Open CASCADE Technology  7.1.0.beta
Static Public Member Functions
BRep_Tool Class Reference

Provides class methods to access to the geometry of BRep shapes. More...

#include <BRep_Tool.hxx>

Static Public Member Functions

static Standard_Boolean IsClosed (const TopoDS_Shape &S)
 If S is Shell, returns True if it has no free boundaries (edges). If S is Wire, returns True if it has no free ends (vertices). (Internal and External sub-shepes are ignored in these checks) If S is Edge, returns True if its vertices are the same. For other shape types returns S.Closed(). More...
static const Handle< Geom_Surface > & Surface (const TopoDS_Face &F, TopLoc_Location &L)
 Returns the geometric surface of the face. Returns in <L> the location for the surface. More...
static Handle< Geom_SurfaceSurface (const TopoDS_Face &F)
 Returns the geometric surface of the face. It can be a copy if there is a Location. More...
static const Handle< Poly_Triangulation > & Triangulation (const TopoDS_Face &F, TopLoc_Location &L)
 Returns the Triangulation of the face. It is a null handle if there is no triangulation. More...
static Standard_Real Tolerance (const TopoDS_Face &F)
 Returns the tolerance of the face. More...
static Standard_Boolean NaturalRestriction (const TopoDS_Face &F)
 Returns the NaturalRestriction flag of the face. More...
static Standard_Boolean IsGeometric (const TopoDS_Edge &E)
 Returns True if <E> is a 3d curve or a curve on surface. More...
static const Handle< Geom_Curve > & Curve (const TopoDS_Edge &E, TopLoc_Location &L, Standard_Real &First, Standard_Real &Last)
 Returns the 3D curve of the edge. May be a Null handle. Returns in <L> the location for the curve. In <First> and <Last> the parameter range. More...
static Handle< Geom_CurveCurve (const TopoDS_Edge &E, Standard_Real &First, Standard_Real &Last)
 Returns the 3D curve of the edge. May be a Null handle. In <First> and <Last> the parameter range. It can be a copy if there is a Location. More...
static const Handle< Poly_Polygon3D > & Polygon3D (const TopoDS_Edge &E, TopLoc_Location &L)
 Returns the 3D polygon of the edge. May be a Null handle. Returns in <L> the location for the polygon. More...
static Handle< Geom2d_CurveCurveOnSurface (const TopoDS_Edge &E, const TopoDS_Face &F, Standard_Real &First, Standard_Real &Last)
 Returns the curve associated to the edge in the parametric space of the face. Returns a NULL handle if this curve does not exist. Returns in <First> and <Last> the parameter range. More...
static Handle< Geom2d_CurveCurveOnSurface (const TopoDS_Edge &E, const Handle< Geom_Surface > &S, const TopLoc_Location &L, Standard_Real &First, Standard_Real &Last)
 Returns the curve associated to the edge in the parametric space of the surface. Returns a NULL handle if this curve does not exist. Returns in <First> and <Last> the parameter range. More...
static void CurveOnSurface (const TopoDS_Edge &E, Handle< Geom2d_Curve > &C, Handle< Geom_Surface > &S, TopLoc_Location &L, Standard_Real &First, Standard_Real &Last)
 Returns in , <S>, <L> a 2d curve, a surface and a location for the edge <E>. and <S> are null if the edge has no curve on surface. Returns in <First> and <Last> the parameter range. More...
static void CurveOnSurface (const TopoDS_Edge &E, Handle< Geom2d_Curve > &C, Handle< Geom_Surface > &S, TopLoc_Location &L, Standard_Real &First, Standard_Real &Last, const Standard_Integer Index)
 Returns in , <S>, <L> the 2d curve, the surface and the location for the edge <E> of rank <Index>. and <S> are null if the index is out of range. Returns in <First> and <Last> the parameter range. More...
static Handle< Poly_Polygon2DPolygonOnSurface (const TopoDS_Edge &E, const TopoDS_Face &F)
 Returns the polygon associated to the edge in the parametric space of the face. Returns a NULL handle if this polygon does not exist. More...
static Handle< Poly_Polygon2DPolygonOnSurface (const TopoDS_Edge &E, const Handle< Geom_Surface > &S, const TopLoc_Location &L)
 Returns the polygon associated to the edge in the parametric space of the surface. Returns a NULL handle if this polygon does not exist. More...
static void PolygonOnSurface (const TopoDS_Edge &E, Handle< Poly_Polygon2D > &C, Handle< Geom_Surface > &S, TopLoc_Location &L)
 Returns in , <S>, <L> a 2d curve, a surface and a location for the edge <E>. and <S> are null if the edge has no polygon on surface. More...
static void PolygonOnSurface (const TopoDS_Edge &E, Handle< Poly_Polygon2D > &C, Handle< Geom_Surface > &S, TopLoc_Location &L, const Standard_Integer Index)
 Returns in , <S>, <L> the 2d curve, the surface and the location for the edge <E> of rank <Index>. and <S> are null if the index is out of range. More...
static const Handle< Poly_PolygonOnTriangulation > & PolygonOnTriangulation (const TopoDS_Edge &E, const Handle< Poly_Triangulation > &T, const TopLoc_Location &L)
