FixLacking (if wire is ordered)
Standard_Boolean& ShapeFix_Wire::PreferencePCurveMode | ( | ) |
Returns (modifiable) the flag which defines whether the 2d (True) representation of the wire is preferable over 3d one (in the case of ambiguity in FixEdgeCurves).
void ShapeFix_Wire::SetFace | ( | const TopoDS_Face & | face | ) |
Set working face for the wire.
void ShapeFix_Wire::SetMaxTailAngle | ( | const Standard_Real | theMaxTailAngle | ) |
Sets the maximal allowed angle of the tails in radians.
void ShapeFix_Wire::SetMaxTailWidth | ( | const Standard_Real | theMaxTailWidth | ) |
Sets the maximal allowed width of the tails.
overridevirtual |
Set working precision (to root and to analyzer)
Reimplemented from ShapeFix_Root.
void ShapeFix_Wire::SetSurface | ( | const Handle< Geom_Surface > & | surf | ) |
Set surface for the wire.
void ShapeFix_Wire::SetSurface | ( | const Handle< Geom_Surface > & | surf, |
const TopLoc_Location & | loc | ||
) |
Set surface for the wire.
Standard_Boolean ShapeFix_Wire::StatusClosed | ( | const ShapeExtend_Status | status | ) | const |
Standard_Boolean ShapeFix_Wire::StatusConnected | ( | const ShapeExtend_Status | status | ) | const |
Standard_Boolean ShapeFix_Wire::StatusDegenerated | ( | const ShapeExtend_Status | status | ) | const |
Standard_Boolean ShapeFix_Wire::StatusEdgeCurves | ( | const ShapeExtend_Status | status | ) | const |
Standard_Boolean ShapeFix_Wire::StatusFixTails | ( | const ShapeExtend_Status | status | ) | const |
Standard_Boolean ShapeFix_Wire::StatusGaps2d | ( | const ShapeExtend_Status | status | ) | const |
Standard_Boolean ShapeFix_Wire::StatusGaps3d | ( | const ShapeExtend_Status | status | ) | const |
Standard_Boolean ShapeFix_Wire::StatusLacking | ( | const ShapeExtend_Status | status | ) | const |
Standard_Boolean ShapeFix_Wire::StatusNotches | ( | const ShapeExtend_Status | status | ) | const |
Standard_Boolean ShapeFix_Wire::StatusRemovedSegment | ( | ) | const |
Querying the status of perfomed API fixing procedures Each Status..() methods gives information about the last call to the corresponding Fix..() method of API level: OK : no problems detected; nothing done DONE: some problem(s) was(were) detected and successfully fixed FAIL: some problem(s) cannot be fixed.
Standard_Boolean ShapeFix_Wire::StatusReorder | ( | const ShapeExtend_Status | status | ) | const |
Standard_Boolean ShapeFix_Wire::StatusSelfIntersection | ( | const ShapeExtend_Status | status | ) | const |
Standard_Boolean ShapeFix_Wire::StatusSmall | ( | const ShapeExtend_Status | status | ) | const |
protected |
Updates WireData if some replacements are made This is necessary for wires (unlike other shape types) since one edge can present in wire several times.
TopoDS_Wire ShapeFix_Wire::Wire | ( | ) | const |
Makes the resulting Wire (by basic Brep_Builder)
TopoDS_Wire ShapeFix_Wire::WireAPIMake | ( | ) | const |
Makes the resulting Wire (by BRepAPI_MakeWire)
const Handle< ShapeExtend_WireData >& ShapeFix_Wire::WireData | ( | ) | const |
returns working wire
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