static void | DumpMapOfShapeWithState (const Standard_Integer iP, const TopOpeBRepDS_IndexedDataMapOfShapeWithState &aMapOfShapeWithState) |
static void | FindState (const TopoDS_Shape &aVertex, const TopAbs_State aState, const TopAbs_ShapeEnum aShapeEnum, const TopTools_IndexedDataMapOfShapeListOfShape &aMapVertexEdges, TopTools_MapOfShape &aMapProcessedVertices, TopOpeBRepDS_DataMapOfShapeState &aMapVs) |
static void | PropagateState (const TopOpeBRepDS_DataMapOfShapeState &aSplEdgesState, const TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape &anEdgesToRestMap, const TopAbs_ShapeEnum aShapeEnum1, const TopAbs_ShapeEnum aShapeEnum2, TopOpeBRepTool_ShapeClassifier &aShapeClassifier, TopOpeBRepDS_IndexedDataMapOfShapeWithState &aMapOfShapeWithState, const TopTools_MapOfShape &anUnkStateShapes) |
static TopAbs_State | FindStateThroughVertex (const TopoDS_Shape &aShape, TopOpeBRepTool_ShapeClassifier &aShapeClassifier, TopOpeBRepDS_IndexedDataMapOfShapeWithState &aMapOfShapeWithState, const TopTools_MapOfShape &anAvoidSubshMap) |
static void | PropagateStateForWires (const TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape &aFacesToRestMap, TopOpeBRepDS_IndexedDataMapOfShapeWithState &aMapOfShapeWithState) |
static void | SpreadStateToChild (const TopoDS_Shape &aShape, const TopAbs_State aState, TopOpeBRepDS_IndexedDataMapOfShapeWithState &aMapOfShapeWithState) |
static void | FindState1 (const TopoDS_Shape &anEdge, const TopAbs_State aState, const TopTools_IndexedDataMapOfShapeListOfShape &aMapEdgesFaces, TopTools_MapOfShape &aMapProcessedVertices, TopOpeBRepDS_DataMapOfShapeState &aMapVs) |
static void | FindState2 (const TopoDS_Shape &anEdge, const TopAbs_State aState, const TopTools_IndexedDataMapOfShapeListOfShape &aMapEdgesFaces, TopTools_MapOfShape &aMapProcessedEdges, TopOpeBRepDS_DataMapOfShapeState &aMapVs) |
static Standard_Boolean | GetAdjacentFace (const TopoDS_Shape &aFaceObj, const TopoDS_Shape &anEObj, const TopTools_IndexedDataMapOfShapeListOfShape &anEdgeFaceMap, TopoDS_Shape &anAdjFaceObj) |
static void | GetNormalToFaceOnEdge (const TopoDS_Face &aFObj, const TopoDS_Edge &anEdgeObj, gp_Vec &aDirNormal) |
static void | GetNormalInNearestPoint (const TopoDS_Face &aFace, const TopoDS_Edge &anEdge, gp_Vec &aNormal) |
| This function used to compute normal in point which is located near the point with param UV (used for computation of normals where the normal in the point UV equal to zero). More...
static Standard_Boolean | GetTangentToEdgeEdge (const TopoDS_Face &aFObj, const TopoDS_Edge &anEdgeObj, const TopoDS_Edge &aOriEObj, gp_Vec &aTangent) |
static Standard_Boolean | GetTangentToEdge (const TopoDS_Edge &anEdgeObj, gp_Vec &aTangent) |
static void | UpdatePCurves (const TopoDS_Wire &aWire, const TopoDS_Face &fromFace, const TopoDS_Face &toFace) |
| Recompute PCurves of the all edges from the wire on the <toFace> More...
static void | UpdateEdgeOnPeriodicalFace (const TopoDS_Edge &aEdgeToUpdate, const TopoDS_Face &OldFace, const TopoDS_Face &NewFace) |
| recompute PCurves of the closing (SIM , with 2 PCurves) edge on the NewFace More...
static void | UpdateEdgeOnFace (const TopoDS_Edge &aEdgeToUpdate, const TopoDS_Face &OldFace, const TopoDS_Face &NewFace) |
| recompute PCurve of the edge on the NewFace More...
static Standard_Boolean | IsDegEdgesTheSame (const TopoDS_Shape &anE1, const TopoDS_Shape &anE2) |
static void | NormalizeFace (const TopoDS_Shape &oldFace, TopoDS_Shape &corrFace) |
| test if <oldFace> does not contain INTERNAL or EXTERNAL edges and remove such edges in case of its presence. The result is stored in <corrFace> More...
static void | CorrectFace2d (const TopoDS_Shape &oldFace, TopoDS_Shape &corrFace, const TopTools_IndexedMapOfOrientedShape &aSourceShapes, TopTools_IndexedDataMapOfShapeShape &aMapOfCorrect2dEdges) |
| test if UV representation of <oldFace> is good (i.e. face is closed in 2d). if face is not closed , this method will try to close such face and will return corrected edges in the <aMapOfCorrect2dEdges>. Parameter <aSourceShapes> used to fix the edge (or wires) which should be correct (Corrector used it as a start shapes). NOTE : Parameter corrFace doesn't mean anything. If you want to use this method , rebuild resulting face after by yourself using corrected edges. More...
static void | CorrectTolerances (const TopoDS_Shape &aS, const Standard_Real aTolMax=0.0001) |
static void | CorrectCurveOnSurface (const TopoDS_Shape &aS, const Standard_Real aTolMax=0.0001) |
static void | CorrectPointOnCurve (const TopoDS_Shape &aS, const Standard_Real aTolMax=0.0001) |
static Standard_Boolean | CheckFaceClosed2d (const TopoDS_Face &theFace) |
| Checks if <theFace> has the properly closed in 2D boundary(ies) More...