 Returns the polygon associated to the edge in the parametric space of the face. Returns a NULL handle if this polygon does not exist. More...
static void PolygonOnTriangulation (const TopoDS_Edge &E, Handle< Poly_PolygonOnTriangulation > &P, Handle< Poly_Triangulation > &T, TopLoc_Location &L)
 Returns in. More...
static void PolygonOnTriangulation (const TopoDS_Edge &E, Handle< Poly_PolygonOnTriangulation > &P, Handle< Poly_Triangulation > &T, TopLoc_Location &L, const Standard_Integer Index)
 Returns in. More...
static Standard_Boolean IsClosed (const TopoDS_Edge &E, const TopoDS_Face &F)
 Returns True if <E> has two PCurves in the parametric space of <F>. i.e. <F> is on a closed surface and <E> is on the closing curve. More...
static Standard_Boolean IsClosed (const TopoDS_Edge &E, const Handle< Geom_Surface > &S, const TopLoc_Location &L)
 Returns True if <E> has two PCurves in the parametric space of <S>. i.e. <S> is a closed surface and <E> is on the closing curve. More...
static Standard_Boolean IsClosed (const TopoDS_Edge &E, const Handle< Poly_Triangulation > &T, const TopLoc_Location &L)
 Returns True if <E> has two arrays of indices in the triangulation <T>. More...
static Standard_Real Tolerance (const TopoDS_Edge &E)
 Returns the tolerance for <E>. More...
static Standard_Boolean SameParameter (const TopoDS_Edge &E)
 Returns the SameParameter flag for the edge. More...
static Standard_Boolean SameRange (const TopoDS_Edge &E)
 Returns the SameRange flag for the edge. More...
static Standard_Boolean Degenerated (const TopoDS_Edge &E)
 Returns True if the edge is degenerated. More...
static void Range (const TopoDS_Edge &E, Standard_Real &First, Standard_Real &Last)
 Gets the range of the 3d curve. More...
static void Range (const TopoDS_Edge &E, const Handle< Geom_Surface > &S, const TopLoc_Location &L, Standard_Real &First, Standard_Real &Last)
 Gets the range of the edge on the pcurve on the surface. More...
static void Range (const TopoDS_Edge &E, const TopoDS_Face &F, Standard_Real &First, Standard_Real &Last)
 Gets the range of the edge on the pcurve on the face. More...
static void UVPoints (const TopoDS_Edge &E, const Handle< Geom_Surface > &S, const TopLoc_Location &L, gp_Pnt2d &PFirst, gp_Pnt2d &PLast)
 Gets the UV locations of the extremities of the edge. More...
static void UVPoints (const TopoDS_Edge &E, const TopoDS_Face &F, gp_Pnt2d &PFirst, gp_Pnt2d &PLast)
 Gets the UV locations of the extremities of the edge. More...
static void SetUVPoints (const TopoDS_Edge &E, const Handle< Geom_Surface > &S, const TopLoc_Location &L, const gp_Pnt2d &PFirst, const gp_Pnt2d &PLast)
 Sets the UV locations of the extremities of the edge. More...
static void SetUVPoints (const TopoDS_Edge &E, const TopoDS_Face &F, const gp_Pnt2d &PFirst, const gp_Pnt2d &PLast)
 Sets the UV locations of the extremities of the edge. More...
static Standard_Boolean HasContinuity (const TopoDS_Edge &E, const TopoDS_Face &F1, const TopoDS_Face &F2)
 Returns True if the edge is on the surfaces of the two faces. More...
static GeomAbs_Shape Continuity (const TopoDS_Edge &E, const TopoDS_Face &F1, const TopoDS_Face &F2)
 Returns the continuity. More...
static Standard_Boolean HasContinuity (const TopoDS_Edge &E, const Handle< Geom_Surface > &S1, const Handle< Geom_Surface > &S2, const TopLoc_Location &L1, const TopLoc_Location &L2)
 Returns True if the edge is on the surfaces. More...
static GeomAbs_Shape Continuity (const TopoDS_Edge &E, const Handle< Geom_Surface > &S1, const Handle< Geom_Surface > &S2, const TopLoc_Location &L1, const TopLoc_Location &L2)
 Returns the continuity. More...
static Standard_Boolean HasContinuity (const TopoDS_Edge &E)
 Returns True if the edge has regularity on some two surfaces. More...
static gp_Pnt Pnt (const TopoDS_Vertex &V)
 Returns the 3d point. More...
static Standard_Real Tolerance (const TopoDS_Vertex &V)
 Returns the tolerance. More...
static Standard_Real Parameter (const TopoDS_Vertex &V, const TopoDS_Edge &E)
 Returns the parameter of <V> on <E>. More...
static Standard_Real Parameter (const TopoDS_Vertex &V, const TopoDS_Edge &E, const TopoDS_Face &F)
 Returns the parameters of the vertex on the pcurve of the edge on the face. More...
static Standard_Real Parameter (const TopoDS_Vertex &V, const TopoDS_Edge &E, const Handle< Geom_Surface > &S, const TopLoc_Location &L)
 Returns the parameters of the vertex on the pcurve of the edge on the surface. More...
static gp_Pnt2d Parameters (const TopoDS_Vertex &V, const TopoDS_Face &F)
 Returns the parameters of the vertex on the face. More...
static Standard_Real MaxTolerance (const TopoDS_Shape &theShape, const TopAbs_ShapeEnum theSubShape)
 Returns the maximum tolerance of input shape subshapes. More...

Detailed Description

Provides class methods to access to the geometry of BRep shapes.

Member Function Documentation

static GeomAbs_Shape BRep_Tool::Continuity ( const TopoDS_Edge E,
const TopoDS_Face F1,
const TopoDS_Face F2 

Returns the continuity.

static GeomAbs_Shape BRep_Tool::Continuity ( const TopoDS_Edge E,
const Handle< Geom_Surface > &  S1,
const Handle< Geom_Surface > &  S2,
const TopLoc_Location L1,
const TopLoc_Location L2 

Returns the continuity.

static const Handle< Geom_Curve >& BRep_Tool::Curve ( const TopoDS_Edge E,
TopLoc_Location L,
Standard_Real First,
Standard_Real Last 

Returns the 3D curve of the edge. May be a Null handle. Returns in <L> the location for the curve. In <First> and <Last> the parameter range.

static Handle< Geom_Curve > BRep_Tool::Curve ( const TopoDS_Edge E,
Standard_Real First,
Standard_Real Last 

Returns the 3D curve of the edge. May be a Null handle. In <First> and <Last> the parameter range. It can be a copy if there is a Location.

static Handle< Geom2d_Curve > BRep_Tool::CurveOnSurface ( const TopoDS_Edge E,
const TopoDS_Face F,
Standard_Real First,
Standard_Real Last 

Returns the curve associated to the edge in the parametric space of the face. Returns a NULL handle if this curve does not exist. Returns in <First> and <Last> the parameter range.

static Handle< Geom2d_Curve > BRep_Tool::CurveOnSurface ( const TopoDS_Edge E,
const Handle< Geom_Surface > &  S,
const TopLoc_Location L,
Standard_Real First,
Standard_Real Last 

Returns the curve associated to the edge in the parametric space of the surface. Returns a NULL handle if this curve does not exist. Returns in <First> and <Last> the parameter range.

static void BRep_Tool::CurveOnSurface ( const TopoDS_Edge E,
Handle< Geom2d_Curve > &  C,
Handle< Geom_Surface > &  S,
TopLoc_Location L,
Standard_Real First,
Standard_Real Last 

Returns in , <S>, <L> a 2d curve, a surface and a location for the edge <E>. and <S> are null if the edge has no curve on surface. Returns in <First> and <Last> the parameter range.

static void BRep_Tool::CurveOnSurface ( const TopoDS_Edge E,
Handle< Geom2d_Curve > &  C,
Handle< Geom_Surface > &  S,
TopLoc_Location L,
Standard_Real First,
Standard_Real Last,
const Standard_Integer  Index 

Returns in , <S>, <L> the 2d curve, the surface and the location for the edge <E> of rank <Index>. and <S> are null if the index is out of range. Returns in <First> and <Last> the parameter range.

static Standard_Boolean BRep_Tool::Degenerated ( const TopoDS_Edge E)

Returns True if the edge is degenerated.

static Standard_Boolean BRep_Tool::HasContinuity ( const TopoDS_Edge E,
const TopoDS_Face F1,
const TopoDS_Face F2 

Returns True if the edge is on the surfaces of the two faces.

static Standard_Boolean BRep_Tool::HasContinuity ( const TopoDS_Edge E,
const Handle< Geom_Surface > &  S1,
const Handle< Geom_Surface > &  S2,
const TopLoc_Location L1,
const TopLoc_Location L2 

Returns True if the edge is on the surfaces.

static Standard_Boolean BRep_Tool::HasContinuity ( const TopoDS_Edge E)

Returns True if the edge has regularity on some two surfaces.

static Standard_Boolean BRep_Tool::IsClosed ( const TopoDS_Shape S)

If S is Shell, returns True if it has no free boundaries (edges). If S is Wire, returns True if it has no free ends (vertices). (Internal and External sub-shepes are ignored in these checks) If S is Edge, returns True if its vertices are the same. For other shape types returns S.Closed().

static Standard_Boolean BRep_Tool::IsClosed ( const TopoDS_Edge E,
const TopoDS_Face F 

Returns True if <E> has two PCurves in the parametric space of <F>. i.e. <F> is on a closed surface and <E> is on the closing curve.

static Standard_Boolean BRep_Tool::IsClosed ( const TopoDS_Edge E,
const Handle< Geom_Surface > &  S,
const TopLoc_Location L 

Returns True if <E> has two PCurves in the parametric space of <S>. i.e. <S> is a closed surface and <E> is on the closing curve.

static Standard_Boolean BRep_Tool::IsClosed ( const TopoDS_Edge E,
const Handle< Poly_Triangulation > &  T,
const TopLoc_Location L 

Returns True if <E> has two arrays of indices in the triangulation <T>.

static Standard_Boolean BRep_Tool::IsGeometric ( const TopoDS_Edge E)

Returns True if <E> is a 3d curve or a curve on surface.

static Standard_Real BRep_Tool::MaxTolerance ( const TopoDS_Shape theShape,
const TopAbs_ShapeEnum  theSubShape 

Returns the maximum tolerance of input shape subshapes.

static Standard_Boolean BRep_Tool::NaturalRestriction ( const TopoDS_Face F)

Returns the NaturalRestriction flag of the face.

static Standard_Real BRep_Tool::Parameter ( const TopoDS_Vertex V,
const TopoDS_Edge E 

Returns the parameter of <V> on <E>.

static Standard_Real BRep_Tool::Parameter ( const TopoDS_Vertex V,
const TopoDS_Edge E,
const TopoDS_Face F 

Returns the parameters of the vertex on the pcurve of the edge on the face.

static Standard_Real BRep_Tool::Parameter ( const TopoDS_Vertex V,
const TopoDS_Edge E,
const Handle< Geom_Surface > &  S,
const TopLoc_Location L 

Returns the parameters of the vertex on the pcurve of the edge on the surface.

static gp_Pnt2d BRep_Tool::Parameters ( const TopoDS_Vertex V,
const TopoDS_Face F 

Returns the parameters of the vertex on the face.

static gp_Pnt BRep_Tool::Pnt ( const TopoDS_Vertex V)

Returns the 3d point.

static const Handle< Poly_Polygon3D >& BRep_Tool::Polygon3D ( const TopoDS_Edge E,
TopLoc_Location L 

Returns the 3D polygon of the edge. May be a Null handle. Returns in <L> the location for the polygon.

static Handle< Poly_Polygon2D > BRep_Tool::PolygonOnSurface ( const TopoDS_Edge E,
const TopoDS_Face F 

Returns the polygon associated to the edge in the parametric space of the face. Returns a NULL handle if this polygon does not exist.

static Handle< Poly_Polygon2D > BRep_Tool::PolygonOnSurface ( const TopoDS_Edge E,
const Handle< Geom_Surface > &  S,
const TopLoc_Location L 

Returns the polygon associated to the edge in the parametric space of the surface. Returns a NULL handle if this polygon does not exist.

static void BRep_Tool::PolygonOnSurface ( const TopoDS_Edge E,
Handle< Poly_Polygon2D > &  C,
Handle< Geom_Surface > &  S,
TopLoc_Location L 

Returns in , <S>, <L> a 2d curve, a surface and a location for the edge <E>. and <S> are null if the edge has no polygon on surface.

static void BRep_Tool::PolygonOnSurface ( const TopoDS_Edge E,
Handle< Poly_Polygon2D > &  C,
Handle< Geom_Surface > &  S,
TopLoc_Location L,
const Standard_Integer  Index 

Returns in , <S>, <L> the 2d curve, the surface and the location for the edge <E> of rank <Index>. and <S> are null if the index is out of range.

static const Handle< Poly_PolygonOnTriangulation >& BRep_Tool::PolygonOnTriangulation ( const TopoDS_Edge E,
const Handle< Poly_Triangulation > &  T,
const TopLoc_Location L 

Returns the polygon associated to the edge in the parametric space of the face. Returns a NULL handle if this polygon does not exist.

static void BRep_Tool::PolygonOnTriangulation ( const TopoDS_Edge E,
Handle< Poly_PolygonOnTriangulation > &  P,
Handle< Poly_Triangulation > &  T,
TopLoc_Location L 

Returns in.

, <T>, <L> a polygon on triangulation, a triangulation and a location for the edge <E>.

and <T> are null if the edge has no polygon on triangulation.

static void BRep_Tool::PolygonOnTriangulation ( const TopoDS_Edge E,
Handle< Poly_PolygonOnTriangulation > &  P,
Handle< Poly_Triangulation > &  T,
TopLoc_Location L,
const Standard_Integer  Index 

Returns in.

, <T>, <L> a polygon on triangulation, a triangulation and a location for the edge <E> for the range index. and <S> are null if the edge has no polygon on triangulation.

static void BRep_Tool::Range ( const TopoDS_Edge E,
Standard_Real First,
Standard_Real Last 

Gets the range of the 3d curve.

static void BRep_Tool::Range ( const TopoDS_Edge E,
const Handle< Geom_Surface > &  S,
const TopLoc_Location L,
Standard_Real First,
Standard_Real Last 

Gets the range of the edge on the pcurve on the surface.

static void BRep_Tool::Range ( const TopoDS_Edge E,
const TopoDS_Face F,
Standard_Real First,
Standard_Real Last 

Gets the range of the edge on the pcurve on the face.

static Standard_Boolean BRep_Tool::SameParameter ( const TopoDS_Edge E)

Returns the SameParameter flag for the edge.

static Standard_Boolean BRep_Tool::SameRange ( const TopoDS_Edge E)

Returns the SameRange flag for the edge.

static void BRep_Tool::SetUVPoints ( const TopoDS_Edge E,
const Handle< Geom_Surface > &  S,
const TopLoc_Location L,
const gp_Pnt2d PFirst,
const gp_Pnt2d PLast 

Sets the UV locations of the extremities of the edge.

static void BRep_Tool::SetUVPoints ( const TopoDS_Edge E,
const TopoDS_Face F,
const gp_Pnt2d PFirst,
const gp_Pnt2d PLast 

Sets the UV locations of the extremities of the edge.

static const Handle< Geom_Surface >& BRep_Tool::Surface ( const TopoDS_Face F,
TopLoc_Location L 

Returns the geometric surface of the face. Returns in <L> the location for the surface.

static Handle< Geom_Surface > BRep_Tool::Surface ( const TopoDS_Face F)

Returns the geometric surface of the face. It can be a copy if there is a Location.

static Standard_Real BRep_Tool::Tolerance ( const TopoDS_Face F)

Returns the tolerance of the face.

static Standard_Real BRep_Tool::Tolerance ( const TopoDS_Edge E)

Returns the tolerance for <E>.

static Standard_Real BRep_Tool::Tolerance ( const TopoDS_Vertex V)

Returns the tolerance.

static const Handle< Poly_Triangulation >& BRep_Tool::Triangulation ( const TopoDS_Face F,
TopLoc_Location L 

Returns the Triangulation of the face. It is a null handle if there is no triangulation.

static void BRep_Tool::UVPoints ( const TopoDS_Edge E,
const Handle< Geom_Surface > &  S,
const TopLoc_Location L,
gp_Pnt2d PFirst,
gp_Pnt2d PLast 

Gets the UV locations of the extremities of the edge.

static void BRep_Tool::UVPoints ( const TopoDS_Edge E,
const TopoDS_Face F,
gp_Pnt2d PFirst,
gp_Pnt2d PLast 

Gets the UV locations of the extremities of the edge.

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